What ever the motivation for 9/11 and i am not discounting these
conclusions... we sure have not heard much about any of this long list of
issues and concerns since 9/11.
So again it brings up the issue of just how much our news is selected for us
and of course continually filtered.
As and example... the news stories concerning Israel recent statements that
they intend to bomb Iran at some point. It's out their and all over the
European and middle east press. But definitely not featured on our press
And it is clearly stated that this could ..not happen with out the nod from
the Bush administration.
As we would immediately be at war with Iran aswell but this is not consider
significant or appropriate news for the U.S. public to read in the papers or
even as a 'major news' story on Google.
You can search the story but it's not offered in the news section which i
found interesting. Nor did i see on the front page of the SF Chronicle, SJ
Mercury News or the NY Times.
Though BBC news and Reuters both carried it on line.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Law
To: larry lewis ; dave
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 7:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: What was surfacing before 9-11 happen?
I just found this in my email files - lends more support to the
"letting it happen" or other various 911 conspiracy theories.
--- On Thu, 10/31/02, Peaceful Warrior
From: Peaceful Warrior
Subject: Fwd: What was surfacing before 9-11 happen?
To: list
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2002, 9:30 AM
>From: "Thomas Husted"
>Subject: What was surfacing before 9-11 happen?
>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:49:43 +0000
> This is an interesting article about some of the things that
>were coming to the surface before 9-11. Especially interesting is
>the last part of the article about "The Disclosure Project". Oh
>another wake up call for America. Namaste,
> Thomas
>By Steve Meyers
>With all that's going on these days it important for us to pause,
>stop and think about "What was happening just prior to 9-11?" Many
>'critical issues' were coming to the attention of the American
>people in a very big way.
>Since 9-11, most all of those issues have been swept from conscious
>memory; there has been myopic focus on "Terrorism" and the 'War on
>Iraq' - to the exclusion of other important issues.
>After review of the following, it's possible to conceive that 9-11
>was allowed to happen (left the door open) to divert out attention.
>The list is by no means complete - but it's a good start; perhaps
>some of your readers can add their own insights.
>What follows is a summary "re-cap" of the major issues which were
>coming to light just prior to 9-11. Hopefully, it will help us
>regain our memory of who we were, and what we used to know before
>In view of the following, it appears very probable that 9-11 was
>allowed to happen to divert our attention; it seems the U.S.
>Government became frightened that the American People would finally
>discover "the Truth".
>It will help to read the following "as a whole" as opposed to focus
>on 'single issues' disconnected from one another.
>There was a mounting backlash against the "Drug War"; the American
>People began to realize that "The War On Drugs" was doing far more
>damage than anything the 'drug users' were capable of doing. The
>"war on drugs" had turned into a very profitable 'business'. The
>U.S. has now incarcerated more people in prison than any other
>country, regime, dictatorship or tyrant in the world. That 'trend'
>was coming to light.
>Likewise, the complicity and involvement of the CIA and George Bush
>Sr. in drug dealing was coming to light. And the laundering of
>billions of dollars of drug money through Citibank, JP Morgan, Bank
>of America, etc. was coming to light.
>9-11 … Poof! All was forgotten; how convenient.
>2 - FBI COMPLICITY IN THE WACO COVER-UP was 'coming to a head.'
>"As the FBI's deputy general counsel, Thomas A. Kelley (the FBI
>official in charge of ferreting out information about the FBI for a
>joint congressional intelligence panel) - obstructed a Justice
>Department probe of the bureau two years ago. Kelly was the FBI's
>point of contact for special counsel John C. Danforth's inquiry
>the 1993 Waco debacle in which 75 Branch Davidians died in a fire
>after a 51-day standoff. According to a December 2000 internal FBI
>memo, Kelley (the head of the FBI) "continued to thwart and
>obstruct" the Waco investigation to the point that Danforth was
>forced to send a team to search FBI headquarters for documents
>Kelley refused to turn over."
>Increased Public awareness of the reality of chemtrails; chemical
>analysis reports coming in; nationwide 'epidemic' of mycoplasma
>upper respitory infections; there were calls for a Congressional
>investigation (Rep. Dennis Kucinich).
>This information was coming to light before 9-11.
>Research program to create as bio-weapon 'gentically targeted'
>specifically to kill blacks (DNA induced genocide)
>Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
>Boyd Graves, J.D.
>This information was coming to light before 9-11.
>Understanding the effects on the environment in Iraq, Kosovo,
>This information was coming to light.
>(see also: Gulf War Disease / Gulf War Veterans)
>(was scheduled for release on Sept. 19, 2001)
>The report is the product of six years of investigation by the
>Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee led by Oklahoma State
>Representative Charles Key. The 550-page work exposes in minute
>detail, based on hard evidence, that the federal government began
>obstructing the bomb investigation almost immediately after the
>Ryder truck explosion.
>The report was submitted to the U.S. Congress and is a matter of
>Congressional Record. Conclusions (excerpts):
>1) The Murrah Federal Building was not destroyed by one sole truck
>bomb. The major factor in its destruction appears to have been
>detonation of explosives carefully placed at four critical
>on supporting columns within the building.
>2) ['Demolition Cover-up' - similar to WACO] "It is truly
>unfortunate that a separate and independent bomb damage assessment
>was not made during the cleanup - before the building was
>'demolished' on May 23 and hundreds of truck loads of debris were
>hauled away, smashed down, and covered with dirt behind a security
>3) When the picture at Tab 4 was made, all evidence of demolition
>charges had been removed from the building site...
>4) All ambiguity with respect to the use of supplementing
>charges, and the type of truck used could be quickly resolved IF
>FBI were required to release the surveillance camera coverage of
>this terribly tragic event. [same for Pentagon surveillance as
>regards 9-11 'jetliner crash']
>5) "I read the report carefully and examined the exhibits appended
>to the text. Your observations and photographic analysis are
>meticulous in the extreme, and you are to be commended for your
>insights regarding the effects of blast vs. distance from the
>detonation. ... "In conclusion, General, I find myself in awe of
>technical achievement that your report represents. I can find no
>scientific flaws in either your observations or your conclusions. I
>am therefore in full agreement with the conclusion of strategically
>placed small explosive charges being responsible for the
>of the (Murrah) building." (Rodger A. Raubach Ph.D)
>Kenneth Gow (Whittier, California) with over one-half century of
>engineering experience in the aerospace industry, writes in his
>evaluation of the EBES: "The Eglin Test Structure report ...
>reinforces the conclusion that a substantial portion of the Murrah
>Building damage was by internal explosions."
>OK CITY BOMBING: Some Questions that Deserve an Answer:
>Q: If the bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah Federal building in
>Oklahoma City was a 'terrorist' reprisal for the Federal massacre
>the Branch Davidians at Waco - why were no BATF or FBI agents
>injured? Why was EVERY BADGE-CARRYING FEDERAL AGENT absent from
>at nine o'clock on a weekday morning, their offices staffed only
>with civilian clerical workers?
>Q: Did the Alfred Murrah building warehouse (contain the) documents
>related to the government attack on the Branch Davidians at WACO?
>so, what happened to those documents? Were they destroyed? If so,
>were any copies kept elsewhere? If not, why not?
>Q: Will the missing papers affect former Attorney General Ramsey
>Clarke's lawsuit against the ATF and FBI on behalf of the Branch
>Davidian survivors?
>Q: Why was the physical evidence at the WACO compound, the Murrah
>Building and 9-11 Trade Towers 'immediately removed and buried'?
>This is contrary to ALL bombing, fire, arson, air crash, and crime
>scene investigations. Who ordered and authorized the "destruction
>and burial of evidence" rather than preserving the evidence to
>complete a credible forensic investigation? Why the 'big rush' to
>get rid of the physical evidence?
>This above information was coming to light before being
>'overshadowed' by 9-11.
>GATA (lawsuit against Federal Reserve; SEC - manipulating the gold
>markets. (note: the lawyers offices and key evidence in support of
>the GATA case - were in the World Trade Towers.)
>This information was coming to light before 9-11.
>7 - CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
>Research showing that State and local governments have huge
>(surpluses) of the taxpayers money they are not using.
>This information was coming to light before 9-11
>8 - OMB Report: $59 Billion missing from HUD:
>"Subcommittee chairman Stephen Horn, R-Calif., is said to be
>that HUD's most recent financial report shows the agency is unable
>to balance its checkbook and cannot account for $59 billion. For
>most Americans, it is incomprehensible that $59 billion could be
>missing from the ledger of a single agency."
>(dwarfs Enron/Worldcom corruption)
>"CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports, while its own
>auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what
>spends." "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion
>in transactions,' Rumsfeld admitted."
>This information was coming to light before 9-11.
>"The 300 Questions"
>"The terms of the original hearing back in September 2001 required
>We The People Foundation to provide the Department of Justice and
>IRS attorneys with a complete list of all the "first tier"
>that were to be asked of the government attorneys at the hearing."
>These questions were hand delivered to all members of the House and
>Senate; DOJ; IRS, etc."
>NOT ONE OF THEM RESPONDED to 'the 300 Questions'.
>A leader of the "tax honesty movement," whose hunger strike last
>year convinced federal officials to agree to answer in public tough
>questions about the income tax's legality. After reviewing the
>questions the government reneged on the offer ....and now remains
>silent. Their silence speaks volumes.
>This information was coming to light before 9-11.
>Hundreds of reports coming in supporting the fact that all Humanity
>is now facing a catastrophic global environmental crisis. It is
>developing exponentially. It involves POPs, endocrine disruptors,
>dioxins, gender benders, destruction of the ozone layer; UVB
>radiation, thousands of "toxic time bombs" (waste disposal sites);
>nuclear reactors and radioactive waste; tilting the global heat
>balance and triggering "super storms"; collapse of the oceans; the
>present rate of species extinction is exceeding anything known in
>the geologic record; 'background pollution'; particle pollution; a
>global water crisis.
>On this subject - one could not say enough to do it 'justice' as
>as what this means in terms of human suffering ... to our Children
>and future generations.
>"George W. Bush, who was not legitimately elected, has set new
>standards for ecological irresponsibility, greed, and shame:
>In his first 100 days:
>- He repealed Clinton's reduction of arsenic levels in drinking
>- He broke his campaign promise to cut CO2 emissions.
>- He abandoned the Kyoto treaty on greenhouse gases.
>- He weakened energy efficiency standards for heating and cooling
>- He reduced funding for renewable energy programs.
>- He has pushed aggressively for unregulated global trade, allowing
>polluters to move their factories to countries with weak
>environmental laws.
>Perhaps the most important of all the above reports, "Trade
>(corporate environmental corruption far worse than Enron) was
>to light prior to 9-11.
>---------------- The 'Big One' ----------------------------
>The Disclosure Project eclipses all the above issues in light of
>combined intelligence of the 450 high level military witnesses
>to come forward to testify under oath as to their personal,
>first-hand knowledge of the reality of the extraterrestrial
>situation. In 'reality', the Disclosure Project holds great promise
>for AVOIDING and SOLVING most of the problems now facing all
>"We are way, way past time for bringing this information to the
>public, acknowledging it and entering into the sort of discussions
>at the highest levels of congress and the government - to make this
>information available to the public. It's far, far past time for
>this. If we don't do it here, I don't know when we'll ever going to
>be able to do it.
>"I think our representative democracy is in danger ... I think
>events are moving so fast, so very rapidly, that no one is really
>top of it, and if we don't get the people mobilized here to demand
>that we get to the bottom of these issues we're talking about today
>... we're not going to have an opportunity forever. This is a key
>issue that we are talking about." Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14
>Astronaut Jan 5, 1998.
>The significance of The Disclosure Project is: "There are some
>groups out there "who might know something about improving our
>chances of success" as a planetary civilization. What to us would
>seem 'an impossible task' (cleaning-up the environment; solving
>world hunger and poverty; providing clean energy) to 'them' might
>'a trivial engineering task'. If only we cared enough to listen.
>The present 'distracting news trivia', war mongering and
>people with the threat of war (here and abroad) is meant to
>everyone from recognizing the combined significance of the above
>reports. And so far, it seems to be working.
>"Whenever legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the
>of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power,
>they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are
>thereupon absolved from any further obedience." -- John Locke, 1690
>"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established
>should not be changed for light and transient causes; and
>accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more
>disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right
>themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
>"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
>invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under
>absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
>off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future