A collective and weak response to a serious issue.
These guys are not stating how bad it really is nor are they
willing to step out of the flock and acknowledge it is going to get much worse.
Nationally the government debt is 14 trillion and which is beyond comprehension.
And then the national economy is in free fall, but we are told falling isn't painful,
it's the crash landing we want to avoid. Hey, i didn't say it made sense.
Agriculture work programs and maintaining infrastructure such as roads and buildings mentioned as job sources will become secondary.
Renewable agriculture will be where we are going as the petroleum based economy and a personal high energy society becomes unsustainable. And apparently not because of Oregon planning or state leadership or any guidance from the economist quoted in this article.
Peak oil ( it's happened) will eventually create more than jobs, it will again create a labor intensive economy.
This is easily explained but for those trying to just put 'it' back together it doesn't seem to be comprehended even as a possibility.
I'm sure not implying we will like where we are going but it seems to be a given if we are talking positive issues.
Home construction is dead! Lets accept it!
No jobs, no cheap energy or reliable loans. So who's going to build for those who can't buy?
It was the last of the bubbles.
We cant tie the load on a dead horse and expect to go anywhere.
So maybe people need to hear it again! Where we are headed and soon is a new frontier without plentiful energy at affordable rates.
If the US military acknowledges this you would have thought the suits might have heard tell the buckets got a hole in it.
Maybe 'Think Britain in 1940' and which was... no imports of fuel or food,
It was grow it or starve.
That just might be a starting place at a dinner plate near you.
Some people may say: That was a war! Well, for people loosing everything and also not being offered reality
i believe they are seeing whats coming as a war on the people.
People are not stupid! Stupid makes us more eligible for die off, so it's a last choice for most folks.
But all of us expect the leaders to either show basic comprehension of reality
when they act or tell us what we maybe confronted with. And that doesn't seem to be happening.
The response that the public is left with when leadership is lacking is rage and chaos.
London couldn't happen in a civilised place like Portland, oh yeah!
I believe that is what the Londoner's where
saying as they watched the middle east followed by Greece and Italy go in to a fiery disorder!
Sixty percent of US crude oil comes from 'over there!'
When that stops because of the whale shit dollar and no foreign lenders for oil credit.
That's when the wheels quit turning as the lights go out.
And again as to oil. Their are a few other reasons it will soon be history. The expense of drilling at impossible sites and also the large fields
are becoming significantly less productive. All of the big fields are now old and pumping water as well as oil.
We will eventually grow our own food and locally. And for the energy needed in the crop fields it will be people physically working.
This country has never experienced mass hunger or famine. But a few days without oil based energy and nothing turns, and no food gets to the table.
Doomer? No, just reality! Kicking the can down the road requires players who agree it is a game such as the 'economist' quoted here.
People may riot when they are angry because of lack of honesty from the leaders. Yes, frustration is pent up anger and collectively it becomes mob anger. And not just because the pots empty.
When people are told it's going to get better and it doesn't happens or.... it gets worse. Then they find themselves still out on the plank. That's not good for the suits, as someone was probably lying. and then the fires start and the heat spreads.
People may not have the answers needed and they may recognise the guy in the suit is clueless. But he better not be lying unless he wants to check the view from a rope over a tree limb.
A State Central bank is a given, if we are going to control credit locally.
B of A is organised crime!
And as well, tax the.... rich corporations... to make things happen.
When the troops are finally returned from the corporate sponsored wars...and that's if they actually bother to bring them back
from the 800 o/s bases, the reshuffling will begin.
Those Dudes will prompt a reality termed: Local armed chaos.
"Wheres my job, house, and life?" And this is not 1973, when 'good vets' got a job or went back to school to ACTUALLY obtain work.
So any work programs will seem like the easy out for government as these Vets have been trained to take... as well as kill.
From my perspective the actual Doomers are those people who want to repeat what is or has failed.
And who also don't want to consider workable alternatives that meet the..... necessities..... of the people.