Thursday, October 18, 2007

CA Climate

Regarding California climate.
For the few who might be interested... and i don't mean to sound cynical but talking with people the response is generally 'we have had lots of droughts in the past but then it eventually rains.' And one response that stands out included the remark: "The scientist are not in agreement about what is happening."
Sorry, they are in agreement on climate change if we read... any... of the science journals.
Also, that was one of Gore's major points. This is now a world wide crisis that's been confirmed by earth scientist from all over the world.

The glaciers and both polls are melting and now we are experiencing the same world water scarcity issues in California.
What makes this of immediate seriousness in California is this is the water for most of the 30 million people in this state.

And then the state is also seen as a bread basket for the nation.
The state government is very aware of this but their attitude is don't frighten the sheep. As the state has no answer either.
So we all wait ...while looking up.

Charlie is located @ 4000 ft in the Sierra's and south of Yosemite. Their is no snow pack of any significance from last season.
And the Sierra's is where the water comes from for most of the state other than the aquifer which is also slowly replenished by water from the mountains.
Rain also contributes to the aquifer water level.

The S.E. of the nation is now in serious drought. The S.W. is also in drought. The southern part of California is actually a semi desert which takes it's water from the north. And the northern part of the state gets that water from the Sierra's. And pumps it through a ditch and then pipes it to the lawns and golf courses in never, never land where 23 million people also happen to live.
Though the San Joaquin valley gets moocho replenishment for the valley cotton crop acreage. But that's another scandal we don't talk about.

What will be the response? Nine and half billion $$$ in a state bond measure for new reservoirs and desalinization facilities is being proposed. And the state is on it's own as their will be no federal funds as help.
It seems we can't fight oil wars and take care of business at home as well.
And all Empires have put conquest and expansion above domestic issues.

Will that water bond measure resolve the problem? I will say: No!
What will be the effective response? Migration is what people have done in the past.
You can see that as dark humor or delusion but bottle water will not make a solution.
Technology and concentrated energy (coal and oil) has given us the illusion that something basically has changed in our relationship with the earth. That we are in charge and we can do what we want where ever we want.
But it seems the earth has it's own concerns and we are not included as a priority in it's response to it's global surface stress.
In fact the earth may not be aware we are the leading primate. And that we are considered the Alfa of the mammals. And also that we don't believe we have to be in rhythm with the earth. And looking at it all that way and which we do... the earth is our cupcake.
But then from the cupcakes perspective we are just fruit flies. And swat is the current response.

Though maybe with all of these cell phones we can dial up big mama and complain about this inconvenience. Infact maybe that's what all those folks talking while driving are already doing.

I'm sorry, they offend as well as scare me. Especially since my dog and I drive a Autorickshaw around town. And one good mind-less nudge and we will both be buried together.

And of course i also hope these stated water concerns are all proved wrong.
And we all have a white Christmas. But then if we don't some warning seems prudent.

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