The last quoted prediction by P. Malgram adds the indication that Germany is saying one thing while preparing for
another and even worse.
And that's if it's true they are now printing the former Deutsch mark in anticipation of a larger collapse of the EU than generally is
being considered.
That would defiantly be leaving 'all of Europe' standing and racing for the few chairs available while the music plays on. And which
it seems maybe be a funeral dirge for the EURO as well as the EU.
Will this impinge on the 'God's Chosen Empire' where the nice people dwell?
We'll, if you can consider any of this having credibility
it would be prudent to ponder that the land of.... not think! is going to get it between the eyes.
And not to go into the details but maybe describing it as a second flush of the toilet may give you some indication of
where we will be when Europe goes down the tube, The discussion going on in Europe and the ER will not happen with the possible future shredding of the Empire.
We would go down ward... faster than Europe and for a number reason in my opinion. The first, this is financially one Nation.
Another is our feed the fire financiers have been China, Japan and middle east oil producers.
It is very doubtful they would want to hold the Empires hand while the sky falls. It seem if this happens and happens
meaning European financial collapse and that followed by serious damage to the US financial structure. The others still standing will back away
and wait for the settling of the debris before going into do salvage work. That is not rescue response more like load the sacks and the carts with the booty.
Yes, it is getting ugly and this may change from what we are told when watching the 6 O'clock or listening to the happy gibberish on the business channels.
The advise from the prudent is go to cash and definitely don't consider buying anything while going down.... as a bargain to buy. As it will only be the begging of the contraction fall.
For most folks funds in the bank is as good as cash! Don't count on it when experiencing crisis as this will not be a orderly collapse. That is the nature of collapse. The fruit falls off the tree at varying rates so try and be prudent because we have no friends on Wall Street, The Treasury or
the Federal Reserve. This will not be a period of expanding credit meaning loans for the people.
The banks are not even lending to each other, so why would they lend to us the walking scum?
And of course they will flood us with cheap money at some point but it will have even less value.
Food, fuel and cash will be necessities. Even your credit card may lock up at some point going into this.
Then some people are saying something to the effect: We soon will be coming back! We are not Europe! They won't let it happen!
I haven't actually heard or read this one... but I'm sure it's being said.
We have friends and they will help us! Or more locally: the Republicans will straighten this out when they get in the White house!