Sunday, October 16, 2011

Food crisis

Some of us are attempting to follow this developing crisis and this article confirms the issue of food shortages is converging.
It wasn't so long ago we where informed of the miracle of the Green Agriculture Revolution, which translates into petroleum energy
converted into grain production and especially rice in Asia.
And then this 'miracle' was combined with GMO grains and beans and world hunger was supposedly going to vanish.
At least that's what i recall of the pitch made by the Rockefeller Institute when it was offered to the world as a significant technical advance in 
food production.
And yes, Rockefeller does imply petroleum production and chemical manufacturing. And Chem plants frequently are adjacent to oil refineries.
What this article doesn't mention is petroleum is what makes it possible for billions of people to continue to eat.
A significant contraction in world oil production will open the door to famine, and we needn't even consider the other issues of concern which are being mentioned in the enclosed Lester Brown article. Brown is recently unusually accurate with regards to my opinion.

This current situation confronts a more basic human problem which i would say is: Reality verses chosen belief systems.
And the one aspect of that which i personally find very disturbing is: 'this "our world' will continue'.
Or it's just a cycle and we will soon bottom and return to 'human progress'. And  which is:  This will pass,  version when referring to hard times.
The alternative to that just to keep the imaging simple, maybe we are equivalent to yeast growing in a Petri dish, and when we reach the margins
having eaten everything in between... we die.

So just for speculation if it is a Petri dish situation, is it responsible to the next generation of yeast too encourage them to just keep munching.
Are we preparing and training those coming up to survive in a differently reality or our hopeful belief construct?

I recognise the rebuttal to what i am asking may go along the line of: Is it right to share our 'speculative' fears with children?
I'm not, nor am i preparing and alternative future for coming generations.
But i find it just too convent for people to make our situation today someway comparable to Jewish families in the forties in Europe, or even 
Native Americans in the eighteen and nineteen centuries who where well aware that their cultures, their futures where ending.
Tragic of course,  but small time and also selective, compared to what we are confronted with from the convergence of what's being described here.

In a sense this is a continuance from a different projection of what Lerrie Keith, describes in the Vegetarian Myth.
Which describes our recently adopted choice of eating grains and stepping out of natures chosen diet.
Mono crops kill! and that's what i was trying to avoid for over thirty years, while i ate only plants.
Also, i think i am seeing a concerted effort to discredit what Keith is proposing.
Keith's view not only pushes our personal purity buttons, but it is surely not what grain producers want us to.... even.... consider.
We are actually a corn and soy fed specie's if you haven't noticed, and neither is what our species ate until a few thousand years ago, when
it was decided feeding us in trough's so we could labor for the then current 1% would be efficient and ...rewarding.

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