Saturday, May 31, 2008
Babylon & Beyond : Los Angeles Times : IRAN: Former German official says war imminent
This is confirming that all that hugging and kissing we saw Bush doing when
he was in Israel was for a reason and purpose.
Op-Ed Columnist - Cult of Deception - Op-Ed -
Is two wars and countless dead and chopped to pieces along with the
economies of all nations involved going into collapse enough to finally
enrage the American public?
At this point I honestly doubt it as so far it has been hot issues like gay
marriage or who slept with who which where need to arouse their attention.
But the price of gas and with some connection being made to the fact WE get
allot of oil from the middle east just maybe the issue that will finally
excite the maddening herd as that gets to them where it counts.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Fw: news
From: "olcharlie"
To: "larry lewis"
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 7:13 PM
Subject: news
>I don't know what the market share is for BBCAmerica's news programs,
> but a weekly show called Newsnight really is grappling with important
> issues, challenging the paradigm and in the face of some pretty
> important guests. Nobody else is discussing this so far....
> olcharlie
> will nap for food
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Culture of Deception -
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Remote area medical « News Blog
This happens to be in the U.S.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Fw: The truth can be funny
BREAK TIME! this one from cece is better than most of these
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cecelia"
To: "Larry Lewis"
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:25 PM
Subject: The truth can be funny
> Hi Larry-
> Here's a giggle for yer day to balance all the bad news about!
> Hope you're well,
> Cece
Buffett: Economy in a recession, will be worse than feared -
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fw: [bajajscooter] Quadrohprenia Has Crossed The Big Pond
As most of you bikers will notice the attached articles detailed info may
not apply to your region or choice of scooter.
But it's no surprise scooter sales are jumping out the door.
My feeling is people will stick with gas vehicles in any form and as long as
they possibly can. Electric has draw backs and one not mentioned frequently
is their is a national electrical grid over load point that would ...soon...
become apparent if a few million vehicles are 'plug ins' and then tapped in
every day and maybe twice a day. Also it takes a power source or energy form
to generate electricity and these plants are usually not 'clean' and hardly
Someone might suggest more generating plants and pronto. But then that means
more coal for generating energy and funds to build the plants. We apparently
can't build 'capital investments' using a VISA card.
Also we might have a few new national National Electrical
Melt Down Day(s) if we seriously go electric for personal transportation.
So the coming scooters craze maybe just a gap filler until the Europeans and
maybe even those dreaded 'Indian's arrive with their multiple choice fleet
of midget gas cars. This new wave of 'Indian's maybe a greater threat than
those creepy crawly's we are building a fence to keep out so we can get jobs
in meat packing plants!
And then if they are offering good gas or NG mileage us common folk will not
be considering moving up to a chrome 'Hog' from a scoot for the work ride, I
would think it will be more like a Fiat 600.
Also, this has happened before in our recent past but this time it will
stick. As world oil demand and which means Asia has built in a bottom on
crude oil demand. Crude oil closed Friday over $126 and that's $3 a gallon
fob for the unprocessed oil. Maybe a third of that ends up as a motor
vehicle fuel.
So those road warriors now going directly to the motor bike are the true
futuristic patriots and entitled to wear a American flag pinned on their
beanie. And if all this sounds third world-ish ...welcome, too the future!
----- Original Message -----
From: casingpoint
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:49 AM
Subject: [bajajscooter] Quadrohprenia Has Crossed The Big Pond
Scootersalami vindicated:,11944,1529402,00.html
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Fw: only april
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larry lewis
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 6:07 AM
Subject: only april
Weekend promises sizzling weather
Temperatures about 15 to 20 degrees above normal await in Valley.
By James Guy / The Fresno Bee
05/15/08 23:29:46
Get ready for the year's first hot weekend.
The National Weather service is forecasting weather in the high 90s or 100s
through Monday -- about 15 to 20 degrees above normal. That's prompting
utilities to issue cautions about power usage and air quality officials to
warn of bad air quality.
Some cities are readying cooling centers as a refuge against the heat.
Fresno's high today and Saturday is forecast to be 100 degrees.
The temperatures will be slightly lower Sunday and Monday, but it's likely
to be Wednesday before the area sees temperatures in the 80s as cooling
relief from coastal breezes reaches inland.
Because it will be the first weekend when air conditioners get a serious
workout, Pacific Gas and Electric is reminding customers not to set
thermostats below 78 degrees when they are home and to turn them up to 85
degrees when they are away. It's probably time to replace the air
conditioning filter, too.
Air quality in Fresno County will be unhealthy today. In Tulare, Kings and
Madera counties, it is rated as unhealthy for sensitive groups, meaning many
people should limit strenuous outdoor activity. Only Merced County will have
moderate air quality.
The forecast prompted officials in Visalia to ready a cooling refuge at the
city's transit center at 425 E. Oak Ave. It will be open from 6 a.m. to 10
p.m. Friday through Sunday.
All bus routes will provide transportation to and from the transit center.
Fresno and Clovis officials are also watching the thermometer and plan to
open centers if temperatures rise to 105.
For those who need to be out of doors, the Red Cross advises drinking lots
of water and wearing light clothing.
Special precautions are also urged for the elderly, children and pets.
The reporter may be reached at or (559) 441-6339.
will nap for food
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Vitamin D deficiency linked to breast cancer, study finds - Los Angeles Times
relationship to vitamin "D" levels.
Milk has been fortified with D for generations and this was in response to
children having rickets as i recall.
I have never heard any... controversy regarding whether D is effective as a
supplement for Rickets prevention. The government settled on the RDA for D
of 400 mg in regards to rickets and no knowledge was available regarding a
relationship to cancer at that time..
A 1000 mg D capsule per day is considered safe for any adult and it is
inexpensive. And why not if it might possibly prevent one or more of the big
'C' three?,0,5708641.story
Also, if you plan on getting a good life time dose of 'D' by sun exposure
and your DNA is European based well you are increasing your odds for skin
cancer. We of the puny semi pink skinned have moved to hotter brighter
climes and we are living longer and hence have additional time to scorch our
soon wrinkled pink hides.
So wear a hat and take some D every day and your breast, prostrate and colon
will thank you.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Fw: Crash
From: "olcharlie"
To: "larry lewis"
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: Crash
> Aside from a remarkable cast, this may have been the best film of the
> decade, certainly the most painful inspection of race in america in that
> it looks at the personal, the racism in all of us.
> olcharlie
> will nap for food
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
East Bay water users may have to slash usage
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pentagon Releases Propaganda Documents -- Will the Media Pay Attention? | MediaCulture | AlterNet
This is the sequel to the recent 'outing' of the news media's retired
military analyst supposed impartial reporting and of course background
analysis of the middle east for-ever wars.
Apparently a recent lengthy article on the front page of the NY Times
reported it was all planned by the pentagon and from the begging. All these
Admirals and Generals where constantly handled (briefed) by the pentagon
under a 'special program' designed just for them by the Defense department.
They where assigned handlers and escorts to the briefings. Also some or
maybe most of these retired officers where also working for military
equipment contractors as well. And the devil has never met a arms contractor
and who wanted a war to end; so they had two masters to please. And they
didn't let factual analysis or reporting get in the way of their ego's or
their wallets.
And each and every media outlet had and still has a few of these news pimps
on their payroll even though they are basically saying what they are told
to say and as though they knew what they where talking about themselves.
And now we are finding out the media is not mentioning they have been caught
in collusion with the Administration to feed the public happy, happy news
and more of the 'we are winning' propaganda.
Will this all go away for the administration and the media and of course the
brass news whores? We'll if it's never mentioned on the tube most people
will never know and then these servants of the war machine can climb back
out of their holes and pretend this all never happened and continue to get
paid twice to tell us even more rehearsed lie's.
But actually it's more than just lies it's our people dieing for these
pompous asses ego's and their need to think they are still really important
like their handlers lead them to believe.
A field grade officers duties is to defend the nation and not sacrifice
their troops by with holding the truth...of course, that's if they can even
tell what the truth may be.
And in fairness their have been a few retired generals and admirals who have
continued to speak out against the neo cons and the pentagon even while they
where being collectively trashed by the paid hacks in the media. And we sure
never see these people on those sit down in- depth chats on Sunday morn tube
Obama in Bend, Or.
near Bend and which had Obama as the candidate speaker.
This was with very little notice (one day in the paper) and the same for
Even so about two thousand people showed up to hear him speak. The tickets
where free but had to be obtained for admission to the hall. So their was
two occasions for a long line and waiting. And it's cold in central Oregon.
Apparently his 'stump' speech was very intelligent and seemed to cover the
issues that where on peoples minds.
He is now clearly stating the relationship between the middle east 2-3
trillion dollar wars and the collapse of the economy here at home. He is
drawing the parallels to our diverted manufacturing base and the loss of
good paying jobs, health care and the crunch in education funding and
student loans.
After the statement speech which was very well received he opened the
program to questions from... anyone who raised a hand and his answers where
well received and their seemed to be none of the usual planted and
preplanned questions. He just talked to people as though they also might
have a functioning mind.
Their where no negative remarks directed toward Clinton and he acknowledge
she is a very strong competitor... bar none.
His remarks concerning McCain where centered around his statements and his
senate voting record. He stated McCain is fundamentally planning on
continuing Bush's strategy in the middle east and that he is proposing tax
cuts here at home to stimulate the economy.
They both came away very impressed by Obama's intelligence and seasoned
reasoning which he especially demonstrated in the questioning part of the
program where he especially demonstrated his grasp of complex and painful
Fw: Yahoo! News Story - Ex-officials: Bush admin. ignored Iraq corruption - Yahoo! News
> From: John Law
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Personal message:
> More U.S. gov't dishonesty and ineptitude in Iraq - isn't someone ever
> accountable in this administration?
> Ex-officials: Bush admin. ignored Iraq corruption - Yahoo! News
> ============================================================
> Yahoo! News
Sunday, May 11, 2008
321energy :: Blowing Bubbles :: Michael Fox
Fw: Beating the Drums of a Broader Middle East War
From: larrylewis
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 4:50 PM
Subject: Beating the Drums of a Broader Middle East War
This is the most penetrating analysis i have come across. And i doubt it
will ever be referenced by the media or really see the light of day.
So if you also find it confirming of your perspective regarding what's
behind the hype and who the real players are and their intentions pls send
it along to friends.
If we think about what their intention implies then we have to conclude the
Zionist are holding the Jewish people living in Israel hostage to their
plans of power and expansion. Zionism is not Judaism though the distinction
is never mentioned in our press and i believe rarely in the world media.
Jewish critics of Zionism are ...plentiful.... but also quickly stifled and
especially in the U.S. where the Zionist have a hammer lock on the media and
congress aswell as the Bush administration.
Anyway, sending this article and any others like it is about the only way we
can fight back against deadly force, power and enormous directed wealth.
If enough people know what the Zionist and the neo cons are planning it will
leave them with less options and that's including a false flag attack which
seem to be what they have in mind to trigger the U.S. Israel attack on Iran.
And as well Syria.
The Suffering of Soldiers - New York Times
three trillions they are mentioning in this article on military veterans
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Oil Drum | Rising Energy Costs and the Future of Hospital Work
section which follows the talk that was given to these nurses.
What i also found of interest is the actual impact of Peak Oil is being
described as now... rather than the usual 'a possibility' in the future.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Fw: Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh | The Australian
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 9:12 PM
> Subject: Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh | The Australian>
>> The title of this article is misleading though the actual article is
>> significant and important for all of us to consider.
>> The possibility of a severe drop in the earths surface temperature and
>> our experiencing another mini ice age i understand has always been
>> recognized as one of the earth's climate possibilities. And much sooner
>> than we might think.
>> This article is giving and out side time of arrival of a 1000 years for
>> the next long and chilly slumber and then lasting for many thousands plus
>> years..
>> The earths preferred statis state we are told is "half frozen". And
>> though it is difficult to believe considering some of the Sunday school
>> fantasies I was taught. It seems more lie's are told to children on
>> Sunday than any other day of the week.
My point being!
>> The earth (Gaia) is not our playground nor is it interested in ours or
>> any species comfort and wellbeing.
>> And if we are here for some purpose such as personal and spiritual
>> evolution. Well at the moment it appears we must have stumbled when we
>> left the starting gate as we apparently are coming in last. Which of
>> course is common for species going into extinction.
>> My own experience regarding a 'near future' ice age was with the Earth
>> Regeneration Society and which is in Berkeley, Ca. and this was in the
>> eighties and early nineties. And they where even then proposing the same
>> crash solutions to raise the earth surface temperatures to counter 'the
>> coming ice age.'
>> For back ground info on the proposals the non fiction book: Secrets of
>> the Soil, Tompkins and Bird was considered factual.
>> Since then all the worlds glaciers have begun to significantly melt. The
>> CO2 levels are off the charts. And the oceans are changing to acid from
>> alkaline.
>> Also the enormous buried beds of methane hydrate and which are referred
>> to here have started to change state in the north. And all these
>> phenomena's appear to be green house induced effects and not sun spot
>> related.
>> And of course this is just three of the ...numerous significant climate
>> related changes that have recently happened within our living memory.
>> So for me it seems we could be experiencing... both.... a lack of
>> activity from sun spots and hence a over riding dimensioning surface
>> temperature. And at the same time from our industrial out put of CO2 and
>> it's feed back loop the green house blanket warming effects.
>> The author clearly acknowledges the cycle effect of Peak Oil's
>> ....dimensioning production.... and which has started world wide if we
>> read the recent crude production/extraction reports from all the major
>> oil corporations and producing countries. They are all shrinking so the
>> $126 bbl oil price is not all just from market speculation or war fear
>> induced.
>> And the Peak Oil effects maybe the most immediate and significant crisis
>> which we living in industrial societies will experience. And it is not
>> the concern about how we will get to the soccer games if the tank is
>> empty. The nations concern is will the national electrical grid fail
>> along with an energy induced scarcity of fertilizer for our food crops
>> when plentiful and cheap oil ends. And too be repetitive Peak oil
>> actually is on the down slop and we are now experiencing some evident
>> effects every way we look.
>> And just to keep it 'national' the south west and up into California are
>> roasting and forests are dieing from the parching heat. Summer and winter
>> storm patterns are becoming far more severe and as well frequent.
>> So we are experiencing drenching winters and scorching summers in two
>> thirds of the nation. For California it just quit snowing in March and
>> their is no longer any significant snow pack on the major mountain
>> ranges.
>> Does the state of California water resources department have a plan as to
>> how to furnish water in a drought to the 30 million people in California
>> and with 23 million in southern California?
>> They are not mentioning it as far as I'm aware but a water pipeline from
>> central Canada might be appealing at this time. Why build reservoirs if
>> their is not significant mountain range runoff or snow? Canada's got lots
>> of water and pipelines may actually be initially cheaper than collection
>> basins. Energy to pump the water probably could be generated from the
>> fall of the water in the pipe lines. It's not perpetual motion but it is
>> practical water hydraulics engineering.
>> Of course they will have to put a choke hold on the corporate farms at
>> some point as the water waste in the valley is enormous. Especially since
>> they get it very cheap. And actually most of the cities in the valley did
>> not have residential water meters a few years ago though I'm sure that is
>> changing.
>> So as too pipe line cost? We'll that's what bond issues are for.
>> And just what is the top price for water and which we will pay if we
>> become thirsty? I think our national addiction to plastic bottled water
>> is costing well over $6.00 a gallon plus transportation. Much of it comes
>> from exotic places such as artic ice shelves. And of course New Zealand
>> and France which must be 4 or more thousands of miles from our own
>> thirsty lips.
>> I would not discount either the climate change evident phenomena or the
>> sun spot effects which have been well known since the telescope was
>> invented.
>> And it seems the die off effects for all 'surface animals' because of
>> food production disruption is acknowledge by both camps. Both recognize
>> their will be serious food production disruption and famines. Rice, corn
>> and wheat are going off the price chart and that happens to be what we
>> eat.
>> The point is this is not a... and or situation... that we are
>> experiencing. And for us two legged ants if we are cold or hot and
>> starving since either way we will not last long. So i suggest all
>> view-points be considered since the proposed responses do not necessarily
>> cancel out the other.
>> Conclusion: The future does not appear to be a win, win situation which
>> ever way it goes.
>> If we wanted it to be simple and safe we should have picked another solar
>> system or maybe even another galaxy. But here we are....even if it's just
>> for a moment.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
These are the types of proposals ALL politicians despise. Holding them to
the same flame they want to put to our feet. And this is hardly a liberal or
conservative proposal by Hunter.
Just U.S. Constitutional 'good sense'.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Why we can't cruise past a recession - MSN Money
Listening to the media business news or Treasury Secretary Paulson we are again being told that the economic "bottom" has been located and 'we' are now there and soon 'we' will be heading up. Yes, it sounds like some sort of sports achievement after having touched the goal post we are now racing for the finish line and the Champaign in the locker room..
Don't believe it and this article mentions some of the reasons not too.
But basically nothing has changed from a few weeks ago when it was acknowledged the national economy was being shredded.
Though our Dear Leader referred to it as: "a bump in the road".
Also some significant issues have gotten worse such as all forms of energy and food costs. And then their are the continuous announcements of loss of actual paying jobs and in the thousands.
If the economy was 'getting well' corporations would not be laying off skilled workers and then soon have to rehire and train new employees in a few months.
So yes, the markets maybe going into the summer doldrums and we are told we can come back in the fall to find more money in our pockets. My opinion is try the lottery as the odds will be better.
Don't count on any good economic news this summer as $5 and $6 dollar a gallon gas is not and ingredient for same ole, same ole and hardly: whoopee we are rich again!
What they maybe setting us up for is the... up tick blip... from the "Economic stimulus package" which creates no jobs or has any direction but is more like a donut for a diabetic.
Also, as you may have noticed our wars of liberation (meaning $$$ from U.S. tax payers) in the middle east are another national economic as well as human hemorrhage. and which site is usually updated daily. So the troops are getting blown to pieces and they send us to the Malls to play and pretend we are happy and rich.
And with the news that's now being circulated regarding the Bush plan to bomb Iran... and sometimes referred to as the October surprise. So just don't count on a stable national economy any time soon.
I believe the bleeding will soon be very evident here as well as the middle east as this economy is just coming apart.
Oh yes, the checks in the mail stimulus letter and the bait of... the Mall awaits, is just another way to rob the people (tax payers) by siphoning off a few more billons ($160 billon) of dollars for the corporate sponge bob's.
As it continues to appear they have complete contempt for our native intelligence and they believe we can not see through this scam. Which is really just more for the fake plastic money banks, the grain swindlers and the oil companies and we the people again end up with stale pop corn.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Andrew Cockburn: Secret Bush "Finding" Widens Covert War on Iran
We'll it's really our only growth industry....besides corporate prisons.
For the Elderly, Being Heard About Lifeâ?Ts End - New York Times
Friday, May 2, 2008
Fw: snow pack
for California in most of the major papers. And please don't mention drought
because that's similar to defining our current economic recession... a
recession... oops, i mean 'bump in the road'.
The official water solution being offered is bigger and better reservoirs
and maybe even a peripheral canal to circumvent the bay area delta.
Maybe if the state could print it's own money and/or a lender was a half wit
but otherwise ...forget it.
What is not being emphasized is none of this will suffice if the
Sierra/Nevada mountain range continues to not experience substantial
seasonal snow. And I believe that is actually what is being projected for
the western states below Oregon. Dry, hot and with forest fires.
They are now acknowledging in another article that Lake Mead which is behind
Hoover Dam and located on the Colorado river will be functionally dry by
Mead is also used to generate electrical power and which will end when the
water level significantly drops.
The Colorado furnishes water for California and a few of the large cities in
Arizonian. And a tiny trickle is still getting to Mexico.
So what's the problem besides lack of snow and the state is thirsty?
We'll lets try too many people and way to much waste by agriculture who buys
water cheap and by the millions of water acres. Also the central valley is
the major fruit and vegetable producer for the nation. Aswell as growing
significant corn, wheat and rice and even hay and cotton crops. With
water,petroleum energy, fertilizer and the sun anything can be grown.
The farms in the valley who use the water are growing mono crops and using
the equivalent of 'Miraclegrow' to produce what is fed to livestock or
cotton. The fertilizer is primarily a nitrogen product and manufactured
using.... lots of energy.... from electricity and natural gas.
And if water is scarce for crops their goes the valley Argo industry along
with the valley's human population.
Then their is grain crops to feed animals so we can eat high on the food
chain. Energy and water wise this is completely unsustainable and
inefficient use of land and energy.
And to experience pure hate suggest to a meat/lacto consumer they may have
to switch to a lower energy consumer and environmentally friendly diet. So
on this issue it maybe be wiser to step aside and just not get hit when it
comes apart.
Southern California with 23-25 million people get their water primarily from
Northern California sources. It can't and won't be sustained unless they
significantly turn down the water faucets to the farms.
So I won't fill in the dots as to what may happen in a few years if the
drought continues and which seems more likely than not.
But helpful fellow that i am i will give one clue. migration... and you can
tell us where?
And as to what they will be eating when these fishes and loves types are
parked on our front brown lawns. We'll for a start how about anything that's
in the frig or hidden under the bed.
Now i am not talking about 'those brown people' who are trained fence
climbers. These are the Anglo God fearing types who now dwell in Orange
County and believe the northern part of the state is just their to furnish
them with resources.
Also, maybe we should consider the 'climate change' time schedule.
And for 'myths we are now living with' this knew one to appear may just be
the biggest con job going.
Who are these scientific wizards that have determined the earth has a...
time schedule... in which to sweep clean this disruptive surface problem.
And why would it consult us or inform us in what order or time frame this
all is going to happen?
So when they tell us the world glaciers will all be gone by the middle of
the century doesn't that strike you as simplistic? If the glaciers are
melting the interlocking feed back climate loops will be busy taking care of
some of the other destructive but important details. So in my opinion where
we maybe in twenty years may actually be where we are now being told we will
be in forty and then some if lets say the oceans methane hydrate beds...
also melt. These are indefinable fields of now frozen energy and waiting for
release by a temperature change.
And so I will say...if I may. Awaken Ye, my fellow citizen for verily it may
be later than.... big brother has bothered to mention.
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larry lewis
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 8:35 AM
Subject: snow pack
Snow levels below normal
Dry spell turns Sierra pack from promising to another challenge.
By Mark Grossi / The Fresno Bee
05/01/08 22:50:20
The driest March-April period on record has shrunk the Sierra snowpack to
about two-thirds of average, plunging California cities and farms into a
second consecutive dry year.
State officials Thursday stopped short of announcing a drought, but some
reservoirs probably will not fill to usual capacities in parts of the
400-mile-long Sierra range.
Meteorologists attributed the unusually dry spring to the Pacific Ocean
cooling trend called La Niña.
No water rationing has been announced. But some west San Joaquin Valley
farmers have been bracing for a dry summer since last year, when a federal
judge ordered less water to be taken from Northern California to protect
imperiled fish.
West-side farmers now must rely even more on underground water pumping,
officials said.
"Water supply is becoming a day-to-day issue for us because we're affected
by so many things," said spokeswoman Sarah Woolf of the Westland's Water
District, which has taken a third of its 600,000 acres out of production.
Westland's buys billions of gallons of water that come from the
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Snowmelt in the Northern California
rivers feeding the delta is running at 55% to 65% of normal.
The state Department of Water Resources on Thursday measured the snowpack
and confirmed that it is 67% of average. Last May, the snowpack was 29% of
average, the smallest in 19 years.
The consecutive dry years will result in reservoir levels dropping far below
average by fall. Lake Oroville, the state's principal storage reservoir,
currently holds less than 60% of its average capacity for early May.
Pine Flat Reservoir, east of Fresno, holds less than 70% of its average for
this time of year. The snowpack, which was above average in late February,
now offers little hope.
"This year's snowpack won't give us much water to carry over next year in
the reservoirs," said watermaster Steve Haugen on the Kings River. "We'll be
looking at using the wells more and more."
In the Central Valley, Sacramento and Bakersfield had the driest March-April
period since record-keeping began in the 1800s. Fresno had its second-driest
March-April on record, with 0.02 inches of rain. Fresno's record was set in
1934, when no rainfall was recorded in March and April.
La Niña sometimes brings California dry weather, sometimes wet. This year,
it seemed to bring both.
In January and February, when the Pacific cooling was at its maximum, storms
traveled into California. But as the ocean warmed slowly and La Niña became
milder, the jet stream altered and began sending storms north.
"We were looking so good earlier this year," said state hydrologist Maury
Roost in Sacramento. "But these dry months have put a real dent in the water
Frank Gherkin, the state's snow survey chief, said soils in many parts of
California are parched from last year's dry season. The soils will soak up
much of the early snowmelt, and the dry March and April have only made it
"It's a knockout punch to have that combination," Gherkin said Thursday.
Officials from both sides of the political aisle are weighing in.
Gov. Schwarzenegger said the situation underscores his argument that
California should conserve more water and build more dams.
The Democratic-controlled Legislature blocked Republican proposals to build
dams, favoring increased water conservation measures and water recycling.
Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland, said his vetoed legislation
promoting conservation and protecting Northern California ecosystems would
have helped the state right now.
The Associated Press contributed to this report. The reporter can be reached
at or (559) 441-6316.
will nap for food