This is the sequel to the recent 'outing' of the news media's retired
military analyst supposed impartial reporting and of course background
analysis of the middle east for-ever wars.
Apparently a recent lengthy article on the front page of the NY Times
reported it was all planned by the pentagon and from the begging. All these
Admirals and Generals where constantly handled (briefed) by the pentagon
under a 'special program' designed just for them by the Defense department.
They where assigned handlers and escorts to the briefings. Also some or
maybe most of these retired officers where also working for military
equipment contractors as well. And the devil has never met a arms contractor
and who wanted a war to end; so they had two masters to please. And they
didn't let factual analysis or reporting get in the way of their ego's or
their wallets.
And each and every media outlet had and still has a few of these news pimps
on their payroll even though they are basically saying what they are told
to say and as though they knew what they where talking about themselves.
And now we are finding out the media is not mentioning they have been caught
in collusion with the Administration to feed the public happy, happy news
and more of the 'we are winning' propaganda.
Will this all go away for the administration and the media and of course the
brass news whores? We'll if it's never mentioned on the tube most people
will never know and then these servants of the war machine can climb back
out of their holes and pretend this all never happened and continue to get
paid twice to tell us even more rehearsed lie's.
But actually it's more than just lies it's our people dieing for these
pompous asses ego's and their need to think they are still really important
like their handlers lead them to believe.
A field grade officers duties is to defend the nation and not sacrifice
their troops by with holding the truth...of course, that's if they can even
tell what the truth may be.
And in fairness their have been a few retired generals and admirals who have
continued to speak out against the neo cons and the pentagon even while they
where being collectively trashed by the paid hacks in the media. And we sure
never see these people on those sit down in- depth chats on Sunday morn tube
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