> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 9:12 PM
> Subject: Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh | The Australian>
>> http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0%2C25197%2C23583376-5013480%2C00.html
>> The title of this article is misleading though the actual article is
>> significant and important for all of us to consider.
>> The possibility of a severe drop in the earths surface temperature and
>> our experiencing another mini ice age i understand has always been
>> recognized as one of the earth's climate possibilities. And much sooner
>> than we might think.
>> This article is giving and out side time of arrival of a 1000 years for
>> the next long and chilly slumber and then lasting for many thousands plus
>> years..
>> The earths preferred statis state we are told is "half frozen". And
>> though it is difficult to believe considering some of the Sunday school
>> fantasies I was taught. It seems more lie's are told to children on
>> Sunday than any other day of the week.
My point being!
>> The earth (Gaia) is not our playground nor is it interested in ours or
>> any species comfort and wellbeing.
>> And if we are here for some purpose such as personal and spiritual
>> evolution. Well at the moment it appears we must have stumbled when we
>> left the starting gate as we apparently are coming in last. Which of
>> course is common for species going into extinction.
>> My own experience regarding a 'near future' ice age was with the Earth
>> Regeneration Society and which is in Berkeley, Ca. and this was in the
>> eighties and early nineties. And they where even then proposing the same
>> crash solutions to raise the earth surface temperatures to counter 'the
>> coming ice age.'
>> For back ground info on the proposals the non fiction book: Secrets of
>> the Soil, Tompkins and Bird was considered factual.
>> Since then all the worlds glaciers have begun to significantly melt. The
>> CO2 levels are off the charts. And the oceans are changing to acid from
>> alkaline.
>> Also the enormous buried beds of methane hydrate and which are referred
>> to here have started to change state in the north. And all these
>> phenomena's appear to be green house induced effects and not sun spot
>> related.
>> And of course this is just three of the ...numerous significant climate
>> related changes that have recently happened within our living memory.
>> So for me it seems we could be experiencing... both.... a lack of
>> activity from sun spots and hence a over riding dimensioning surface
>> temperature. And at the same time from our industrial out put of CO2 and
>> it's feed back loop the green house blanket warming effects.
>> The author clearly acknowledges the cycle effect of Peak Oil's
>> ....dimensioning production.... and which has started world wide if we
>> read the recent crude production/extraction reports from all the major
>> oil corporations and producing countries. They are all shrinking so the
>> $126 bbl oil price is not all just from market speculation or war fear
>> induced.
>> And the Peak Oil effects maybe the most immediate and significant crisis
>> which we living in industrial societies will experience. And it is not
>> the concern about how we will get to the soccer games if the tank is
>> empty. The nations concern is will the national electrical grid fail
>> along with an energy induced scarcity of fertilizer for our food crops
>> when plentiful and cheap oil ends. And too be repetitive Peak oil
>> actually is on the down slop and we are now experiencing some evident
>> effects every way we look.
>> And just to keep it 'national' the south west and up into California are
>> roasting and forests are dieing from the parching heat. Summer and winter
>> storm patterns are becoming far more severe and as well frequent.
>> So we are experiencing drenching winters and scorching summers in two
>> thirds of the nation. For California it just quit snowing in March and
>> their is no longer any significant snow pack on the major mountain
>> ranges.
>> Does the state of California water resources department have a plan as to
>> how to furnish water in a drought to the 30 million people in California
>> and with 23 million in southern California?
>> They are not mentioning it as far as I'm aware but a water pipeline from
>> central Canada might be appealing at this time. Why build reservoirs if
>> their is not significant mountain range runoff or snow? Canada's got lots
>> of water and pipelines may actually be initially cheaper than collection
>> basins. Energy to pump the water probably could be generated from the
>> fall of the water in the pipe lines. It's not perpetual motion but it is
>> practical water hydraulics engineering.
>> Of course they will have to put a choke hold on the corporate farms at
>> some point as the water waste in the valley is enormous. Especially since
>> they get it very cheap. And actually most of the cities in the valley did
>> not have residential water meters a few years ago though I'm sure that is
>> changing.
>> So as too pipe line cost? We'll that's what bond issues are for.
>> And just what is the top price for water and which we will pay if we
>> become thirsty? I think our national addiction to plastic bottled water
>> is costing well over $6.00 a gallon plus transportation. Much of it comes
>> from exotic places such as artic ice shelves. And of course New Zealand
>> and France which must be 4 or more thousands of miles from our own
>> thirsty lips.
>> I would not discount either the climate change evident phenomena or the
>> sun spot effects which have been well known since the telescope was
>> invented.
>> And it seems the die off effects for all 'surface animals' because of
>> food production disruption is acknowledge by both camps. Both recognize
>> their will be serious food production disruption and famines. Rice, corn
>> and wheat are going off the price chart and that happens to be what we
>> eat.
>> The point is this is not a... and or situation... that we are
>> experiencing. And for us two legged ants if we are cold or hot and
>> starving since either way we will not last long. So i suggest all
>> view-points be considered since the proposed responses do not necessarily
>> cancel out the other.
>> Conclusion: The future does not appear to be a win, win situation which
>> ever way it goes.
>> If we wanted it to be simple and safe we should have picked another solar
>> system or maybe even another galaxy. But here we are....even if it's just
>> for a moment.
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