They are not mentioning the issue of where might the money come from in this article. But these people all know it was
central banks or US Federal Reserve electronic bucks that saved their sorry asses in 2008.
The credit default swaps refereed to with regards to these banks are probably of US origin and if the banks go down then the coverage is from
these banks right here in the Empire.
So they may just be telling the Fed that they expect QE3 to be the angel from hell which will save them.
I don't know how many examples and such as this we need before some folks recognise the masters save themselves
and then throw crumbs at the peasants.
No ruling class has ever made an alliance with a under class. And some folks still may call themselves 'middle class' and which functionally and factually is both a myth and a joke.
And Good Ole Boys with beer guts will remain on the couch sucking up beer and (sorry) they have no value to the rulers.
All good ole boys are 'wanna be's' and that's not what it takes to join the $$$ club, and that's even for those GOB who may have Old Glory
tattooed on their ....chest.
But do continue to send me these corporate generated 'jokes' and narratives indicating it's the spics, niggers and the lesbians bitches who are
gonna steal your social security check and trash the neighborhood. Meaning you are doing just what the rulers want..... not looking further than your beer belly.
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