The enclosed article can be viewed as conformation that the Celiac Disease (CD) issue is significantly larger than we usually see described and that includes even some CD national support group sites.
And as well CD does not always indicate by just digestive involvement symptoms. The neurological and auto immune symptom's
can be significant and even for people without apparent digestive disorders. Though these people will have the HLA-B8 plus
gene markers.
Recently, i sent a msg indicating that people who are of.... Celtic origin..... maybe significantly more prone to CD related complaints than some one with another European ancestral background. And apparently that has been confirmed in recent studies.
The Celtic's and long past, where not eating Wheat Gluten and the two closely related grains until relatively recently. So the die off in the Celtic gene pool has..... not..... been as effective over time as for those cultures who have eaten wheat for a few additional thousands of years. And even for people in cultures who have been eating wheat gluten for 8 to 10 thousand years it is not enough elapsed time to make a real difference in humans ability to tolerated the grains gluten. Wheat is nutritionally considered a flat out toxic unless cooked, and even then that is not effective for those with the two CD marker genes.
And this has not happened in a significant way for those populations in the Celtic gene pool. So, suffering and shrinking as the Irish poets have predicted is continuing to be confirmed.
We do know what Celtics ate in those cold lands along sea shores and it sure wasn't a cultivated crop until they had a method to cultivate the land for grain crops and then it was oats and barley which where more tolerant of the severe climate. Oats seem non toxic when cooked and barley is a wheat related gluten problem, but also was late coming into the diet and definitely not as significant as the wheat gluten issue for those with CD.
And we must acknowledge the folks who are now taking the position: "This is not me!" or "And even if it's possible from a genetic perspective, I'm just not going their as i don't want to know anything about CD or the implications".
My response is: Stand strong Dude! The problem is we will be the ones digging your pit. And will the kids be their to thank you for your strong evident streak of wrong head fear? Again, just trying to help!
Hey, don't expect wine and roses if you're being selfish and stubborn. (I was going to add: a jerk or a ass, but i decided to give you some slack).
But back to being nice about it! These folks are also members of a gene pool and their siblings or other close relatives may not be able to ignore the serious symptoms.
It's seems it's a percentage of people with CD and which is significant for those of Celtic ancestry.
So the Irish may claim that they saved civilisation during the 'Dark Ages" and why not? it doesn't cost anything and it sells books! But they sure didn't do much with their gene pool to clear CD's latent death trap.
Celiac disease (CD) is generally defined as incurable and also as a diet induced disease. And which can be fatal though usually labeled something else in the end stages... if this happens. BUT which can also be controlled and prevented by wheat gluten dietary restrictions.
And yes, it's the auto immune implications which is where it gets both devious and murky when trying to determine how it needs to be treated.
So this rumor that we seem to be afflicted in the west with Cancer and Crazy just may have more validity than we have not been acknowledging. I have seen mentioned in books concerning CD which where also describing various forms of mental illness which CD may have triggered as a auto immune reaction.
That's a cumbersome description for saying: If you are CD prone the gluten intolerance will affect the neurological as well as other body functions.
And is this a new fad situation where we will all decide we maybe CD, if we have some strange symptoms or are not getting better using Tums? Not likely, as CD is considered a silent epidemic and a few tests can determine who is CD prone or is not responding to dietary changes.
The latent problem the researchers are now finding is the auto immune implications of CD are even more serious for people than the classic digestive issues have been for those acknowledged and afflicted.
And the numbers vary with the population gene base, but in the US it is now and at the least a few million with CD.
And I have not seen estimates for those with auto immune or cancer or diabetes induced by CD.
The bone loss diseases amongst the population is an enormous problem and which is hardly or just not controlled. Disregarding how much middle age Americans take of calcium they are not assimilating the mineral if they have latent or untreated CD. This is the one that older women find they have little control with or even less possibilities of reversing.
What i have seen amongst the very elderly in some assisted living or care centers makes me realise CD for the elderly is an enormous issue and which is NOT being addressed. And these are also people with way too many digestive issues. Way too many broken bones and of course experiencing Dementia as well as diabetes and kidney failure to name but a few that are evident to even the visitor. If we name a auto immune disease we will be able to find people suffering with it in elder care situations was my conclusion.
Is this national health issue being addressed? Not that i am aware of at this time.
Should we consider the implications of mono grain crops in this CD issue? And anyone interested please let me know, and i can give you references to where to start looking. It's big and it's bad and on allot of levels was my own conclusion.
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