Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fukashima again and again (Westinghouse T 1000)

Really fun high school type lab demo. So just stand back...and enjoy!
And please, no texting during lab demo.

As Arnie with Fairewinds associates, has been pointing out since March, 2011 'they' do not have this nuclear disaster contained.
And as some of us might silently remark: Who cares! as it's over there. And besides they are gooks along with 
what ever else may come to the top of our reptilian minds. 
Then you know the one. Bigger is better! and that's if we go it!

So try this in your pipe for a puff.
We have the same designed Westinghouse reactors and right here in the land of 
God's chosen nice people.
And every one in the nuke energy generation business and that's including the NRC are aware of this 'problem'.

And know you are aware as well.

For those that still may be having a problem curling their minds around the implications.
I'm going to modify the Irish rule:
Time.... is the factor that proves Murphy's law right.

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