Monday, November 14, 2011

What is sport?
James Kunstler describes the Christian prayer display at the arena games and which where orchestrated for the most recent victims of the college gladiators.
Is the Corporate Empire 'sports' hero worship any different than either the Pedophile Church of Peter or the "Community Boy Scouts"
children's meat grinder?

Is this a reflection of a self defined merchandise culture... gone wrong? And it's conclusions which cannot be corrected with out 
a complete restructuring? Is a culture based on human spiritual values rather than our "Pepsi 
World" values even a possibility at this point? 

As it is, we accept this current society structured by this systems leaders as valid.
But then, if we consider that for hundred of thousands of years our specie social structure consisted of small groups
which where fluid and mobile while remaining supportive of the groups needs.
This tribe structure had no overriding dominating authority.
Each member would turn to their inner but collective voice for guidance and then some consensuses would be reached amongst the clan.
Yes, it served the small groups and is still found functioning amongst the worlds ancient wandering peoples.

It seems we can currently assume that we are being programed with these mass
arena events to displace our own inner message. Even so, we can conclude we have... one prevailing true
guidance.... and that is: We are of the earth and the earth is what continues to remain significant in all of our daily lives.

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