Friday, December 30, 2011

New video from Fairwinds and just for you!
Last week i sent a msg indicating the NRC and friends where going to do a 
white wash of what is happening in Japan.
We'll here it is and documented and it's got our name on it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

HBP or high blood pressure.

And which fortunatly i don't experience. 
My reason for sending this to folks is i think we live in a 
society mind set which fosters... go along to get along.
And so for an example, if we have a specialty degree we somehow assume that spills over into
other essential survival realms.

And besides doesn't everyone over forty take a drug for cholesterol control or blood pressure or both?
And don't most of us weigh allot more than we need too?

And don't most of us use reduced fat dairy and really overall shun fats?
Even to the extent of preferring poly unsaturated fats dosed with

All of these corporate instruction are not working for us and the people telling us to do this are not our friends.

So if you have excess belly fat it's not a 'reserve currency' and something the specie has always carried around.
It's your ticket to serious health issues.

And if you happen to be in the category of: "Their is nothing i can do about so i won't think about it."
And besides i have a will!    And when it gets to the will state, everyone looses.

Or the even more direct fear response: "I don't want to know."
Well ponder this when you health quickly goes in the ditch and then you will be confronted with both of these.... I don't want to knows!
And it maybe to late to know!
And the rationalisation of: I did what they told me to do! is functional when we are kids, since we may not have a choice and 
the over forties defiantly do.
So the article above is just and example of how we have to assess what WE are doing and whether it is effective.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How it works


Remember suburbia?

You know where all the nice people (read: white Christan's) went to get away from those people!
Well, S-F and then some, it seems the roll back has already begun.

Our own dear leaders have a suprise coming up and for all of us!

Bill Bonner usually isn't so explicit in his conclusions. But then this a special time of year in a place.
Also, I have read that towards the moment when the corporate backed Fascist took over in Germany
Their appeared a number of desperate articles by the informed who where trying to tell the public what was coming.

And today it is similar as the public listens to the 1% and then continues to listen to Fox News who confirm 
that we will be SAFE.... once the corporate police state is initiated.

The flip side of this is the rationalisation that i hear from people.
And actually some they imply as well.
"I'm going to the mountains!" They can hardly make it here on the couch or living near a Walmart.  Why would they survive in the mountains?
And then cutting off the roads or the fuel or using drones on those who don't voluntarily go to the concentration camps.
We'll good ole boys soon become... good little boys and girls.

And for that special category: The "I don't want to know!" You don't need too... just follow orders as you are part of the problem 
as well.

Or then some express their special status such as: I'm a loyal corporate flag waver or I'm an old soldier who did 
allot of bad stuff when i was in ...................Yeah, that may give you special status in hell, but not with the masters.

Or, "I'm an American Fundamental White Christian  (which is today's little fascist seed pods) and i hate rag heads, niggers, spics and queers".
Yep, these folks are pretty special.... but sorry they also are just scum and like the rest of us as far as the masters are concerned.

Have a good new year in front of the brain drain.

Monday, December 26, 2011

signifcant article,1518,805135,00.html

And very possibly correct in it's conclusions.

Conclusions in my opinion and using everyday terms.

They are loading the garbage barge and calling it fresh produce.
Though come summer i think it will become apparent it's just more wilted lettuce.

OK, if that wasn't abstruse enough for you how about this?
Their are a few laws of Physics which seem to prevail, and no matter how many new gadgets we 
assure ourselves are the final break through to perpetual motion.... or the reversal 
of energy flow. At the end of the day the laws are still there!

One being you can't make nothing from nothing.
It ends up being the same zero.

The lender of last resort is not the European Central Bank as mentioned here.
It's the last central bank left standing. And if we look at the recent chart as to who has lent the most
with regards to European banks.
France is third, then second cometh GB and fools that they be!
But the greediest fool of them all is our own split tongued band of snakes.... the Wall Street investment banks
and starting with Goldman Sachs.
Do you think they might already be 'distributing' this junk to us to stuff in our socks or under the mattress?
Of course, that's if we have a mattress when they are done with us.


TEPCO is being condemned for using the excuse that they didn't prepare for the unforeseen which they are now blaming
for the extent of the nuclear and tsunami damage at Fukishima on March 11.

And they should be sited for that but they where forewarned numerous times that they where participating in a national cover up.
Also, many experts have been warning our 'own' meaning nuclear industry controlled nuclear NRC that we have the same problems.
And they are being ignored as well.
We have maybe twenty of the T1000 Westinghouse reactors and which are the same design that failed recently in Japan.

Fairwinds Associates have been appearing before this US NRC commission and of course being ignored when attempting to alert them
to something they publicly are trying to ignore.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

question for all of us

If the possibility of Europe followed by the GB going bankrupt might concern us or even frighten the more thoughtful.
Well just consider handing these same people who are dead.. in debt even more 
fabricated funds and in the hundreds of billions so they can keep playing at the table.
I don't recall Vegas actually having a category of clients who are classified as dead but too big to loose.

Really, what this is saying is they are all coming down, but their will continue to be further 'distribution' while it is happening. Distribution is a term from the equities market indicating the junk is continuing to be sold to the suckers.

And the question might be: Can this reach down to the wanna be's right here in 
Gods green acres?

revealing charts!

For those that may not want to know what the financial world is being confronted with
I suggest you don't go down to the 'who owes whom' charts.
But for just a hint: It's the US.... and the graph indicates far worse than what ever 
the named and now just named European countries are confronted with.
But you still my want to cherry pick Martensons' essay for other information.

The best of the 'I don't want to know' responses i have recently got was from 
a middle class women in her sixties with some cash assets who mentioned her funds are being "managed for her".
I asked her how she was determining the managing was a prudent choice and especially if that was the extent of her liquid assets?
And with out a moment posse she responded: "Well, if that fails I'm going home!
I asked where and why she would be going home and of course with what?

The lady quickly and sincerely responded she was going to heaven!
Hey, you can't argue with that response?

But it might make you wonder is not thinking for yourself or just not thinking is the key to the gate. This has been implied before regarding heaven, So the conclusion that it must be the collective 'home' for all the fools in history may be near the 'mark'.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Seismic events of interest

And the latest is off the the coast of Oregon. The Juan de Fuka area today@ 1600 hours.
Also, Southern California yesterday and then west coast of Mexico day before that.
I know nothing but what i see. And I'm looking for indications of a new developing pattern.
As this area has had minimal action, while the rest of the Pacific rim is and has been double firing.
Honshu off coast of Northern Japan is the most evident active area, and i assume it is also another plate subduction area 
similar to the Cascade subduction area (about 500 miles in length) which is sometimes referred to as the Juan de Fuka
which is also the straights at the northern end.

The Pacific North Eastern seismologist are watching it all, but if i understand it correctly they are primarily concerned regarding significant
earthquake action along the subduction area. Which is about fifty miles off the coast from the Cape of Mendocino to Vancouver Island.
And inland Oregon such as the Willamette Valley are considered relatively quite seismic areas.
Along the coast it will be Tsunami's which will do the damage to the population centers if we are just considering humans. And actually other specie's are 
not considered as significant, so they are not counted or indicated or mourned.

Maybe to put this in perspective California has mostly plates which slide against each other such as the Hayward or San Andreas and though different in action they can also generate very high seismic readings.

California pensions

This couldn't happen here!
Economic disaster supposedly only happens to someone else 
who are also somewhere else.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Who can we trust?

It comes down to who can we trust?
These are the rich upper crust who tell us: it's the welfare cheats that are ruining the nations economy.
In other words for the nations dumb-bo's, just don't look up! It's the slobs next door or the spics and you know what and who! 
If you happen to be getting a pension thats funded by investments, dont worry if it goes under these guys are your friends and they will help find a bridge to jump off!
It has turned out that MF Global had a built in a little trap door to steal the supposedly untouchable customers funds.
They transferred the funds to a subsidiary in GB where the security laws are different.
So they could steal what they want as they where not directly involved.

You may have noticed they have not prosecuted any of the big guys and apparently their is no plans too.
Though a couple of guys at Fannie may and mac who may now have to take the fall.
As one big market trader admitted on CNN recently the government doesn't make the financial decisions it's Goldman Sachs calling the shots.

From Metta

Yep, Metta my dog wants all the other dogs out there to get in on this.
And of course you can be doggie like, as well.
And for dogs only!
Metta isn't suggesting this personal preference for every bitch! But.... she prefers to just licks it off
her coat rather than waste time in the bath.  

Been there, done that!

And this Is about what Richard Russell is telling us. And he is evidently more than surprised to
still be observing, pondering and concluding with a fine eye and sharp mind.

What he is not discussing is the implications for a collapsing equities market, and 
though I'm sure he is very aware of its implications for people, states and nations.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fwd: Healthy Ways Newsletter 3-1

Read and heed!
Coconut oil contains lauric acid as it is a mid chain fatty acid.
I have read this component of MCFA will dissolve the protective coating on 'dangerious'
bacteria and i am assuming virus as well.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Coconut Research Center <>
Date: Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Subject: Healthy Ways Newsletter 3-1

Dr. Fife's
Healthy Ways Newsletter
Volume 3 Number 1                                           Sunday, December 18 2011

Dear Larry,
Here is your preview of this edition of the newsletter.

Click the following link to open the newsletter.
Preview of articles found in this issue of
The Healthy Ways Newsletter:
Ask Dr. Coconut:
I went to the health food store to buy coconut oil, but all the brands they carry were solid. None were liquefied. Is this how it is always sold? Can you eat it solid? Does it matter?
One of the characteristics of coconut oil is its high melting point. At temperatures above 76 degrees F (24 C) coconut oil is a liquid. At temperatures below this it becomes a solid…
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subscribe to the Healthy
Ways Newsletter, or if you
would like to change your
e-mail address, please
click the appropriate links
found at the bottom of
this page.
Coconut and Avian Flu
According to experts, the threat of pandemic influenza is not a question of if, but rather a question of when. The possibility of pandemic flu—though always present—has received more attention in recent months because a lethal strain of avian flu, known as H5N1, has emerged in Asia and is spreading around the globe…
Coconut Oil for Clean Air
Coconut oil has gained recognition as a safe and natural product with a multitude of uses. It has proven valuable in treating a variety of health concerns ranging from psoriasis to obesity. Now it is gaining recognition as a means to prevent air pollution…

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Dimtri Orlov answers question about your future.

I just found this recent timely article by the well informed author.
If you skip the non needed intro and then go directly to the Q and A section, you won't miss much.
But everyone should take a stab at the meat, which is the Q&A by Orlov.

And for those folks who now believe the peak oil situation was just a myth, and it's all better know.
You should read and heed this article is my conclusion.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dang! as my dear christian friends say, when they mean:

The shit being expelled with the add of a fan is coming our way.

Eat Fat, Loose Fat.

I have read the book being mentioned and for those who would rather have a video 
introduction on how this can be accomplished here is Mary Enig being interviewed on the subject... 
of not only loosening weight. But also regaining our health or preventing a few of the 'heavies'.

This involves eating significant MCFA oil which are coconut oil or meat sourced.
And she is suggesting eliminating all polyunsaturated oil.
And yes, that includes Soy. Or more likley especially Soy oil and soy products.
Also cutting deeply into carbohydrate and sugar intake.
And why would any one even consider doing something as drastic as that?
Besides ourselves their are kids who eat what we offer them.

Also it does seem to eliminate heart disease, diabetes, most cancers, and a long, long list of neurological disorders.
You know like dementia and Alzheimer's along with inflammatory problems in our joints and brain.

Enig does have PhD and taught at U. of Maryland, so it's not like Mary has not done the lab work as well 
as the clinical studies.

3 to 5 tablespoons per day while eliminating the trans fats and lowering the carbs and just stopping the constant sugar intake.

For and even more extensive presentation on this subject and in print form see: Bruce Fife's, book: Stop Alzheimer's Now...which was just published.

The wave of the future for the Baby Boomers is all the debilitating illness listed above as well as a care center to cater $$$$ to our needs.
They daily and X3 serve lots of carbs and poly oil laced with sugar along with a long list of meds which will double our brain fog.

Some folks reading this will conclude i am being usual. 
My response is it's better than living it and then expecting others to carry us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"It's different this time!"

Dear Friends; and especially those now on the road to recovery and wealth.

Or so we are again told by the nice people... that's it's going to be different,
this time!
But first we need to define nice people in our modern times. Why it's seems it's those that tell us they are nice $$$$

My father was also in the Klondike gold rush of 1897 and which is briefly described in this 
article on oil fracing. He mentioned he went for the adventure and that few guys made
money that's unless they where already selling something the crowd needed.
This is probably accurate on both counts. Dad was not seriously motivated to accumulate personal wealth.
He told me for most of us wealth turns out to be a allusion that we can't translate into happiness.
And actually, and though his life appeared difficult to me... he did seem over all to be happy.

Back to the enclosed fracing article.
Gee, i wonder if that could be accurate as to what's happening now with oil fracing?
Remember Dude, Fracing is hot!
Of course, their are the issues of the ground water contamination and now induced earthquakes.
But you know 'those people'..... they always want to hold up...progress. And which the nice people always point out
they are for... because it's what the country needs.

And i don't mean to be rude... but i have to wonder if this just might be the next economic bubble?
It seems that when in our guts, bubbles give us the symptoms of: gas.
But then we can assume nice people don't experience the turbulent actions of methane.
Even though they just keep smiling. So gas it would seem is their friend and we can hope they dont ...burp.

Real Esstate Scams...BIG TIME

Dear friends...In the news seems to be Real Estate scams to die for!

Though i didn't initiate or ask for the information a 'lady' from LV recently told me it was the cheating buyers who wanted something for nothing who caused the 
Real Estate crash and which i 'read' is ...still happening.
This seem to be the other side of the story and specifically in white heaven on earth...LV.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Where it is and going

like in gone.
Yeah, Kinstler seems to have pegged it. Reality is where we hate to look.

I noticed today the POG took another big hit.
I would speculate investors in paper have been 
invited to cover margin calls. Which induces gold sales.
The Dow J. is again in free fall and now @ -235, and it's early in the day. 

Investors :)  will sell the life boat they are sitting in if they
think it will save them; as they try and meet margin calls.

Yes, it's getting crazy out there.
But don't fret about missing the action. 
As out there! will soon be
sitting next to all of us, at the Christmas
feast of Feasts.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

rated: xxx!

Well, that got your attention and now before you return to slumper,
Just click on the video enclosed. 
Bruce Fife does know what he is talking about.
His recent book: Stop Alzheimer's Now, is also well documented
and researched.
Some of my friends are now peeking over the fence at the golden years
and yes, their are some hazards even in easy land.
And this book might help some folks to enjoy it once they get there.
It can be ordered through Amazon and it is really well worth the money,
just for the general nutritional guide lines.

The oil recommendations are not limited to just eliminating corn oil,
as soy, canola or the other non saturated fats are just as harmful.
So save your brain for the golden years.

If anyone has weight issues you also might want to consider reading 
and applying his suggestions. This is not a diet it is just a change in food choices.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Scam from on high!

Here is the skinny on how the systems built in scam has worked. And apparently for some time,
going back at least to the Lehman Bros smash up in 2008. So we can assume this is well known by the so called SEC monitors.

And so now the CEO of MF Global can say everything was on the up and up. And as well legal!
will the investors get their investment funds back? Nope!.... to be non technical.
So it's Medoff but wearing Teflon, in my opinion.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

water kefir

Things to do while watching the puppy grow.
No puppy? then the grass will do.

Who us?

This is the big twelve that are being predicted here.
And what should be concerning us is the implications of these financial
I think it is realistic to assume the recent response by the public to austerity and 
unemployment will only intensify.
This will be responded to by the government with repression as wealth which controls this government does not share wealth
in good times or bad.

MS vitiamin D

The most accessible to the body of vitamin D is some forms of fish oil and liver.
Not all fish oil as packaged contains Vitamin A and D.

As to over dosing on either A or D that would take some effort or long term 
extremely high dosage. That is what a nutrition's told me years back.

Going further you might want to read: Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig for excellent dietary advice 
and which is out of the box or maybe the FDA and pharmaceutical box.

Monday, December 5, 2011

coconut oil and products

good information if the subject is of interest to you.

Scary, but not far fetched.

Something significant recently happened and we are experiencing the results even if we can't identify
the happening. Oh sure, we all now know about MF Global, but then
the system it seems just took a heavy hit in the reality section.

Kunstler is describing how the mask of playing law and order has slipped and we can see the face of the
 masters actually being shown.
What he doesn't mention will this be seen in Europe that the show here is also coming apart?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Secrets and some shared

Just had a short and unintentional phone conversation with a middle aged white 'lady' who clarified for me she didn't blame Wall Street or the Banks
for our nations financial problems. Might i add: Rich people are always nice people if you are a.. wanna be.
Apparently, or so she told me it's that old problem, that young people are lazy and want everything for nothing.
You can replace "young people" with 'those people' which is really what she is referring too, as i could tell southern charm was just under the 
edge of I'm now a retired and rich business lady.
Apparently, it wasn't the Banks and the Realtors who got these people upside down on their home loans.
It was those people ...again...who where looking for something for nothing.

So it comes down to: They should have read the contract they signed before they got themselves in this bind.
Yep, it's the victims fault and as the robber said. "I wouldn't have shot him, if he hadn't blinked".
Of course, now she lives lounges in Las Vegas and she likes to travel. 
So, have a nice trip ...sucking up!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Live in the moment and prepair for the future!

Here is simple advice. Do what the big guys are already doing.
And the big guys are not being negative... as they plan to still be the big guys even if we 
are all living in the dumpster.

Alright, still stuck, try this ...if the row boat is sinking what do you do? Row harder or throw the 
ballast over board?

Still puzzled?
If you don't have diddly in stock, bonds or investments...great. I don't either.
But lets say you have retirement investment plans or real estate that you maybe paying on.These are all indirect market investments.
And you have been doing estate planning and now it's just bumping along. The chuck hole is straight ahead.
And that's followed by a broken axle.
And i don't have either of those either. But if you do! 
Do you think they are safe investments if the 
cookie is crumbling?

The central banks or Federal Reserve Bank if you prefer is going to print, baby print!
And the more they print the less we got. 
You may think. 
Then it will be easier to make payments on fixed expenses. 
Right on! But in practice it doesn't 'work out' that way.
If it did then inflation or printing money would have limits when the problem reached a leveling point.
Inflation doesn't have a leveling place, just a crash from a greater height.
Zimbabwe will be USA.... spelled inside out.

So again ask yourself who is being negative? And then consider that the rock you maybe standing on may sure seem solid.
But if the tides rising, what's it matter?