Monday, December 26, 2011

signifcant article,1518,805135,00.html

And very possibly correct in it's conclusions.

Conclusions in my opinion and using everyday terms.

They are loading the garbage barge and calling it fresh produce.
Though come summer i think it will become apparent it's just more wilted lettuce.

OK, if that wasn't abstruse enough for you how about this?
Their are a few laws of Physics which seem to prevail, and no matter how many new gadgets we 
assure ourselves are the final break through to perpetual motion.... or the reversal 
of energy flow. At the end of the day the laws are still there!

One being you can't make nothing from nothing.
It ends up being the same zero.

The lender of last resort is not the European Central Bank as mentioned here.
It's the last central bank left standing. And if we look at the recent chart as to who has lent the most
with regards to European banks.
France is third, then second cometh GB and fools that they be!
But the greediest fool of them all is our own split tongued band of snakes.... the Wall Street investment banks
and starting with Goldman Sachs.
Do you think they might already be 'distributing' this junk to us to stuff in our socks or under the mattress?
Of course, that's if we have a mattress when they are done with us.

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