And which fortunatly i don't experience.
My reason for sending this to folks is i think we live in a
society mind set which fosters... go along to get along.
And so for an example, if we have a specialty degree we somehow assume that spills over into
other essential survival realms.
And besides doesn't everyone over forty take a drug for cholesterol control or blood pressure or both?
And don't most of us weigh allot more than we need too?
And don't most of us use reduced fat dairy and really overall shun fats?
Even to the extent of preferring poly unsaturated fats dosed with
All of these corporate instruction are not working for us and the people telling us to do this are not our friends.
So if you have excess belly fat it's not a 'reserve currency' and something the specie has always carried around.
It's your ticket to serious health issues.
And if you happen to be in the category of: "Their is nothing i can do about so i won't think about it."
And besides i have a will! And when it gets to the will state, everyone looses.
Or the even more direct fear response: "I don't want to know."
Well ponder this when you health quickly goes in the ditch and then you will be confronted with both of these.... I don't want to knows!
And it maybe to late to know!
And the rationalisation of: I did what they told me to do! is functional when we are kids, since we may not have a choice and
the over forties defiantly do.
So the article above is just and example of how we have to assess what WE are doing and whether it is effective.
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