Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 18, 2008 Orchestrated denials... Richard Russell 321gold . . . Inc s

We have turned a corner and it appears the road ahead is descending.
Russell, who is considered the seasoned analyst of Dow theory is being very candid concerning where we are today an as well what has happened as a pattern to bring us to this point. It is not a pleasant panorama but i believe it is accurate that we have been led from one feeding trough to the next and whether this was actually intended from the begging it now appears the feeding frenzy stage maybe over and the slaughter of the lambs which will not be a sacrificial ritual about to begin. Russell also recently stated in his news letter that the next president will inherit a monstrous economic mess which was created by the current and most incompetent president in the nations history. And considering some of the determined efforts by those that precede him that is a remarkable achievement for this Yale graduate.

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