Thursday, February 28, 2008

The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed

My msg yesterday concerning the possible crises involving the FDIC and your
bank accounts is also mentioned in this report.
But the significance of this broader analysis is it's documenting the
evident intention of the government to diminish the value of the dollar by
inflation. And that's on a number of levels ...both internationally and here
at home with in the Empire.

What would be the reason for a nation to destroy their own money?
Inflation and diminished basket value of the dollar also lessons the value
of the debt that the U.S. Treasury owes to other countries who have lent
money by buying cargo containers of our treasury bonds.

It's a no-win situation for all involved and especially the citizens of the
Empire who will experience inflation while also going into a serious
recession if not a depression.

Two additional investment banking firms on Wall street are now reporting
enormous write downs.

And for those who can ho hum this with some form of emotional disclaimer. I
suggest trying these figures out. Gold is up today to a spot price of: $966.
The dollar is down to 73.66. The DOW has lost 136 points so far today and
oil is pushing up to $101 a bbl. Which is both caused by fear and trying to
compensate for the $$$ foreign producers are loosing as the dollar drops.
And Russia is the latest country setting up a Bourse to deal oil in Rubles.
Bye Bye dollar.
Grains are off the board and actually experiencing supply shortages.
Spring wheat which is used for pastries is becoming scares.
Real estate still has a little blood to be drained before it is officially
declared a cadaver.

The attached article also offers some suggestions that you may want to

The statement from our own dear leader is we need more surveillance
laws...... and which will heighten our fears further and distract us from
the actions of the people at the top who our robbing our wealth and

It can not... all... be the fault of the immigrants legal or illegal. And
from the New York Times articles the jobs which are actually going to
immigrants who are 'semi legal' happens to be those people coming from India
and China and brought directly to the U.S. by the U.S. corporations.
I'm not hearing any grumbling about building a wall to keep these workers at
home. The corporation have big teeth and will bite where it hurts if they
are attacked even by talk show hosts on Fox media..

Will Obama or McCain make this all go away? Give it up...As they can hardly
stop a hurricane and that's what we are going to soon experience. It's the
storm from hell coming to a Mall near you and with all our names on it.

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