Wednesday, February 20, 2008 / Columnists / Martin Wolf - Americaâ?Ts economy risks mother of all meltdowns

You may have received some of this information before. But this article also offers some proposed responses as well as the predictions. And I believe some of the predictions are in the process of happening... now. They mention the spot price for gold as $920 and this was just a few days ago that this essay appeared. The closing price today was $940 a oz. Which probably means the world is running from the dollar as it tries to find a form of economic stability. Also the U.S. Treasury is having difficulty pushing it's paper (Bonds) to foreign buyers. And why would they invest in U.S. paper which is loosing more in inflation than it pays in interest? We can also assume that liquid funds are landing in commodities such as grains and petroleum crude which continue to climb as non essentials continue to deteriorate. Their are also some interesting charts attached which confirm the authors perspective that paper assets as well as real estate investments will continue to loose value. Also this is not just the Empire which is experiencing this melt it's the world of commerce with a very few regional exceptions. Please note the author is pointing out the government is always the last economic resort when the markets go toes up. In this case the definition of government is the people. The free market is just a term that is used politically as capitalism institutions in practice control the governments. and not the citizens of the country. Now that hipity-hop to the mall check we supposedly will soon be getting is just peanuts if we end up having to also bail out the investment banks and the bond insurers as well as the failing large regional banks. And this is what he is alluding will happen. So what's the happy news to counter this dirge? You tell me and i will be glad to share it with the other people receiving this essay.

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