Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Oil Drum: Australia/New Zealand | Australia and the Export Land Model

Australia and it's oil sources. This is a functional example of where we are all headed with regards to future oil sources.
And along with the severe drought this doesnt look encouraging for Australia and intern us. Australia is already importing it's food rather than growing crops they can't irrigate. They are now a net importer of food. It's main rivers such as the Murray are just mud holes and the ambient temp continues to increase. I assume they have no shortage of sheep for wool and meat and as well as mineral resources for export. Also, as i recall Indonesia oil production has diminished as it's in a race to the bottom between the British North Sea and it's own production decline. This is also one of Australia oil source importers. And yes, Great Britain is also NOW a net oil importer. At what point will they drop the Great from the name? I don't know other than it's become a joke and I assume embarrassment. At least the Irish know their true status they are the Haiti of the British isles. My mother told me 'Shanty Irish' was just the "nice name" for "Dirty Mick's". And also the English where more direct concerning the recommended diet for the Irish. "Let them eat dirt as that's where they came from." and none of those Frenchy cake stories. And to bring it closer to home Mexico's production is significantly down for crude oil. Especially in the Atlantic Cantrell production area. Mexico it's predicted will also be a net importer in ten years. This is big, as they will also then experience a revolution because 60% of the national budget comes from PEMEX the state run oil company. Forty percent of the Mexican oil production is exported as of now and which they have stated will go first. This is the U.S. third or fourth external source for crude and refined product. Do we have an alternative crude import source. No. The U.S. oil companies are trying to take over Pemex and probably will succeed (using bribes) to insure their imports but will not be able to increase production significantly. Which will also mean more internal crunch for the Mexican government and the Mexican people. We in the U.S. started our decline of domestic production in 1971. Today, if it wasn't for Alaska and our dear Moslem friends sending us oil we would be walking. And in fifteen or twenty years cars will not be the means of personal transportation and I doubt it will electric. More likely a concentrated populous with trains for mass transportation. Life is going to get tough for the soccer moms of the Empire. I personally will have to keep my walker oiled and so I will also be adding to the nations oil consumption. 'Peak oil' and which is now past the apex is coming home to the Empire. Can KSA and Canada save the system for our Christian God and born again country? Not from what i read as KSA production has peaked though they are trying to hide it. Canada is still a good oil source for the U.S. but with very limited potential for new field discoveries. And world demand continues to increase and will... even with the world going into what i believe is a economic depression and with the complications of peak water as well as what climate change may bring. Do I scare myself? You better believe it because those two words economic depression contain more potential pain for people than can be described.... with further words. You have to live it to know it. How can I be so emphatic that we are quickly coming to the end of the industrial period fueled by oil? It's just happening in too many places and at once and their is no potential source to replenish the worlds "need" for 85 million barrels of crude per year. So it's not so complex as it is clearly evident the oil source energy society is quickly fading. Will wind, water and the sun bring in a new energy day? Hardly, as combined they can only pick up 6% to 8% of the national energy load of heating, electrical and transportation. And this maybe a shock to some but of those three it's the electrical grid that makes this complex society function. Nuclear? and with a new smiley face! I hear it rumored their are some problems there as well such as uranium sources, plaint construction lag time and the cost to build, And for a country that can't even repair it's bridges. Come on, do you really think Obama's national work projects (WPA) will be kicking out nuke towers? Will Shining knight Obama save us and the system? What system? We'll that's a good question as it does infer something that is working. He will take the heat and then the options of repression will be offered to counter the national economic depression and at the same time inflation because of the dollars loss of value as the world reserve currency. And now for a future quote from the middle east. "No we don't want your funny dollars for our oil" said the sheikh to the dirty white skinned half naked barbarian". If you get what i mean. Even if we haven't figured out that the dollar is worth-less the world has. That's why they are dumping dollars by the boat load. If you haven't heard the world hates us and it seems they soon will hate the dollar as well. The dollar is now a looser and money follows Empire which will soon be a conglomerate of Russia and China and for a short while the middle east or as long as they have oil power. So buy your new flags now and be first on the block. Get a team cap and sweat shirt as well and make our new leaders smile, smile and smile. Nationalism is one of our most adaptable emotions as we will always switch to the winning team while deigning we ever considered being on the losers side. And please no more of those gook jokes as it's rumored they can understand what we are saying even when we giggle and scratch. And yes, I am aware that prowling on www. is much more distracting..... but then so is sleep a great comfort for the condemned.

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