Thursday, April 17, 2008

1948 Palestinian exodus: Information and Much More from

Attached is a short history course of which Americans seem tobe completely
unaware of these significant events having happened.
I came across this information in the mid fifties from reading Jewish
intellectual journals which where discussing this situation.
It seemed over my head at the time but i knew it was important.

Their was concern and discussion in some U.S. Jewish circles. But the
general enthusiasm for a Jewish state over-road all other concerns that
where raised by the Jewish minority.
Millions of Jews in Europe had been murdered by the Nazi's and the Zionist
homeland was the top priority. Every Temple in the U.S. was raising funds
for the new country. And the kids all wanted to go live on a kibbutz.
The general American press never mentioned what had or was happening in the
middle east. Also we where NOT middle east oil dependent at that time.

Much later the recent forming of a Israel state by European Jews was used as
an example by a U.S. TV documentary series on the history of war ... of how
Empires are formed. The series was very academic and keenly followed by the
American public who watched the history channel programs. If I hadn't
actually read what had happened i would have been 'taken in' aswell.
It was presented as an academic abstract that the Palestinians had been
displaced by the newly arriving European Jews to form Israel.
Though i can't recall if they mentioned this was also the U.S. continental
expansionist solution for the extermination of native Americans. But I doubt
that would have left the story as just abstract and history. In our case it
had been presented in the nineteenth century as a Christian war against
godless (redskin) heathens. American white farm boys of the day wanted to
join the army and go kill injuns.

In Israel it was part of the Jewish home land destiny myth which reads.
'Palestine was really Israel other than for a 'few' Arabs..who really didn't
belong their since they where come lately squatters.

It seems for the U.S. they got away with it by defeating all native American
Indian nations.... other than the Seminole's. Actually the war with that
nation was our longest war against the native peoples.

When you watch those vintage movies from the thirties and forties you will
NEVER today see the propaganda flicks we all watched where the 'Indians'
where the bad guys and the u.s. army always comes to the rescue of the
heroic covered wagon "settlers" just in the nick of time before they are all the bad guys..... the red skins. Whose native language was
Hollywood pigeon English. It was the same language that Tonto used when
responding to the long ranger so we where pretty sure it was authentic.
It was every Saturday after lunch a double feature for a quarter. And guess
who we cheered for?

I don't think the ultimate out come in the middle east will be the same.
Unless... Israel is able to extinguish Iran at some point soon... the tide
will finally turn against Israel.
Israel has very good war strategist so I'm sure they are aware that they
need to act now against Iran. Especially while they can still work under the
cloak of the U.S. nuclear Empire.

The U.S. pretends they are a friend and ally of Israel which of course is a
saccharin lie as the administration would burn their own mother if it
extended their power over the middle east.
Also, the Allies in the second world war made no effort to save Jews from
extermination in Europe. And the Jewish leaders of the time asked repeatedly
for help to save millions of people.
Do you think the leaders of Israel are unaware of this fact. They recognize
the U.S. would throw them to the mercy of the Arabs if it served their
immediate purpose.
You have doubts? Their is a very significant and powerful Israel lobby in
the U.S. which influences all decisions regarding the middle east.
But with oil supplies diminishing, populations increasing which affects
world demand, crude @ $115 bbl. and gas pump prices expected to reach $5..
this summer. What will come first as a priority Israel expansionisms or U.S.
self serving needs for middle east Arab crude oil? And that's right....
Israel doesn't have any natural resource other than dried fruit... like in
dates. Actually they manufacture allot of weapons for export.
So it's snakes in a barrel hoping the others will fall asleep.

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