Monday, April 21, 2008

Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash
And of course some of this is caused by grain stock manipulation by the big
five. Locally some could be caused by individuals hording but over all we
have to recognize that a slew of countries and some being grain producers
have halted grain exports.

China recently was willing to pay three times more for fertilizer than it
had cost them in the past. This is a grain price issue but it is also
natural gas cost which is the energy form used to produce nitrogen

And then we have biodiesel and such for our vehicles. It seems we would
rather burn corn than eat it. We'll actually we eat it but only indirectly
as we feed it to animals that we then eat.
Isn't their something very wrong in that chain of events? We'll if we can't
seem to see it for ourselves i think the distortion and hunger will help us
ponder our actions.

So why should we be surprised if it is coming apart at all the seams?

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