Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fw: Leaders wavering on Tibet - The World in Action
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Wikler -
To: larrylewis
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Leaders wavering on Tibet

Dear friends, On Monday, a global day of action delivered the
1.5-million strong Avaaz Tibet petition to Chinese embassies and consulates
worldwide. Click to see photos, and to urge your head of state to join the
call for change:
See photos and take action!

On Monday, thousands of people in 84 cities worldwide marched for
justice for Tibet--and delivered the 1.5 million-signature Avaaz petition to
Chinese embassies and consulates around the globe. (Click below for photos.)
Avaaz staff have engaged with Chinese diplomats in New York and London,
delivering the petition and urging action. And a growing chorus of world
leaders is joining the call.

China is on the fence--indicating an openness to talks with the Dalai
Lama, while at the same time pressuring other governments to support its
continuing crackdown. Each day, more leaders declare their stance. It's time
to redouble our efforts--click below to send a personal message to your head
of state, urging support for dialogue with the Dalai Lama--and check out the
photo gallery from Monday's day of action!

Together, we've built an unprecedented wave of global pressure. The
Avaaz petition is one of the biggest and fastest-growing global online
petitions on any topic in history; since it launched on March 18, it has
been signed by 100,000 people per day--an average of more than 4,000 per
hour, day and night.

Politicians understand that there is power in numbers. We need to show
them that they have more to gain by listening to their own people--and
heeding the cry for help from Tibet--than by giving China a pass in the
lead-up to the Olympic Games. Take action now

We're privileged to be alive at a time when people anywhere can reach
out and support people everywhere--instantly. If we have the power to make
things better, we have a responsibility to act. Thanks for what you've done
so far, for the people of Tibet and for a more humane world for all.

With hope,

Ben, Ricken, Graziela, Galit, Paul, Iain, Pascal, and the Avaaz team

PS - The more people sign the petition, the more powerful our call for
change. We will hope to deliver it to the Chinese government again once we
reach our target of 2 million signers. If you haven't already, please
forward the email below to your friends and family, and urge them to sign
the Tibet petition!

________ here's a message to forward to friends _________

Dear friends,

After decades of suffering, the Tibetan people have burst onto the
streets in protests and riots. The spotlight of the upcoming Olympic Games
is now on China, and Tibetan Nobel peace prize winner the Dalai Lama is
calling to end all violence through restraint and dialogue--he urgently
needs the world's people to support him.

China's leaders are lashing out publicly at the Dalai Lama--but we're
told many Chinese officials believe dialogue is the best hope for stability
in Tibet. China's leadership is right now considering a crucial choice
between crackdown and dialogue that could determine Tibet's--and

We can affect this historic choice--China does care about its
international reputation, and we can help them choose the right path.
China's President Hu Jintao needs to hear that the 'Made in China' brand and
the upcoming Olympics in Beijing will succeed only if he makes the right
choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his
attention. Click below now to join 1.5 million others and sign the
petition--and tell absolutely everyone you can right away--our goal is 2
million voices united for Tibet:

China's economy is dependent on "Made in China" exports that we all
buy, and the government is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer
a celebration of a new and respected China. China is also a sprawling,
diverse country with much brutality in its past. And it has good reasons to
be concerned about stability -- some of Tibet's rioters killed innocent
people. But President Hu must recognize that the greatest danger to Chinese
stability and development today comes from hardliners who advocate
escalating repression, not from those Tibetans seeking dialogue and reform.

We have presented the petition at protests, marches, rallies, and
private meetings with Chinese diplomats around the world--and we will keep
sending it as long as it keeps growing. Please forward this email to your
address book with a note explaining to your friends why this is important,
or use our tell-a-friend tool to email your address book--it will come up
after you sign. The Tibetan people have suffered quietly for decades. It is
finally their moment to speak--we must help them be heard.

With hope and respect,

The Avaaz team

Here are some links with more information on the Tibetan protests and
the Chinese response:

"China softens Dalai Lama stand" -- Wen Jiabao calling for dialogue

Dalai Lama expresses appreciation for world reaction, appeals for
continued support; also sends appeal to the Chinese people:

China announcing support from governments around the world:

Leaders across Europe and Asia starting to back dialogue as the way

Chinese Prime Minister attacks "Dalai clique", leaves door open for

Other Chinese signals:


ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning
organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's
people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many
languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is
staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris,
Washington DC, and Geneva.

Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace pages!

You are getting this message because you signed "Save the Climate:
virtual march on Bali" on 2007-12-04 using the email address
To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to You can also send postal mail to our New York office: 260
Fifth Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.

If you have technical problems, please go to

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