You may want to read this article which ....disputes the report that the Argo temperature sensing floats had found the oceans where cooling rather than significantly warming. The cooling conclusion was again recently reported by a Australia radio station. Even though... this story from last year stated the instruments where at a different level in the ocean which would indicate a different temperature reading or some such testing problem.
So what ever the cause for the oceans warming. Be it CO2, methane hydrate melting or sun spots. Or all combined along with a few others the oceans are still getting warmer and as well more acid.
They have recently banned Salmon fishing along the northern Pacific coast as they are concerned about extinction of the spices.
And apparently all those farm salmon steaks at markets such as Safeway and Costco are farmed off the coast of Chile. The Salmon are now dieing from something called ISA (infectious Salmon anemia) but not to worry.... as it just kills the fish. It's sorta like some of the diseases that cattle have and since they kill the cattle before they die from the disease it is not considered an epidemic.
So the msg is: Chow down and support the system.
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