Friday, November 30, 2007

FSU Editorial: "US Fed Behind the Curve" by Jim Willie, CB 11/28/2007

And if you find the charts that Harold is recommending unfamiliar. Then just
read the first and I think last paragraph of Willie essay.
Willie is considered to have credibility though i feel some of his essay's
are also way to technical for the sites he posts on.
And if you might think all this bell ringing of alarm is really just same
ole, same ole. It's not as these people are shocked and scared as to what is
coming down.
In the past if their was economic crisis their was some indication someone
was in-charge and the system was sluggishly responding..that's at the worst.
Not today..For today they are burning the deck chairs for fuel even before
we hit the ice berg. And they will soon be throwing the women and children
over board so they will have more room in the life boats for the extra
medicinal brandy.
----- Original Message -----
From: Harold McBride
To: Larry Lewis
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 3:09 PM
Subject: FSU Editorial: "US Fed Behind the Curve" by Jim Willie, CB

Read at least the first paragraph and look at the charts.....

The Crunch is here Bob Moriarty 321gold s

You may want to read the first six or seven paragraphs which are primarily regarding fore-closers.
We'll Bob is also mentioning the economic system will be collapsing soon.
Unfortunately, regarding this essay Bob M. is also credible.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fwd: AlterNet: Environment: We Face Worldwide Drought with No Contingency Plan

Peak water!
Though i find that people generally are unfamiliar with the term: Peak oil,
which is the over laying issue that the current use of 'Peak' derived from..
And as the author points out why should we expect the public to be concerned
about a national or world draught since the nations leaders don't speak of
the issue.

But again... and to bring it home.
Southern California is in draught...the Sierra's which usually furnish the
water have had no snow. The Colorado River is becoming a memory.
And their are 23 to 25 million thirsty people living in the southern half of
this state.
Does anyone out their have a clue as to what we are going to do if for need
of water those people find they also need to migrate? And that could be
sooner than later.

People say in response/// it will rain/// or this is not as serious as i am
concluding. But in response and which i have conclude indicates
they are too busy to either read or consider this issue. And I am aware the
Telly Viewer is our primary source for information.

This maybe simplistic but when i take in information from the TV i notice i
am more inclined to accept the conclusion being offered.  Their is no pause
after i receive the air wave info for me to consider what i am hearing. I
don't think. I hear and accept though i cover it with a justification i am
trying to be informed.
And as this author points out even searching for predictions concerning this
national draught offer few serious discussions. It seems collectively we
don't want to know or consider we are possibly confronted with a national
catastrophe. Which i would define as a national draught in a consumer
For most folks the glass is still full. As we all are inclined to take water
for granted.
Food shortages? With the percentile of the nation in drought being 43% i
really think we should be looking real hard at that one.

The whole national meat obsession can only be supported if we have unlimited
sources of water. Isn't it 5000 pounds of water is need to produce one pound
of hamburger?  Water is 8.33 lbs to the U.S. gallon (as I recall) which in
this case equals 600 gallons of the wet stuff.

I wonder how many folks ever consider that we ourselves are mostly water and
we don't live in the ocean.
Read on....

Fwd: Drought Score

New delta water diversion debate bubbles up 
Here it comes again.... the peripheral canal.

Though for most people it will seem like it is all something new. This goes
back to the fifties and Casper Weinberger fronting for Bechtel Engineering.
This is a good example of the over study of an important issue by political 
forces to reach the end conclusion they started with.
Southern California needs water and has the clout both political and
monetary to get it.

What is being left out of the so-called discussion is the state and western 
region is in a severe drought.
The population of southern California continues to significantly increase
while the north continues to have less water to send south. Two negative
numbers don't make a plus. 

Also, the state is broke at all levels and the state budget has a 10 billion
dollar short fall. The proposed February ballot water bond is for 9.5
billion in additional funds.

And if you haven't heard the delta is in terrible shape and prone to severe 
damage from any significant earthquake.

And then their is the fish and birds which are in mass die off up and down
the coast.

Will we actually build this and then send an additional trickle of water
We sure will as the up front money to get it going is coming from the south
and the corporation are totality behind it.
So what we have is a blue ribbon committee on stage to give this scam
And Herr governor Arny also backs it. You may recall Arny ran on a platform
of resolving the budget issues. Which of course he was not able to do any
more than Gray Davis. So if the terminator trashes the state we can all 
think we are bit players in a movie.
Pass the popcorn!
Warren Buffet who was a backer of Arny the first time around. We'll that was
until he said "this will not work unless their is a realistic property tax 
base to fund the state."
Silly fellow, what would Buffet really know about money?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Molecular basis of the potential of vitamin D to p...[Curr Med Res Opin. 2007] - PubMed Result

Mortgage crisis expected to cost Bay Area $5.4 billion next year

Today's biz page of the NYTimes has a very interesting graph of the
percentage of recent losses for various corporation nationwide. 
These are deep losses with the leaders being Freddie and Fanny along with
Washington Mutual and Countrywide. Also the home builders which are just
going straight to the sewage plant. No bailing by the government expected 

The DOW industrials went down 230 yesterday and will probably go up this
morn and then sell off this afternoon.
The Arabs are buying a chunk of citigroup while citigroup is planning a
45,000 layoff. 
The Arabs see it as junk money at this point since the dollar continues to
drop. It's around 75 and headed for 74 on the currency basket. Yes, you are
right it was above 80 a few weeks back.
The way it's going not even China Mart will be taking the buck soon. 

What's going to happen? We'll one plan they are thinking of is the AMERCO
(though i may have the spelling wrong) which is a plan to combine Canada's,
U.S. and Mexican internal currency's in to a new paper world. 
Who will come out on top on this one? We'll it will not be the people (who
are actually seen as the consumers) of the three countries.
They recently opened the three border to truck traffic and we didn't hear a 
peep from anyone so this 'money' scam looks like a shoo in to me.

California has a 10 billon dollar budget short fall. Something like what
gave Gray Davis his walking papers. But Arny has no worries as the public 
just wants a strong man even if he is terminating the state.
See the local north state R-E news featured on the front page of the
Chronicle below.

Remember the story this wouldn't happen in the bay area as this was 
something that would occur in the long valley suburbs. We'll it's only begun
and even if you are a renter or have a fixed mortgage it may still take a
swipe at you if the owner of the house/condo you are renting has a sub 
mortgage or you might need or want to sell your own cozy as a falling tide
also takes all ships to the bottom.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: All of a sudden, it just fell off a cliff

Mish has a good accuracy record for his predictions and conclusions.
He always does the math along with applying his experience.

Fwd: unusual type of breast

From: Cecelia Littlepage
To: Cecelia Littlepage
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 3:55 PM 
Subject: Fwd: unusual type of breast

   This is an email I received about something we women should be aware of.
I checked the info to verify its accuracy, and here's a site I found with 
very good info on Paget's Disease: 


 Paget's Disease
 This is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast,
on the nipple and aureole. In my case, it appeared as a rash, which later
became a lesion with a crusty outer edge. I would never have suspected it to 
be breast cancer, but it was. My nipple never seemed any different to me,
but the rash bothered me- sometimes it itched and was sore, but mostly was
just ugly and a nuisance- so I went to the doctor for that. It could not be 
cleared up with all the creams prescribed by my doctor and dermatologist,
and they seemed a little concerned, but did not warn me it could be

 Now, I suspect that not many women out there know a lesion or rash on the 
nipple or aureole can be breast cancer- mine started out as a single red
pimple on the aureole. One of the biggest problems with Paget's disease of
the nipple is that the symptoms appear to be harmless. It is frequently 
thought to be a skin inflammation or infection, leading to unfortunate
delays in detection and care.

 What are the symptoms?
 1. A persistent redness, oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing it to 
itch and burn. As I stated, mine did not itch or burn much, and had no
oozing I was aware of, but it did have a crust along the outer edge on one
 2. A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (mine was on the aureole with 
a whitish thick looking area in center of my nipple).
 3. Usually only one nipple is affected.

 How is it diagnosed?
 Your doctor will do a physical exam, and will order a mammogram of both
breasts. Even though the redness, oozing and crusting closely resemble 
dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), your doctor needs to rule out cancer,
especially if the sore is only on one breast. A biopsy of your sore is
needed to confirm what is going on.

 Please take this message seriously and pass it on to as many of your 
relatives and friends as possible; it could save someone's life. If mine had
been diagnosed as breast cancer in the beginning, perhaps it would not have

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fw: Charles Schultz Philosophy

----- Original Message -----
From: Harold McBride
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:28 AM
Subject: Charles Schultz Philosophy

 don't worry about the questions...  just keep reading...

   The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the
"Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just 
read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

   1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

   2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

   3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America. 

   4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

   5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and

   6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners. 

   How did you do?

   The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are
no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the
applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and 
certificates are buried with their owners.

   Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

   1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

   2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. 

   3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

   4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

   5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with. 


   The lesson:

   The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the
most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that 

   "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
tomorrow in Australia " (Charles Schultz)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

YouTube - Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

Hey Buddy, Can You Spare $1,000 Trillion?

Many of us have read the source articles for this article.
But it remains a convent reference paper as she has just about found all the 
recently publish financial contrarians other than maybe the Mise Institute
perspective. And they have been saying this long before most of these
writers woke up to the problem.
Bottom line for those who don't want to read it ....The nation is not going 
into recession. The nation is bankrupt and going into a deep recession while
at the same time experiencing inflation for necessities.
Though actually it maybe worse than just national or regional as it is
doubtful this will pass with out infecting the Asians who are the work 
horses for the western rich nations. And more recently the money lenders
And while you are pondering this please factor in 'Peak Oil' effects which
is also not mentioned in this piece. And don't be misled by the recent 
Brazilian oil find as the demand is already their and will quickly be
absorbed. We will never experience cheap oil or ENERGY again.

Cut Israel Off - by Charley Reese

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Financial Sense - Uncommon News and Views for the Wise Investor

I guess I'm in good company with my gloom and doom.
I just sent another storm warning message and then up pops this. 
Please see attached.

This is the guy with the hard numbers and i have never seen him preseant his
conclusions with such a premonition of disaster.

And people don't need to take these predictions seriously as we all have the 
option of waiting it out and watching the water rise.
But after our feet get wet from rising water that is followed by more of the
So really this is the time to look for high ground as i doubt our great and 
dear leader will be seen on the Tell-more-lies screen advising us we all
will soon be in New Orleans in a row boat.
What do the savvy people do when mkts are collapsing?
Buy government bonds and go to cash then wait it out while hoping the mob in
the street prefers the pleasure of broken glass and the free beer.

But what do savvy people do when the cash is also the world 'reserve 
currency' that is being dump for euros, oil, pm's and even the preverbal
chamber pots.

We'll strange as it may sound inflation will be the first monster to come
down the street sniffing for the blood of an Englishman though I'm sure s/he 
will settle for a Yankee's aswell.

Transferring some funds to other currencies is what people have always done
when possible or precious metals is another tried and true.
Currency exchange is usually handled through Ever Bank though the local will 
also do it for a larger fee.

I don't know what so special about real estate in Paraguay but the story on
the net (a blog) has it the Bush family has recently bought a hundred
thousand acres equipped with a new jet runway. 
I sincerely hope this story is BS for all our sake. But the story went on
that the Reverend Moon has and even larger holding near by. If the
evangelicals are also involved they got the maken's of a new Christian snake 

Citigroup Inc. News - The New York Times

A response that i got to a recent msg describing the collapse of the dollar,
equities mkt and R-E industry along with the mortgage firms was i hope you 
are exaggerating.
Don't i wish it! Here is one we all know since every town has a Citi group.
At our end it is the 'local vacuum' for people and small business money and
at the other end it is acting as a dumpster. 
And it was considered number three from the bottom for investment banks. It
is a race to the bottom....And that's from top to bottom.

Freddie Mac

As well as the Wall st investment banks that the wage earner will be bailing out their is also this sinking tub along with his sister Fanny.
The share holders have quit pumping the bilge and are now just jumping. See chart attached.
Today's papers are finally reporting their is no end in sight for R-E fall. Though maybe 2009 may look better as one analysis remarked.
The rating companies are also feeling for the ribs of Citigroup from recent reports.
The ARMS are still coming to the trough to feed and will defiantly be hungry for some time.
What we are experiencing is a micro drama of what is happening with the world reserve currency, the dollar. They are trying to control the dollar until they can unload it on others. That means super inflation for us if we have only dollars.
And just giving us a spoonful at a time of the bad news results in the conclusion of the total transfer of wealth to the few from the many.
The housing bankruptcy is not limited to just supposed buyers; this is also affecting renters of property which is being foreclosed. Unfortunately, they are not being forewarned by either the mortgagee or the mortgage company. 
It is very possible the first notice for the renting occupants of a foreclosed property would be that 72 hour evection notice that the sheriff tacks to the door.
Think not? I once saw an evection in progress where the old single women was led out of the house in complete bewilderment by a very nice sheriff and the locksmith was changing the lock. 
We learned their was a out of town owner who never came by and the women never used the front door because of the steps. So she never saw the eviction notices. This was in the area where the 'nice' people live. Two Blocks below College ave on Ashby in the Berkeley/Oakland area.
I was working next door and we called the woman's daughter who rarely had come by to check on her.
What's the point?
It was all done and no one was maliches. So don't expect the system to be consionus or have a heart when they start the shredder up.

Monday, November 19, 2007

San Jose Mercury News - Editorial: California revenue shortfall should be no surprise

This should not be a surprise that state revenue is falling since the Real Estate industry including the mortgage aspects as we all know are in severe straights.
But again we should realize that news such as this state revenue short fall probably means those proposed bond issues to deliver more water to southern California will never materialize.    
And in my opinion the state and especially southern California has no issue as critical as the water problem which is developing.
This is far more than brown turf on golf courses. This is 23 million people looking down the barrel of severe drought if their is not significant snow on the Sierra's this winter.

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Critical Point 
Hussman could not get more explicate than this that he is expecting
significant financial mkt problems to drive the trading world into crisis.
I have read that story before that the Fed had not actually put that much 
more liquidity into the system.
Also his prediction that the mortgage resets are expected to only get worse
has been suggested by others as well and for the same reason.

For the fixers, all that glitters is certainly gold - Business

Some trading details that i have never read before. Those names mentioned as sellers and buyers are really acting as agents for other parties.
And as to the Rothschild's leaving the game this is doubted by some observers as they are a major financier's in gold exploration and mining on some of the continents.
It has been speculated that the Rothschild's just did not want to be that evident any longer.
Lets put it another way, since they own banks which are shareholders in the major western central banks it might be fair to say they control western fiat paper sources. So it would not seem they would want to not set price standards for gold. 

Saudi minister warns of dollar collapse | Business News

For those that haven't heard this development has also been openly addressed individually by S. Korea, Kuwait, Russia and China. And they have all done their talking somewhat openly. The smaller oil producers in the middle east are also seeing the falling dollar inducing significant inflation which means their purchasing power is quickly falling even as they are desperately extracting crude to pay the bills and keep the Arab public pacified.
The dollar is continually sinking with small flurries of minimal recovery. Or in mkt language it has lower highs and lower lows.
So what will be the result? Oil will become more price stable as support for the dollar becomes more erratic. The dollar will experience a significant drop at some point and the rush for the door will then begin.
But through out this dance crude oil will retain it's supply and demand credibility.
The traditional playoff between the dollar and gold will continue to be erratic until the world flips to another 'reserve' currency. And what might that be? The choices are few but it would have to be one that has known gold reserves and a existing large world wide acceptance.
The Euro is being accepted by Russia, Venezuela, and Iran so the short list is.... one... the Euro.
Also, you can see from this article our dear friends in the KSA are themselves seriously considering it. Reading between the lines of this over heard discussion my conclusion is they are saying: It's a matter of timing. 
Their is also a middle east oil producer finance ministers meeting scheduled. And the agenda unannounced though will be how to get the most bounce from the dead cat.
As to the KSA they are the dearest of dear friends though their is speculation that they have been in discussion with the Chinese regarding their taking over the guard duty which has been the bases of their loyalty to the U.S.
The U.S. is the defender of the their Kingdom from their neighbors aswell as from their own people in exchange for unlimited oil. And since KSA is also experiencing "Peak Oil" with regards to their production it is a situation of : The we will take what ever KSA gives us and at any price.
The U.S. runs oil for blood and with out oil we die. That's of course unless we change drastically. And actually at this point the crash will come first and change will soon follow. 
And further spelling it out if the buck is nolonger the world 'reserve currency'
it's good by dolly and hello Peking.
Do I know what I'm talking about? 
Actually, what i believe i am doing is to summarize the conclusions of the gold and oil analysis who feel their is no coming back for the dollar at this point. 
Will we notice the effects of this falling dollar ourselves here in Never Never land?
I would say: yes...if we also continue to eat and use energy.
Today gold is down but so is the dollar. The difference is gold will continue to ascend while the dollar will continue to decline.    

National Endowment for the Arts - Reading - New York Times

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Oil Drum: Canada | The Finance Round-Up:

Hold your hat....the roller coaster ride has just begun.. or so this report concludes.
Maybe to put this reported coming collapse in perspective it was just a few months ago that we begain to get... full... conformation that the R-E industry was in regional collapse.
And it was also just recently that they begain to acknowledge the mortgage industry was in terrible shape and it wasn't just the bottom tier nor where they seeing and end in site. 
And finally after a few months of digging holes and cover ups we are now being told it is not just one or two of the big investment banks that are in distress it is probably all of them. Including those corporation that where supposedly going to insure those loans and bonds.
So this is some of the details we are not usually privy too. 
I left the comments section off on this one as it is long as well as informative. If you are interested just go to the original site and bring up the article.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why FAS 157 strikes dread into bankers | William Rees-Mogg - Times Online

It seems the banks have not been able to stop the coming about of what has
been reported as the "end of the world". 
And why might that be? We'll lets consider it from "The art of war"
The bankers say to themselves what is knew here? We all ready know bucket 3
is going to be full of junk from our investments. So after the assessment 
audit a lot more people are also going to know, so what?
Which means this financial garbage barge off the island of Manhattan becomes
freighting and embarrassing to the government and the public aswell.
And rather than us fat cats (investment banks) trying to talk the problem 
away or continue to slip some of the trash in with the pot roast what might
happen is the government panics.
And then sets up a dispersal agency which sells bucket 3 contents
for a quarter on the dollar and we get paid both ways. 

Just a thought as the upper echelon of investments banks are not interested
in the figures. For them it is deal making and concepts and saving their
skins. Which is some times referred to as the bottom line. 

I see you are still doubtful that it all could be financial and contrived.
Please consider Siedman and the S&L disaster in the early nineties. And the
government agency he set up just gave it away and in some cases to the same 
class who had just lost it.
Then their is LTCM (Long Term Capital Management) in 98 who lost it trying
to sell ice cubes to the Russian's and who actually like their Vodka neat
and room temperature.
And for that circus the Fed dressed the show up by have Warren Buffet come 
in and make it legit. But he told them never again. Oh, the LTCM losers
(traders) where back trading again within the year.

This time they will have to find someone devious to the extreme with a
personality of 'something' between a hangman and a Black Mamba .. 
And I offer an inflation penny for your answer!
Who out their said Condi Rice? We'll who ever you are you have one minute to
jump in bucket 3 and stuff your pockets.

Brown Goes Green - a photoset on Flickr

Three wheel electric plug in Zap PU.
And it looks like they intend to use them when they go to lunch.
But what ever it's another start to driving in the right direction. 
The 'Bajaj Van' may actually be more functional since it has better range, less initial cost and no batteries to lug around and eventually replace.
Also it comes as a closed container for the cargo. The cruising speed is about 35 so it's definitely an urban choice and not for the freeway.
And in my opinion a small clean gas engine is less carbon foot print than either the large natural gas or coal fired power plants that powers the ZAP.
But even considering all these reservations i am glad to see the ZAP coming down the road. 
to see pictures of the van and pick up and a list of regional dealers for the Bajaj.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Curry Spice May Counter Alzheimer's

The Turmeric powder has been found very effective for a range of complaints. And especially those which involve site inflammation: heart, arteries and possibly precancerous.
The research has been centered on inflammation for 10 or more years.
Other studies i have read indicate the with age adjusted groups from India and the U.S. Alzheimer's is much lower in the Indian group.
And just addressing Alzheimer's other supplements that are considered preventative are a couple of the B vitamins.. Foliate and B-12 come to mind. And the omega 3's are essential.
If you can find a kelp related source that maybe the way to go. It really all starts with Kelp and then works up the food chain until it gets to us.
As too turmeric dosage it is definitely a sliding scale. But a couple of capsules 3-4 times a week is sometimes mentioned.

Eat Fish, Get Smarter?

Financial Sense Online Market WrapUp with Frank Barbera

It sure is tempting to 'leave the economics to our betters' as the saying was once used.
But know it seems our betters have installed a vacuum directly to any and all acquired wealth we may have accumulated.
And if they are not getting it all that way they initiate inflation to assure that they will.... get it all. 
Barbara's analysis are always accurate in source as well as conclusion is what i have found over the years.
And he is also quoting Ron Paul in his lecture of Bernanke at the recent
Congressional hearing. Paul it seems is getting praise from all sides from those who advocate fiscal sanity.
And if you have doubts as to why some analysis are very concerned and especially regarding the direction of inflation. Just check the enclosed charts that are provided. With significant inflation people starve as the buying power of the fixed income disappeared.
And for those with wealth, any wealth over the funds for necessities. Their surplus wealth also disappears by the diminished value of their dividends and returns.   

Stage is set for a stock crash - MSN Money

It seems the msg is now being dispensed to even us fish swimming in the
The msg until recently that we where receiving was. "We'll their had been a 
problem but don't worry the road crew just patched all the pot holes in the
road to perpetual plenty. So just get on board little children this rides
for you!"
And the question to the expert was not how can this econ disaster be fixed. 
They are now asking for how long will this last as well as how large could
it get. They don't like their answers and neither will you.

The main reason it is such a disaster is they can't define it's scope as 
every time they seem to try they are finding more problems. 

How To Recognize a Financial Mania When You're Smack Dab in the Middle of One Susan C. Walker 321gold

I feel the basic premises that we are now in a mania cycle of the markets is completely valid. And they offer some points as to how to recognize this cycle.
And don't be confused that he is referring to the present R-E mortgage mania cycle. He is describing the larger over all failure which we are also experiencing.
I say 'describing' though in reality i don't think either the manic or the depressed economic states are describable other than in the past tense. And i won't drag this out but even comparisons of past cycles as he is describing are not an adequate gauge to what we may experience.
I can justify that conclusion but maybe just saying the magnitude of the forces now confronting us are not comparable to anything described as experienced in past cycles.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Financial Sense OnlineƂ Market WrapUp with Rob Kirby 
The Fed here is acknowledging that the means of exchange..The dollar, the
reserve faith based. Their term as quoted and also included in
this spiritual revelation is the statement that all of the other paper money 
of the world is also funny money.

And in the second quote from the same source it is clarified how they will
try to keep this scam alive.
And which is to drive down the price of gold by selling gold futures in to 
the world market.

Will they succeed? Hardly, as the dollar is not going up unless we can call
today's bounce anything other than a dead cat bounce. It is a holiday of
sorts so that gives them some slack to play on the slaughter house floor. 

End result in my opinion. More selling of the dollar. More buying of gold
and silver. And more inflation for the likes of us.

Are the 'candidates' discussing issue which are lodged in our wallets? 
No way! They have their own fantasy issues which are mostly of less interest
to the public than why is the price of everything going up.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

UrbanSurvival: Free daily business & financial news, longwave economics

I find this site to be timely and the reference sites are also some of my favorites.
And i just got around to checking it tonight and some folks may be getting tired of hearing me ring the fire bell. But again it sure does not look like a drill this time around.
And this site is stepping out front of the crowd with the flashing red light.
So I am sending it along as you may want to check it now and again.
You may also find the two charts of interest.
Also, his conclusion that they have only one door to open and fall through. Which is inflation big time. Especially on the two items that are not included in the and food.
And when reading this site it maybe appropriate to consider the author
is deep into market econ but also into personal alternatives. And which of course influences his conclusions.
And having made this disclaimer since i am indorsing this site. I still think his heightened concerns regarding the mkt, the dollar, shortages and inflation are timely and reasonable. 

FASB 157 regulation - Google Search

I apologies if i upset anyone in those last two msg about Bucket 3 which it
seemed was preparing to take down the finacial systems.  Apparently, our 
noble leaders are proposing a solution. The brilliant plan is to just
ignore the problem that bucket 3 has a hole in it and hence the contents,
now air have no value.
Now that's pretty slick.
Oh, you are having a little problem wrapping around that? 
We'll think of it this way. Something really big died in the living room
like a horse and it is giving off a nauseous odor. You with me? We'll take a
sniff and you will be.
So using the 'brilliant plan' as proposed what we all have to do is pretend 
it didn't die or at least on the sofa in the living room.
And of course and unfortunately for us that involves not breathing.
You are saying that may cause further complications. Hey Dude, You are not
suppose to do two things at once like not breath and think too. 
Just get with the plan. 

The Long Fall: A Market Without Parachutes - The Smirking Chimp

more of the same ...FASB 157 Thought the subprime mess was bad? Wait till the accountants get involved

Officially referred to as level 3 exposure. But you will also see it referred to as... Bucket 3.
And the buckets will get filled next week and having commercial paper in bucket 3 is not good. It's a little like finding out those folks who have investment banks have been printing their own funny money. And when it is held under a black light it comes up gray rather than green.
It's not that the stuff in three has no value. It's just the little problem of no one has a clue what it's value may be. And no one is offering to buy it.
Why, that sounds like a description of no value said backwards.
And since the investment banks will have way more in bucket 3 than 1 or 2 when the fiscal accounting comes due on nov 15. The are declared functionally insolvent and this is the clincher and what hurts. They have to step up and say: We are broke!
What's to be done?  We'll when the cat digs the hole it has a purpose.
Seriously, I can think of only one feasible solution since they will not be able to hide it or deign it.
And that's spread the lose and as far as possible and that's us the people who they generally hold in contempt.
Which means their is a big federal bail out a coming our way. Because the major Investment Banks can't fail as they are the vehicles of the very wealthy in this country.
That is not being cynical as their is no need to be. That is just the way it is.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ron Paul Schools Ben Bernanke Again

Decide for yourself on the issues of fiscal responsibility and credibility.
Congressman Ron Paul is from another era and expresses the economic politics of that era. He would have been a Midwestern  populist in a time long past.
He is actually a Texas Republican with a strong constituency but no party with fiscal credibility to build from. And Paul.... fortunately.... is not Ross Perot with some charts and no serious intention to change or save anyone including the nation.
The party Paul belongs too are now completely indifferent to the issues of monetary responsibility and the actual welfare and best interest of the people they are elected to represent.
They actually advocate deficit federal budgets as Cheney has stated.
All political parties are amalgams of different interests looking for common ground. The Republicans have never been able to homogenize those differences as the contradiction are too evident and too large.
And which are the extreme wealth of the eastern power elite and with a primary interest in power and money.
Verses the other major wing from the south and mid west clearly stating they are white 'Christians" with issues around what is now termed: Christian values.
Though again these are key words which we all know have multiple meanings.
As history has shown the nobility and the servants can never find a common ground other than they may say they pray to the same god. Though I have strong doubts about even that.
Seriously, do Episcopalians religious images relate to anything other than the Puritans and the high church of England? The north eastern white ruling class does not distinguish between the black or white.... in the south, It is just not an issue for them. Because they are not WASP such as themselves so they have to be managed... though maybe in different ways.
So it actually is a weak alliance as the northern power structure which has proven issues and since these are power and money they are not planning on sharing with their new 'friends' from the south.
Has much changed from the Republican convention of 1948? We'll it has become more evident as the north gets richer and south poorer (and it is) they can expect erosion within the ranks.
The first split off was the Libertarians and the Christian Right has never been truly above suspicion with the money class. You may recall insiders in even this administration refer to them as the "'crazies" The ruling class considers religion a tool not a perspective.
That is one of the reasons the attacks on the Democratic candidates have already become personal and vicious. The Republicans have no issues they can offer the poor cousins but reaction issues. Race, sex, religion and fear of immigrants taking their jobs are prominent and proven to instill even more fear.
And as to money to turn the wheels. Corporations and foreign interests control congress and the Administration. Follow the money is not a saying, it's a truism. 
Broad brush? Yes, of course as this is a time for concepts reflected against history.
We maybe going into terrible times as a nation and we are unified on few issues so we should define the differences. And especially since  they become paramount during economic contractions.  The concealed issue of class structure is a factor that has to be acknowledged. Otherwise we are just pecking at each other because their is not enough to go around since the ruling elite always eats first and last.
Of course, people don't believe their is a ruling class. Anyone can be president!  And especially if he is willing to take orders from the rulers.
As to Ron Paul the current conservative fire brand but dressed in a suit.
Is he heard? I would say: yes, he has allot of appeal as he makes sense and shows courage; but heard only within a limited audience.
Will he make headway as this country comes apart? Probably not, because the power in this nation is not interest in a rational solution to economic problems. Also, he has restricted his message to economic and fiscal responsibility. We are now far beyond that state of concern and for example we have abandoned the seniors and which is now the baby boomers and even health care for children.
And the favorite imported toy for children this Christmas maybe the water board. And why not? The newly chosen Attorney General cannot find fault with it.
It's Christmas morn and the dear tots are at play under the sparkly tree.
Which is the Christian image of life renewing. And a little voice is raised in gleeful joy. "Mommy, can i use my new water board on my lil sis Marylou?
Can I, Can I? Please mommy and besides she is a little terror. And of course good Mommy responds: "We'll just be careful as we don't have any health insurance."
Torture is the ultimate weapon of an oppressive regime. And that seems to be what we now are approaching.
Maybe they should do a make over for Jesus and stick him on a board with a bucket under his head.
Of course, they would have to change the sign to: He was drowned for your sins. And it could be a play on baptism....You know something catchy like..Get on board before the board gets you!
So you see they have a different agenda and that is control and economics are just one area they consider significant to remain in total control. 
But back to the congressional dialogue.
Is Bernanke answering Paul's questions? My conclusion is: No. He is enduring the lecture and he has no intention to seriously respond because that would take the discussion to a level of honesty that he cannot afford to illustrate.
So the prearranged tactic for Bernanke is to smile and be cryptic in response. The implication being Paul has to be endured since he is a yokel but not to be responded to in any way that will indicate his remarks or questions are factual or credible. For a one liner i would say: Bernanke tactic is if you can't beat-um...don't join um!
So we all wonder what is going to happen. Will this financial crisis pass?
I don't see how it could because nothing has been resolved and we have no new bubble to scramble after.
The dollar will continue to fall as more countries are selling than surely are buying. Doesn't add up? We'll no buyers! Then WE have to take the dollars back. And what's that mean for US? More... Inflation. 
North, South, East and West. 
And if their was a strong paper money in the western world with both backing and credibility that's where the money would be going. So those with money in dollars are looking for alternatives through diversification.
Oil futures, precious metals and commodity futures just to name a few.
Will the Fed lower interest rates further? They have already indicated they will though for appearances they would like to wait until January.
Is the mortgage markets free fall in all it's ramifications stabilizing? From what i read it's just getting started.
Will residential real estate find traction? Not with mortgages resetting and for at least another year and loans more difficult to obtain. As well as potential buyers just sitting it out.
Where is the bottom or where is up. We'll from what i read it is not on this side of the valley and we have a long and ugly trek before we get to the other side. 
And who will feel pain and maybe fall out along the way?
I don't think it will be those on top north or south.
That's our roll to play in this American tragedy which is now unfolding.

Friday, November 9, 2007

FSU Editorial: "The Robert Rubin & Ben Bernanke Death Embrace" by Charles Zentay 11/08/2007
Informed, candid and rational. Not something we are likely to get from those
who should be responding to maybe the largest finacial crisis in the nations 

Awhile back we speculated what would be the event that would empower the
perfect storm which we seem know to be entering.
And i believe Zentay fantasy dialogue may actually be the 'fly on the wall' 
who hears it all.
It's really indicative of the contempt they the 'actual bankers' hold for
Bernanke and how willing he is to confirm that it is justified.

At the end of the article their is an option to visit Zentay's web page and 
it's some of the same but still worth reading as the flavor of knowledgeable
conviction is again evident.

We have all speculated as to when and how 'it' would start, was it the
NASDAQ melt or the housing R-E bonanza? Or is it the Hedges and the 
It seems now and from the start we should be looking at the investment banks
who so far have road out all dips and turns with free money from the Fed..
And also by creating even more bazaar instruments of mass destruction with 
the hope their would be no evident blow back.

And i guess i should speculate on will they use the Fed to bail themselves
completely out and give the bill to the people?
Friends and Countrymen....This is not a simplistic over statement. 
They always have and they always will try to do it again. Because it worked
the last time and besides they pull the levers as well as run the presses.

People for some reason think the people who wrote the Constitution just 
didn't understand the complexities of a nations wealth.
They did and they understood greed as well as human frailty. And they also
opposed central banks like the Fed from the get-go as they saw it as a way
to control the country and rob the people. And when the bankers initiated
the "Federal Reserve System" ....for themselves..... they did it in secret
and had Congress pass it when it was not in normal session. 

Rising Demand for Oil Provokes New Energy Crisis - New York Times

Since it's all about oil.... their is no comparable world issue....if we are
not considering climate change. These world supply, demand equal price 
stories are very significant.
And the conclusion which is offered that it can't go up for ever would seem
descriptive. Especially considering economic cycles of the past as well as
politically induced oil crisis. 

Unfortunately, all those issues are still significant and we also have to
know consider the exploding world population and who also want their own

And then the issue only the insiders discuss. Peak Oil, which means world 
oil production has peaked and is now acknowledged on the down side slop of
the bell curve. Their is no more ...of significance and reachable.... to be
Oil sands, shale oil, give it up.
Alternatives? Sorry, they just don't generate the punch that oil does. 
Though of course we will use as much natural gas, coal and nuclear as we can
get our dirty mitts on. Hydrogen :) is a non laugh joke:(...
And if you haven't noticed even plug-ins get their energy from NG, Nuclear 
or coal. They are quite and it's fun pretending... is my conclusion.
Actually if we look at energy for production of the new vehicle, the
batteries and the disposal as well as the labor involved to earn the money 
to buy the hybrid it is probably far less carbon foot print to keep driving
the semi efficient clunker you are now filling with petroleum in some form.
Motor bikes, motor scooters and pedal bikes are where we should be going. At 
least until they come out with one equipped with a sail.

Oil production matched oil demand from 1930 to the present. But know they
are parting company. Demand and population continue to rise. While world
production is falling. In big and for us painful steps.

As and example one of major crude oil producing suppliers is Mexico and has
now gone into a significant decline. The estimate is now 12 to 15 percent
decline in the last year. We use 40% of their exported oil and they intend 
to cut foreign sales first as the oil for their people will keep the revolt
in check. Or so they hope. So 60% of Mexico's production is used internal...
with in the nation. And oil revenue is also somewhere around 60% of the 
government budget. That's where the money comes from to subsides the corn
products for the populace.
And hungry people are not happy people. Or even worse passive.

A Real Estate Speculator Goes From Boom to Bust - New York Times

Barn door! What barn?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fed Chief Warns of Worse Times in the Economy - New York Times

"We have not calculated the probability of a recession." Also..........
Our assessment is for slower growth... but positive. Or so Fed Chief 
Bernanke told the Senators today with regard to the nations economy.

Now for economist their is no term with less content than probability. With
a positive or negative in the same sentence it's still just jive talk. 
And he is talking with regards to the nations economy to the law makers of
the land.
And did anyone call him on it? No way! They know it's smoke and they don't
want to be the fan that blows it away.
And the second remark regarding slower growth and with out a number of any
type to indicate what he maybe alluding too is just gibberish.

So just for 'fun' taking it a step further if they haven't calculated the 
probability of a national recession...why the hell haven't they? That's what
they called him to testify regarding.
Dude, is the Dam silly, bloated, leaky tub the U.S. economy going to the
bottom? Get with it. 
As we sure are not going to take the fall for you crooks in blue suits.
No, that would be impolite.
But if we are facing a dieing economy that might be more than impolite for
about 300 million of us.

Conclusion: It's going down and going to hit hard and probably faster than 
No mention of oil at $98 or $100. We are an oil economy! We do everything
with oil but breath it.
No mention of the stock market ruptured and spilling it's guts. Yeah, that
was our nest egg since the housing mkt went south. Or better yet: What 
housing market? And you remember the dollar?
That's right it is FAST becoming a memory as it is the fastest thing falling
next to Newton's apple.
And then on the subject of forbidden... the Chinese have announced they are 
sending them back as fast as they can load those shipping containers with
bundled dead presidents. And they have actually started a race to see who
can send the most... first. Who's in the race? Why just about all of Asia. 

Will they cut rates again? That is something you can be sure of though as
someone mentioned here they will try and hold out for January.
And that little hint that the consumer maybe on life support doesn't bode 
well for Jesus best day.
Also, this is the guy who said he would throw dollars out the window of a 
helicopter if needed to keep the economy going. Which could be translated
as: Piss on our heads! We'll that's what they have been doing for the last
few months. And it's like a rain in Death Valley in the summer. It's gone 
before it hits the ground.

Fw: 9/11, new statment!

I think the 9/11 tragedy question maybe getting to the critical mass state.
And for Fox media to continually devote so much energy to it is even more 
Their preference is to show skimpy clad women over and over and say "Real
Christian beer drinking right wingers hate things like this" when of course
that is all they have as an audience.. 

At the time of 9/11 for me and i watched the second plane or supposedly
second plane hit the other tower i was stunned by the news and the sight.
Yes, i did later see the tape of the news announcer reporting live the plane 
hitting the tower and their in the background out the window the plane is
shown heading toward the tower.. The implication being the relayed
announcement was sent out before the event.

But even so and from the start i felt their was something very wrong. 
None of the tough question have ever been answered. In fact it was never
investigated by the usual government FAA crash follow up investigators.

Also as I had worked (mechanical) in high rise buildings in the sixties an 
was assured in meetings by the PE's (Engineers) nothing including an
earthquake or fire would take the new building down.555 Market street which
was a Standard oil headquarters building and actually had 3 floors of 
engineers. It not only was on steel pilings but had additional shock
absorber cushions.
The New York Twin Towers where five times as large as this 340 thousand sq
ft self contain building and the design engineers in NY at first when they 
where still allowed to talk also said the plane crashes nor a fire would
have been able to demolish the buildings.

the current conscientious seems to conclude the attack was either planned by
the government or was allowed to happen by the government. And a little bit 
of both seems to be a reasonable conclusion.

And the Neo Con position paper (1999) sent around amongst them selves stated
they would need a Pearl Harbor type incident to incite the American public
to allow an attack on Iraq. Hence 9/11. 
Four or five of the signers of that paper ended up being in the first
administration and in senor positions.

Does this administration lie? Is it ruthless with regards to achieving it's
objectives? Does it obstruct justice and have a private agenda? I think it 
does. Does it represent traditional Republican party values? Not at all and
it no longer bothers to even mouth the words.

Old line Republicans have been pushed aside and we are all now told we are
being protected from terrorist. I personally believe they the neo cons are 
the terrorist.
What do we need to see or be told to be convinced we have been had and big
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larrylewis
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:04 AM
Subject: 911

Monday, November 5, 2007

Debunkers can scoff and chuckle all day long when a celebrity uses their
public prominence to talk about 9/11 truth, but when a 20-year decorated CIA
veteran says that the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job,
dismissive hand waving and off-the-cuff ad hominem attacks on credibility
aren't so easy to justify.

Bill Maher recently suggested that people who dare to question this 
habitually lying government's official version of what happened on September
11 are crazy and should ask their doctor if Paxil is right for them.

Perhaps Maher would be less reticent to question the sanity of a man labeled 
"perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in the Middle East" by Seymour
Hersh and whose astounding career formed the script for the Academy Award
winning motion picture Syriana.

 Robert Baer is no "radical left loony" as Bill O'Reilly would allege and 
neither does he lean to the right. He is a widely respected expert on
intelligence matters and middle eastern foreign policy, an Emmy award
nominated documentarian and a strong advocate of the CIA's need to increase 
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) on the ground.

Baer served as a clandestine officer in Madras and New Delhi, India; in
Beirut, Lebanon; in Dushanbe, Tajikistan; and in Salah al-Din in Kurdish
northern Iraq. While in Iraq, Baer tried to persuade the Clinton 
administration to back a coup to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

So when Baer told a radio host that "the evidence points at" 9/11 having had
aspects of being an inside job, the noisy negativists and the trolls were 
notable by their absence.

Watch a video compilation, including Baer's quote at the start: 

So where are the debunkers on this one? What does Bill Maher have to say
about it? One of the foremost intelligence and foreign policy experts in
America and a 20-year CIA veteran to boot says that 9/11 looks like an 
inside job.

Let's hear Bill O'Reilly try and trash this hugely regarded individual as
another tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

Let's hear Glenn Beck attempt to slander Baer as the next Timothy McVeigh 
terrorist bomber.

Let's hear Sean Hannity ridicule this honorable professional and CIA Career
Intelligence Medal decorated stalwart as a caricature of liberal political
hate speech.

They couldn't, and that's precisely why the debunkers, the COINTELPRO 
counter-operatives, the Neo-Con talking heads and the trolls are loathe to
address Baer's expert judgment on 9/11 being a likely inside job.

will nap for food

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Map of the Oil World -- The New York Times

producers, consumers and world suppliers. this a very clear indicator of
where crude comes from and where it goes.
Unfortunately, their is no indication of the consumer nations population. 
But i think we can assume the rules of the play ground that the biggest gets
the most and first do prevail.
And i was not implying that 'to each according to his needs' should  apply.
But the U.S. which in percentage of energy consumed does use 25% of the 
worlds energy might just be a tad over the top. Worldwide

I read these Bloomberg financial summaries frequently but this one i believe
stands alone as one of the most dismal for all categories that they are 
reporting. And they do not seem to be selective as it seems everything is
going in the red. And for another long display of red see today's equity
market losers. Google business news or market watch has it all. 

And you recall that report a few days ago that the recent U.S. Fed rate cut
would be the last for awhile? We'll Fed governor Poole has just been sent to
the balcony to tell us they where just fun-in with us. It seems he announced 
more (maybe) on the way. The announcement is suppose to presto-instant buck
up the mkt and the buck. It's called: talking it up. But they will lower
rates so they hope to get two bangs for the buck.

Now that's like shooting formaldehyde in the veins of the dieing Buck. But i 
guess self preservation is not favored by the suicidal. It was also suppose
to reassure the mortgage market that they are not alone as big stupid is
with them... all the way... to the poor house.
It was once known as the 'work house' but they can't call it that any longer 
because we also quit making things.

But maybe the most troubling in this report is the 'two' indications the
Chinese are finding it too costly to continue with the dollar. As they are
reporting they intend to find currencies with more stability than the 
dollar. Now if you want to know what talkun dirty means. That was it!

The dollar is actually designated as the 'world reserve currency' by the
bankers of the world. It happened when they dumped the Breton-Woods 
agreement and then when they closed the gold window (Nixon) no one since
then has mentioned that it nolonger actually has any value. Leave it to
Chinese to turn the table over.
So until recently if the Emperor can walk around naked and not complain why 
should we? was the conclusion.
Of course those same world central bankers maybe selling dollars at this
time. As Oscar Wilde said: A true friend stabs the front!

So now when the Chinese give the word they are selling the 
$$$ or is it flushing? And the dollar has dropped to 75 plus we can expect
that it will not find a new plateau at this lower level. Because this
announcement will be triggering large sales by a number of other trading 
countries who are also holding enormous sums of junk money..the dollar.
Junk money and play money are not the same. play money is used on board
game. Junk money is also from a game... called: con game.

I know this is a dry subject that's popped right out of the toaster (made in 
china) and even the thought of selling our dollar can be upsetting for some
real Americans. So maybe you might have to tell yourself you are just
parking those dollars... with lets say... the Canadians, until it gets too 
feeling better.
You as an individual can also sell the dollar through a couple of banks in
the U.S. though i can only recall one that deals in small individual
transactions. Or you can use the local bank to arrange it for you at a fee. 
Not the advised way to deal with money going south because of the double fee
on a falling currency..
Their maybe someone who gets this msg who will tell us what's the current
method to trade no money for some money. 
Though as i recall  is the most frequently used.
And i believe this can be set up so you can access your foreign account
But any-way do read the short Bloomberg report.

Nov 7, 2007 Here's the question... Richard Russell 321gold . . . Inc s
For a few people who will read this essay by Russell it will be seen as
conformation of their own long standing conclusions.
That an Empire such as this one which we live in cannot sustain on the
wealth of other nations. And that includes and Empires most evident tactic
of using force to extract other countries wealth.

All Empires have remained strong as long as they where expanding and a good
reference on this is: Imperial San Francisco, published in the early
And when expansion ends empires go through the throws of contraction and
which are never with out pain.
In our case we had more to utilize as well as more energy needs since this
is the first actually large industrialized 'nation' to also become an
England never reached the industrial base that the U.S. did. And i use the
past tense because of the preseant U.S. industrial rust belt and our
shrinking international sales.
As the scale rating of Empires goes we went up very fast and we our now
coming down much faster. And i assume this is because of the enormous energy
input has heated the forge to a fury white which will soon recede to a
cooling reddish lump.
Though our energy input would indicate we are still a strong industrial
nation when it is really misleading as so much energy is used in our
personal transportation and residential demands.

As you may recall Buffet was not taken in by the NASDAQ streak to the sky.
Nor for that matter has the grand sport of selling each other houses been
proven to be a substitute for industrial production.

Russell also asks the question of how it will unwind within the empire and
when. And his conclusion that the gun shot that will wake the bear is
impossible to clearly define. Though it is out their and though the bear
hasn't knocked he is definitely circling and smelling for a meal.

As to gold the only significant similarity to the last run up in the early
eighties is the big money is already in and that was some years ago and now
the public soon will follow. And though they are not sure of the reason they
will understand that it's now the happening.
And on just a practical level it will be silver that will show the most
action for the most people. it follows gold ...going up.
Also the availability of gold is limited along with the significance of the
The gold/silver ratio is now in the mid fifties and the normal price
relationship historically is in the teens. So silver has got to rise until
that relationship norm is achieved.

Russell is the senior investment writer in the business as he has been doing
this since 58 and with and excellent market prediction record.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

National Priorities Project - Cost of War

Getting the most for our money.
This may not be of interest to you if you don't pay federal taxes or benefit
from any government programs. And which at one time was seen as the
appropriate use of tax revenue.

And if none of that is in your realm of interest or experience.
Try this one. What was the price of gas before our dear leader told them to
bring um on? Was it $1.59?
My local major posted price for... regular... is $3.40. Is $4 bucks to be
expected by Jesus Birthday? Is it worth paying this for gas so george could
get Saddams neck in a noose? And of course destroy Iraq for the six o'clock
Honey, could you pop me another cold one?
You may say: cynical..i say reality.

YouTube - Hahaha

Climate Change Refugees (extended version): Scientific American

This could be viewed as a description of southern California.
Maybe not the flooding from the ocean level rising but the drought effects could be drastic because of the concentration of population and peoples perceived water needs.
And yes, i do return to this issue frequently as it is not going to be experienced as the glass half empty. It will be the glass is empty and the spicket is nolonger functional.
Or, No snow on the Sierra's and the aquatic canal will be pumping air.

A Detour From a Battle Against Terror - New York Times
Sorry i reversed the order of the last msg. This is the original source
article in today's Times.

But either way we are again backing and with billions another dictatorship.

Even indulging in thought distortion which the nation seems to be doing at
the moment. When we can define the terms and it comes up that we are a party
to a large nations repression it leaves us little wiggle room to say we are
not supporting what we say we oppose.
It seems we will have to get it straight in our own heads before we can go
from being personally and nationally passive and to a position of active
intolerance to repression.

The New York Times: Reference Search for 'dictatorship',%20democracy,%20not%20dictatorship,%20is%20the%20best&fw=3
Double click on any word in this article and you will be furnished a
dictionary meaning.
No not the '10 billion dollars' of your payroll deductions the neo cons have
given Musharrif. Not Freedom or Democracy, since we all know those are just
play words for the corporate media.
Here is a winner...try: dictatorship, now that's a word we all should learn
the meaning of and soon.

Curcumin and Turmeric : by Ray Sahelian, M.D. benefit, side effect of Curcumin and Turmeric

I was trying to bring up the 'Curcumin' article in the Science New, Sept.
15, 2007 issue.
Unfortunately, it is not available on line but this Sahellan article is
saying the same thing and with a broader scope though i don't know the
publishing date.
If you are interest get it fresh as turmeric at the grocery store and
capping it is the least expensive. Though you will need a capper and about
twenty minutes once a month.
To be specfic the Mexican spice section seems to be the least expensive and
is always fresh if you are shopping where Latinos shop.
Dosage is either in cooking as a curry or two large caps three or four times
a week.
I also add it to the dogs food in small amounts as she is now becoming
inclined to small fatty tumors.
Also i can not recall if this article states it but Curcumin lowers and
balances cholesterol.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Financial Sense Online Market WrapUp with Rob Kirby

We are told the Treasury supports the dollar and as Kirby and the enclosed
chart indicate.
It's a lie! 
Then we are told the actual week dollar means more sales of U.S. products to
other countries.
And which may not be another lie.
But what they don't add is the difference is made up for the corporations by 
us and it goes to them.
Our standard of living is continually dropping and for the individual that
is not a figure on paper. That is the real dollar. It's what it costs us to
And where do the taxes go and who pays the taxes in this country? 
The people pay the taxes as payroll deductions.
And where does the money go? They would like us to believe it's welfare
cheats or the equivalent.
Sorry, the money goes to weapons manufactures and support for the wars. And 
the rich get richer and the poor fight amongst themselves for the crumbs.

Financial Sense Online-- Market WrapUp with Rob Kirby 11/05/2007

We are told the Treasury supports the dollar and as Kirby and the enclosed
chart indicate.
It's a lie!
Then we are told the actual week dollar means more sales of U.S. products to
other countries.
And which may not be another lie.
But what they don't add is the difference is made up for the corporations by
us and it goes to them.
Our standard of living is continually dropping and for the individual that
is not a figure on paper. That is the real dollar. It's what it costs us to
And where do the taxes go and who pays the taxes in this country?
The people pay the taxes as payroll deductions.
And where does the money go? They would like us to believe it's welfare
cheats or the equivalent.
Sorry, the money goes to weapons manufactures and support for the wars. And
the rich get richer and the poor fight amongst themselves for the crumbs.

10 year old blues

We live for our myths. And it seems they are not all spiritual.

---------Original Message--------

From: A Friend of Larry's

A father asked his 10-year old son if he knew about the birds and the

"I don't want to know," the child said, bursting into tears. "Promise me
you won't tell me."

Confused, the father asked what was wrong.

The boy sobbed, "When I was six, I got the 'There's no Easter Bunny'
At seven, I got the 'There's no Tooth Fairy' speech.
When I was eight, you hit me with the 'There's no Santa' speech.
If you're going to tell me that grown-ups don't really get laid, I'll
have nothing left to live for."