Informed, candid and rational. Not something we are likely to get from those
who should be responding to maybe the largest finacial crisis in the nations
Awhile back we speculated what would be the event that would empower the
perfect storm which we seem know to be entering.
And i believe Zentay fantasy dialogue may actually be the 'fly on the wall'
who hears it all.
It's really indicative of the contempt they the 'actual bankers' hold for
Bernanke and how willing he is to confirm that it is justified.
At the end of the article their is an option to visit Zentay's web page and
it's some of the same but still worth reading as the flavor of knowledgeable
conviction is again evident.
We have all speculated as to when and how 'it' would start, was it the
NASDAQ melt or the housing R-E bonanza? Or is it the Hedges and the
It seems now and from the start we should be looking at the investment banks
who so far have road out all dips and turns with free money from the Fed..
And also by creating even more bazaar instruments of mass destruction with
the hope their would be no evident blow back.
And i guess i should speculate on will they use the Fed to bail themselves
completely out and give the bill to the people?
Friends and Countrymen....This is not a simplistic over statement.
They always have and they always will try to do it again. Because it worked
the last time and besides they pull the levers as well as run the presses.
People for some reason think the people who wrote the Constitution just
didn't understand the complexities of a nations wealth.
They did and they understood greed as well as human frailty. And they also
opposed central banks like the Fed from the get-go as they saw it as a way
to control the country and rob the people. And when the bankers initiated
the "Federal Reserve System" ....for themselves..... they did it in secret
and had Congress pass it when it was not in normal session.
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