Our assessment is for slower growth... but positive. Or so Fed Chief
Bernanke told the Senators today with regard to the nations economy.
Now for economist their is no term with less content than probability. With
a positive or negative in the same sentence it's still just jive talk.
And he is talking with regards to the nations economy to the law makers of
the land.
And did anyone call him on it? No way! They know it's smoke and they don't
want to be the fan that blows it away.
And the second remark regarding slower growth and with out a number of any
type to indicate what he maybe alluding too is just gibberish.
So just for 'fun' taking it a step further if they haven't calculated the
probability of a national recession...why the hell haven't they? That's what
they called him to testify regarding.
Dude, is the Dam silly, bloated, leaky tub the U.S. economy going to the
bottom? Get with it.
As we sure are not going to take the fall for you crooks in blue suits.
No, that would be impolite.
But if we are facing a dieing economy that might be more than impolite for
about 300 million of us.
Conclusion: It's going down and going to hit hard and probably faster than
No mention of oil at $98 or $100. We are an oil economy! We do everything
with oil but breath it.
No mention of the stock market ruptured and spilling it's guts. Yeah, that
was our nest egg since the housing mkt went south. Or better yet: What
housing market? And you remember the dollar?
That's right it is FAST becoming a memory as it is the fastest thing falling
next to Newton's apple.
And then on the subject of forbidden... the Chinese have announced they are
sending them back as fast as they can load those shipping containers with
bundled dead presidents. And they have actually started a race to see who
can send the most... first. Who's in the race? Why just about all of Asia.
Will they cut rates again? That is something you can be sure of though as
someone mentioned here they will try and hold out for January.
And that little hint that the consumer maybe on life support doesn't bode
well for Jesus best day.
Also, this is the guy who said he would throw dollars out the window of a
helicopter if needed to keep the economy going. Which could be translated
as: Piss on our heads! We'll that's what they have been doing for the last
few months. And it's like a rain in Death Valley in the summer. It's gone
before it hits the ground.
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