Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Curcumin and Turmeric : by Ray Sahelian, M.D. benefit, side effect of Curcumin and Turmeric

I was trying to bring up the 'Curcumin' article in the Science New, Sept.
15, 2007 issue.
Unfortunately, it is not available on line but this Sahellan article is
saying the same thing and with a broader scope though i don't know the
publishing date.
If you are interest get it fresh as turmeric at the grocery store and
capping it is the least expensive. Though you will need a capper and about
twenty minutes once a month.
To be specfic the Mexican spice section seems to be the least expensive and
is always fresh if you are shopping where Latinos shop.
Dosage is either in cooking as a curry or two large caps three or four times
a week.
I also add it to the dogs food in small amounts as she is now becoming
inclined to small fatty tumors.
Also i can not recall if this article states it but Curcumin lowers and
balances cholesterol.

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