Monday, November 5, 2007

Financial Sense Online-- Market WrapUp with Rob Kirby 11/05/2007

We are told the Treasury supports the dollar and as Kirby and the enclosed
chart indicate.
It's a lie!
Then we are told the actual week dollar means more sales of U.S. products to
other countries.
And which may not be another lie.
But what they don't add is the difference is made up for the corporations by
us and it goes to them.
Our standard of living is continually dropping and for the individual that
is not a figure on paper. That is the real dollar. It's what it costs us to
And where do the taxes go and who pays the taxes in this country?
The people pay the taxes as payroll deductions.
And where does the money go? They would like us to believe it's welfare
cheats or the equivalent.
Sorry, the money goes to weapons manufactures and support for the wars. And
the rich get richer and the poor fight amongst themselves for the crumbs.

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