I think the 9/11 tragedy question maybe getting to the critical mass state.
And for Fox media to continually devote so much energy to it is even more
Their preference is to show skimpy clad women over and over and say "Real
Christian beer drinking right wingers hate things like this" when of course
that is all they have as an audience..
At the time of 9/11 for me and i watched the second plane or supposedly
second plane hit the other tower i was stunned by the news and the sight.
Yes, i did later see the tape of the news announcer reporting live the plane
hitting the tower and their in the background out the window the plane is
shown heading toward the tower.. The implication being the relayed
announcement was sent out before the event.
But even so and from the start i felt their was something very wrong.
None of the tough question have ever been answered. In fact it was never
investigated by the usual government FAA crash follow up investigators.
Also as I had worked (mechanical) in high rise buildings in the sixties an
was assured in meetings by the PE's (Engineers) nothing including an
earthquake or fire would take the new building down.555 Market street which
was a Standard oil headquarters building and actually had 3 floors of
engineers. It not only was on steel pilings but had additional shock
absorber cushions.
The New York Twin Towers where five times as large as this 340 thousand sq
ft self contain building and the design engineers in NY at first when they
where still allowed to talk also said the plane crashes nor a fire would
have been able to demolish the buildings.
the current conscientious seems to conclude the attack was either planned by
the government or was allowed to happen by the government. And a little bit
of both seems to be a reasonable conclusion.
And the Neo Con position paper (1999) sent around amongst them selves stated
they would need a Pearl Harbor type incident to incite the American public
to allow an attack on Iraq. Hence 9/11.
Four or five of the signers of that paper ended up being in the first
administration and in senor positions.
Does this administration lie? Is it ruthless with regards to achieving it's
objectives? Does it obstruct justice and have a private agenda? I think it
does. Does it represent traditional Republican party values? Not at all and
it no longer bothers to even mouth the words.
Old line Republicans have been pushed aside and we are all now told we are
being protected from terrorist. I personally believe they the neo cons are
the terrorist.
What do we need to see or be told to be convinced we have been had and big
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larrylewis
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:04 AM
Subject: 911
Monday, November 5, 2007
Debunkers can scoff and chuckle all day long when a celebrity uses their
public prominence to talk about 9/11 truth, but when a 20-year decorated CIA
veteran says that the evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job,
dismissive hand waving and off-the-cuff ad hominem attacks on credibility
aren't so easy to justify.
Bill Maher recently suggested that people who dare to question this
habitually lying government's official version of what happened on September
11 are crazy and should ask their doctor if Paxil is right for them.
Perhaps Maher would be less reticent to question the sanity of a man labeled
"perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in the Middle East" by Seymour
Hersh and whose astounding career formed the script for the Academy Award
winning motion picture Syriana.
Robert Baer is no "radical left loony" as Bill O'Reilly would allege and
neither does he lean to the right. He is a widely respected expert on
intelligence matters and middle eastern foreign policy, an Emmy award
nominated documentarian and a strong advocate of the CIA's need to increase
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) on the ground.
Baer served as a clandestine officer in Madras and New Delhi, India; in
Beirut, Lebanon; in Dushanbe, Tajikistan; and in Salah al-Din in Kurdish
northern Iraq. While in Iraq, Baer tried to persuade the Clinton
administration to back a coup to overthrow Saddam Hussein.
So when Baer told a radio host that "the evidence points at" 9/11 having had
aspects of being an inside job, the noisy negativists and the trolls were
notable by their absence.
Watch a video compilation, including Baer's quote at the start:
So where are the debunkers on this one? What does Bill Maher have to say
about it? One of the foremost intelligence and foreign policy experts in
America and a 20-year CIA veteran to boot says that 9/11 looks like an
inside job.
Let's hear Bill O'Reilly try and trash this hugely regarded individual as
another tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
Let's hear Glenn Beck attempt to slander Baer as the next Timothy McVeigh
terrorist bomber.
Let's hear Sean Hannity ridicule this honorable professional and CIA Career
Intelligence Medal decorated stalwart as a caricature of liberal political
hate speech.
They couldn't, and that's precisely why the debunkers, the COINTELPRO
counter-operatives, the Neo-Con talking heads and the trolls are loathe to
address Baer's expert judgment on 9/11 being a likely inside job.
will nap for food
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