Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
required reading
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: ; larrylewis
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 6:29 PM
Subject: required reading
Earth Democracy by Vandana Shiva
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Supplements to decrease inflammation
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
benzoin: Definition and Much More from
This is further info on the Friars balsam which i just obtained.
I got this reference from a lady who was in the nursing field for about
forty years and mostly in Asia though trained for five years in England..
Apparently, Friar's Balsam, is the marketed preparation and which is used as
a steam induced inhalant.
It's easily obtained on line or at some drug stores OTC.
The lady also compounded essential oils for about 15 years in Ceylon as she
had found the anti biotic where begging to react for too many of her
patients including herself. Or they where just not any longer effective in
treating many common complaints such as congestion or nasal infection
problems as and example.
'Friars Balsam' is sold in the U.S. in a liquid form and when used the oil
is floated on top of a pan of very hot water for inhaling. She advised using
a pan that was disposable as it will stain most surfaces.
This is not Chamfer oil or even similar to a few others which are inhaled in
the same manner.
It needs to be repeated three times a day to be effective but not over done.
I'm sending this again to some friends as the anti biotic are now saturating
the food chain as they are also a growth stimulant in poultry, hogs, cattle,
milk cows and laying chickens.
Their is an on going "food" induced epidemic which is presented as food
contamination by the media. And we can't blame the Chinese for this one.
If you think you are already aware of this problem you may not be aware the
'food producers' have multiplied the effect too such an extent the animals
are now in a ...."constant state of illness" aswell as induced pain until
they are slaughtered. The 'feed-lot' Veterinarians acknowledge this and
state they are hired to keep the animals alive while the are chemically
fatting before slaughter. It seems Cargill and ADM are now writing the
regulations for the industry. If you thought it was the FDA or the Ag Dept
well when it comes to the food industry they are also run and operated by
the food producers.
What people don't seem to understand is the food producers don't see
themselves as producing food to feed people, they see it as a way of
extracting money from us at the lowest possible cost. They are only
concerned with the sales quality of the product. It's content or negative
effects is not significant as long as the profit increases.
So all that 'Farm John' on the package is pure manure.
How can we know this? Follow the money and see what they spend the money on
is for a every quicker return. And not on our health and safety.
If we are a physically sick society then the pharmaceutical and hospital
industry will benefit from that so it's something for everyone. Except the
people and the animals. They both get the knife.
Not a safe situation if you are a meat eater or milk and egg user.
And unfortunately this will be far more serious than just upset stomachs or
a few actually many extra hormone induced pounds on us aswell.
Cancer, heart problems and diabetes are all now part of the Great American
It is a complete myth that we need to eat these 'foods' for good health or
children's growth. We are told we do but most of the worlds population never
drinks cows milk and eat very little meat in their diets.
And for those mothers who may say: We'll that may be true but I'm not taking
any chances and am making sure my kids get the protein they need, etc. My
response is: American mother you are being had big time.
One of my neighbors a nice Christian lady recently (today) told me we all
need to eat meat especially if we are Christians as it is directed in the
bible that we eat animal flesh.
She is in her mid sixties and by the looks of her to me she will soon be
going to the meat eaters heaven. And which I think maybe a franchised fly in
Burger King in the sky. It seems heaven is what we make it.
e.coli is evident through out the animal fattening process.
e.coli is epidemic especially in cattle because it is induced into the
animals food chain from the manure they must lay in for the three months
before they are slaughtered.
The e.coli is fed into the poultry and swine food chain aswell.
And yes, e.coli does shut down the human kidneys if it doesn't just kill us
out right.
So looking for anti virus alternatives that will still work is where allot
of applied health specialist have gone. Including this former head nurse.
Another effective one is 'GSE' grapefruit seed extract, both internally and
topically for infection of all types.
The advantage for us maybe that the virus and bacteria have not become
'familiar' with either of these treatment .
Retailers hope post-Christmas sales can save the season -
This is like hoping the embalming fluid will save the patients life.
Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park' - Telegraph
Let's pretend someone cares or is even interested.
What it seems is happening to the world financial markets is a continuous
melt down accompanied by hand wringing and offerings by the money changers
to pacify the money gods.
As this article points out it is not working as the slide continues in
Europe/England and as well in the land of the brave and the latter may soon
be tested.
This analyst is saying the 'Centrals' have about two months to get the
horses out of the barns before the barns burns. And unfortunately they where
never trained as firemen.
So for most of us we will have to continue the tragic series from the street
while it all plays out on the wide screen televisions in the store front
windows.... Sound is not need at an execution.
But of course it will not always be a movie abstract as at some point we too
will have our own bit part.
PART Three:
And in a Mall near you.................
The supplicants on their knees and clutching the precious plastic are
So let us listen for a moment.
"Oh, Mall God... why did you deceive us?
and now in our moment of need you have deserted us?"
So what will be the answer?
Same ole, Same ole. The God is angry and hungry for we have sinned.
So it's time for the people to throw up a few sacrifices.
I wonder where that word scapegoat came from?
We'll i bet we will soon find out.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Festivus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born in the Readers Digest and raised on a TV sit com.
This really sounds like the 'American Christmas'.
Especially, if we add a present brawl at the local consumer Mall which of
course is our acknowledged national pop up holy place.
The Mall is now where young children are also taught to give plastic
offerings and worship the SALE signs.
And then their is the other happening though for us just an abstract. The
sun is experienced as ascending and the long night is soon ending.
But this 3.5 billion year 'phenomena' just can't hold a candle to our own
recognition that it is all about us.
But having clarified Christmas for the few doubters i also wish you all a
Merry solstice and I hope pleasant stroll through the soon to be New Year.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : A Christmas Eve Story
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Fw: Iraq vs. Vietnam
From: olcharlie
Q. What's the difference between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War?
A. George W. Bush had a plan to get out of the Vietnam War.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Swamp: Ron Paul's thought-provoking choice on racist's $$$
Paul's platform and campaign is the most interesting out there.
He is running on many issues the others won't even seriously talk about.
The constitution, functional money and who pay's the bills and that includes
who actually controls the candidates through the donations year in and out.
Also he has opposed the wars from the start and he has no truck with the
And he takes little interest in bedroom issues which the constitution sees
as individual rights.
The comment section following this article also has a different flavor than
most comments which follow any candidates remarks.
This is not a Ross Perot or Ralph Nader.
And the real issues for most of us is the endless wars that kill the kids
and make the nation poorer while feeding the corporations and pushing always
closer to the collapse of the economy.
And then the looming Fascist state that always follow when the expanding
empire finally becomes bankrupt.
So it's interesting to hear what someone who is not owned and operated by
Wall street bankers or a 'foreign power base' has to say as to what maybe
some of the answers.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
US$ & Monoline Bond Insurers Jim Willie CB 321gold . . . Inc s
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Main Causes of the Great Depression
We'll glory or is gory be. Look what's a popping up on the biz sections of
the internet.
Could this be an omen of more excitement to come?
If we change the dates on the first part of the story... too now... it sure
does have that: been here before...bitter flavor to it.
Back then in the late twenties it was a mass and unequal distribution of
wealth between the super rich and everyone else.
So in the twenties the nations enormous production just could not be
Of course today... with 'them' out sourcing everything to China other than
the barber shop we can still buy the trinkets we all need. And surprise! the
profits still go to the super rich.
And back then they used credit (margin) purchases for buying stock and today
we use it for real-estate purchases along with collusion from the lenders to
scam where and when it was possible.
As an example the house buyer didn't think up the 'liars loan' on his own.
Will this land us in 1929 and then followed by ten years of hell on earth?
Oh no, dear friends because 1929 is going to look like a small town church
picnic compared to what's now coming our way at an accelerated clip.
Even the municipal bonds are being down graded by rating agencies and by the
thousands and friends this is where the boomer's have their little cozy ah
sleeping in it's nest.
Though they may not have realized the retirement fund or investment plan
they are counting on is neck deep in these paper investments that they have
little control over and even less knowledge of concerning what is happening
behind those heavy gilded doors.
But worry not for as soon those doors are open we will all be able to see was just another scam by the rich to 'sell' us nothing for everything
we once thought we had.
And the answer to the burning question: Will our cell phones save us?
We'll that's just too deep and complex a question to be even considered
along with these trivial in our lives.
But, if celling while driving is any indication allot of folks think it's
worth trying.
As i have concluded they could not actually have friends who would listen to
what people maybe saying into those shinny boxes.
They have to be praying to the cell god for deliverance from this horn of
plenty. Life's Little Mysteries - How Do We Catch the Flu?
Besides washing hands frequently just don't shake hands. A bow or genuflect
is much safer.
Kissing on the cheek? I doubt it's going to catch on. It too much like men
saying: hello and even to friends in a public rest room.
Dude, do not try that bowing in the loo.
Oh, you didn't know about that one? We'll that's because you are using the
girls side and i don't know what goes on in there.
Also, for some of the more dangerous intestinal virus just stir fry the
greens and vegetables.
It just plane cavalier to think you can wash virus off greens. But if you
stir fry the virus/bacteria are never a problem.
The exception for me is if the greens come from my garden and they are not
root veggies such as scallions i may chance it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
FSU Editorial: "Housing - Simple As That" by Christopher Martenson 12/17/2007
I'm forwarding this to those whom i think may have a direct interest and a
'need to know'.
Chris M. in this essay has probably made the best presentation that I have
seen analyzing our current financial problems and the consequences of the
nations most recent get rich quick scheme. And which is... not working
and.... seriously probably will take the system down with it.
And no one will be immune from the experience of this impending perfect
For those who might doubt this please consider this nation has two primary
needs to continue to function. Imported crude oil at a manageable cost and a
monetary/financial system that will continue to function on pure faith.
Which means the money printing press and people and business willing to
borrow money.... even at low interest. And which they are nolonger doing.
the dollar is now worthless and more so every day.
I was relieved that someone with credibility and Chris has that is stating
this is a one of a kind that we are confronted with.
As unfortunately even with it unfolding while the government and the banks
dig holes and try and cover things up.
This time it is not just recession and wait it out for one sector of the
economy to catch up. This one is going to bring us to our knees and i can
assure you the government is very aware of where we are going and has no
plans other than maybe additional denial and reaction.
Read Chris Martenson article below.
Moody's bond insurer call has unprecedented effect on muni market - MarketWatch
This is big and bad.
The muni AAA bond mkt is usually considered as secure as money can buy and
especially since it is easily insurable.
Muni bond failures happen but not in numbers and no insurer can step in for
80 thousand bonds which have been down grade from three to two AA's.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fw: [Scruz-announce] cheney impeachment
John, thank you!
The neo cons think they have another year to take the country over as well
as bomb Iran.
So for us it's now or never and in this case him or us.
This is one bad Dude that doesnt take prisoners so sign this for your kids
and grand kids and the country..
----- Original Message -----
From: John Law
To: John Law
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 6:12 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Scruz-announce] cheney impeachment
Can't hurt to sign on.
To: "Santa Cruz Greens" < >
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 13:22:25 -0800
Subject: [Scruz-announce] cheney impeachment
Fellow Greens,
Yesterday (Saturday, December 15)
I learned of a new effort to impeach Dick Cheney.
It's coming from Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida.
He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, which has the
power to hold hearings and send an
impeachment resolution to the full House.
He is asking people to sign his petition to support this effort.
The link is:
Today I signed on as number 58,528.
An average of ten people are signing on per minute,
one every six seconds.
This is an exciting opportunity to bring this illegal regime down.
It is reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that if she
10,000 requests from constituents, she would support hearings.
Let's give her the support to do the right thing.
Please circulate this widely.
Louis LaFortune
Council Member
Green Party of Santa Cruz County
Scruz-announce mailing list
Casualties in Iraq - 2007
It's the holiday season and it just seems appropriate to remember the guys
dieing and getting chopped in the middle east.
I have not heard a convincing reason that they are still their or for that
matter why they where sent their in the first place.
And the argument that it was to keep the pump price down has not even
Though the argument it is to defend Israel is probable true i have no
interest in defending Israel from it's neighbors as it has been aggressive
to all those around them.
So if you know folks who have relatives in the service and stationed in the
middle east you might want to ask them why the kids are there.
The neo cons themselves have given up having a reason other than it's none
of our business what they do.
Fw: Yahoo! News Story - Israel: US report on Iran may spark war - Yahoo! News
Interesting propaganda msg from the Israel Zionist.
As usual their is never a mention of the 250 nuclear missiles that Israel
has in it's U.S. financed arsenal.
The U.S. foreign aid to Israel is used to influence congressional/Senate
campaigns in the U.S. and also buy weapons from the U.S. The arms
manufactures completely support Israel's aggression as well as our own and
with money.
So when you hear about the terrorist who are going to eat your kids and rape
your dog you can figure where it coming from and who it is directed too.
Our money goes to start a war with Iran and for Israel and which we would
fight. Are we collectively that stupid and self destructive?
The Zionist and the neo cons seem to think so!
And why not as we take Dick and George's horse and pony show seriously
rather than just saying these people are the self serving stooges of a
foreign government who want us to die for them.
And anyone out their who thinks the neo cons are actual Republicans with
Republican values of fiscal responsibility and individual liberty as well as
responsibility just don't know much about our political system.
The neo cons are a fabrication of the corporations who use the
fundamentalist and the non -conservative neo cons for a front.
They have bankrupt the country and now have us in two wars and trying for a
third with Iran.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Law"
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 8:15 PM
Subject: Yahoo! News Story - Israel: US report on Iran may spark war -
Yahoo! News
> John Law () has sent you a news article.
> (Email address has not been verified.)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Personal message:
> More Israeli govt warmongering cries. They weren't saying that much
> publically before the report as they had the US (Bush and his neocom
> idiots)where they wanted them.
> Israel: US report on Iran may spark war - Yahoo! News
Saturday, December 15, 2007
This gets more interesting or is it confusing with every response from Roy
at Tuk Tuk NA.
I have to conclude Tuk Tuk NA has no marketing plan or sales division in the
converted phone booth that Roy must be operating from.
But somewhere back their is a small vehicle company with a plan and quite a
few models of vehicles they hope to sell. And yes someone is spending money
or start up.
I notice their site was stating they are selling in 32 countries and this
e.mail now states 35. Someone told me he saw them all over Italy when he
recently visited Europe.
And if the mkt for their vehicles in the U.S. would be strongest in the
milder climates disregarding what Roy is telling me why not just find a
functional franchise in California that could sell them and drop ship a half
dozen floor samples and get some orders going?
Am i giving up on my Bajaj?... not likely. But the sales reality is few
folks are going to go through the service hoops and loops that i am
experiencing to keep it going. On mine the drive train has never been a
problem for me, it's mostly some form of cable control problem. Also I
notice the Tuk Tuk is a direct stick linkage. It seems all models must be FE
motors which the driver straddles. And that sure sale item the automatic
transmission is their for those that need it.
I believe the problems for most of Rick owners i correspond with are also
external to the drive line. Fortunately the S.F. franchise back up including
parts is excellent. And not intending to flatter them but they do seem very
competent in an up hill situation.
I think the Bajaj 3 wheeler will probably be phased out by Argo if the Tuk
Tuk is actually mkted in California as this couldn't be a successful
endeavor for them either.
And also since the 'BAJAJ family' here in the USA has few secrets ...or for
very long...i will send this msg along to the President of Argo aswell. I am
not posting my comments on this subject on the Bajaj owner sites as i doubt
that would be appropriate or to our advantage at this time.
But anyone who wants to discuss it with me please reply as i would be very
interested in your perspective and opinion.
Also, don't be misled by the recent dip in the pump price i believe it is
just a blip in the bigger picture.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tuk Tuk North America
To: larrylewis
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: Tuk Tuk INFORMATION
I think it will be much more easy to address your questions using red type
in your letter.
larrylewis <larry; wrote:
A couple of additional questions regarding the L5-3... what is the
estimated mpg with a std trans and or the automatic? Thus far testing with
the 2 transmissions has not relfected a noticable differance in mog.
That mileage mentioned (25-35 mpg) on your site seems very low for a three
wheeler. Is this for all of the vehicles or the larger vehicles? All the L5
models have this variation due to driving habits, mine gets 33. EPA will be
issuing the test results of the tuk tuk and that is what will be used when
they are complete.
Initial price and operating cost for 3 wheelers is what we first look at
when considering an optional type vehicle.
3whlrs have always been appreciated by the nitch market and they are NOT
competitive with motor scooters, motorcycles or ATV's for that matter as it
is just a different buyer and market. The Tuk Tuk has been viewed by
evryone, there is no nitch market for them. The Tuk Tuk is an extreme
vehicle to serve in the market in so many ways that it has not been noted as
only a recreational use vehicle for example. The tuk tuk is equal to a 1/2
ton truck in load capacity, and pulling power. With this in mond the Tuk Tuk
fits into every practical use there is. Just let your imagination go wild.
Which Tuk Tuk vehicle is street legal and in California? Other wise they
are just the old 3 whl ATV which was soon replaced with the 4 wheeler. The
Tuk Tuk is in our opinion WAY above any 3 wheel or 4 wheel ATV, you cannot
use a 4 wheel ATV to leave home, go to work, or use as work vehicle, drive
from work to the golf course catch a round, stop by the Feed Store for feed,
go home, take out to the barn, feed the animals, and repat the next day. Or
in another example: Hook up your camper and leave central California, and
end up in Texas for a vacation. The Tuk Tuk is not a toy, or moped, or atv.
Also when you ship a unit how much set up is involved by the buyer? I can
send a unit to where the buyer can if he elects to do the final build which
takes about 3 hours first time. Or can send as completre built al you have
to do is Drive it.
And is this shipping of the unit something that the individual buyer could
receive at a residence or is a forklift need to be involved. If the Tuk Tuk
is recieved Built no need for anything, if sent as kit form, yes a forklift
is needed, unless picked up at the terminal, they will put on trailer, drag
it off your trailer into the garage, and do the build. It is in a steel
And this is just a comment not really needing an answer but isn't your
potential market in locations with a milder climate such as California or
maybe Florida if it doesnt get blown out to sea? THe Tuk Tuk is a vehicle
captivated by all everywhere. Cold climates are having as much interest in
the tuk tuk as warm. It is water cooled so heat is optional.
The California importer for bajaj has dealers up and down
the state and i would think you guys might want to do biz as you have a
product to sell and he has the outlets. Actually he has national franchised
outlets since he also imports the Bajaj scooters. We have been contacted by
many Bajaj dealers to carry the Tuk Tuk, some will come on line with the tuk
And I do share your msgs with other 3 whlers in the mid state area so
their is interest but what i am hearing back is they are not $$$ interested
until they can see a few models on the ground here in Central California. It
sorta the issue of the pig in the poke my wallet stays in my pocket. Word
yesterday in the testing lab stated what else is needed for CA approval. We
are adding everything for them to be approved in the Country of California.
LOL. In light of the added requred materials a CA model will have a higher
price than the Tuk Tuk for United States. Which is normal for vehicles
requiring additional materials to meet CA.
Well Larry, how was this for help on issues. Also we do have several in CA
allready, in the southern areas, Oakland, SanFran, and Seattle are and have
strong interest, as well as Canada. Remember we distribute to 35 countries,
adding CA we could say 36.
The Tuk Tuk is a vehicle that will replace the golf cart in some areas,
replace the Bajaj, replace the Cushman. The Tuk Tuk is made for 24/7 use
with NO noted breakdowns. There is NOT any American or other import vehicle
that can boast this. The Tuk Tuk is a dependable multi use vehicle for USA
that will find its place in every use and way.
Take a look at our newest model, (pic attached) You will see the Tuk Tuk
is and will be a VERY SERIOUS use vehicle, included in new designs are also
cement mixer trucks. We allready do the Garbage Truck. This shop is our
Thailand testing shop & build shop.
We are serious about the tuk tuk, what it can do and what it will do.
America will soon find this to be the NEWEST VEHICLE to enter into the arena
of multi use, multi task use vehicles to arrive here in several decades. We
know this and we are allready making preperations for the future, more than
likely when you ask we will allready have a special model tested for your
Thanks, and YES TTNA is very excited to bring the Tuk Tuk to the Western
Friday, December 14, 2007
New Poll Reveals How Unrepresentative Neocon Jewish Groups Are -
This is a first in the sense that their is very little criticism or even
distinction made between most Jews in America and the vocal neo cons who are
also Zionist.
This msg just does not get out that the Zionist are not speaking for most
Jewish Americans when they are war mongering and Muslim baiting.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
FSU Editorial: "The Invisible Hand" by Rob Kirby 12/13/2007
Rob Kirby has the mind of an auditor as he notices these little suspicious
So are the oil books cooked when reporting by the government?
We'll if we consider the government excludes the real estate mkt prices and
the cost of food so that they can say: What inflation? Not here!
I think Rob is proving that the three major commodities that make up the
national CPI are all faked.
What does that mean for us? It means in these categories that maybe adjusted
for an increase in the cost of living index is just not going to happen.
And in actuality it's a pay cut since we don't get the adjusted increase
while these major item do increase. We all end up with less though the
producers pockets the increase which we have to pay them for the same lower
priced item in the past.
We loose two ways at once as we also do not have the flexibility of deciding
what we may want to spend money on if we had received the Cost of Living
allowance generate by these price increases showing up as the same or even
less as in the case of oil.
So Rob is referring to the hand that taketh but never gives.
Also, the dept of labor who does the hands on fudging and faking of these
figures is considering not tracking house rental prices and instead to go
back to the real estate sale prices since the have fallen out of bed and as
well out the window.
Tuk Tuk North America - The Nation's Leading Innovate 3 Wheeler Company
interesting site for the second wave to the future.
They appear to offer more models than the Bajaj which has three which are a
good selection.
They are building with somewhat larger motors and aswell options for LPG.
Also larger wheels are being offered which would make them more terrain
friendly than what I'm driving. They call Santa Cruz surf city though i
always mention chuck hole city hoping the city will get the point.
And they come with a std tyranny or automatic for and additional $1000.
Also doors are available for most models.
Now the down side is no distribution network or service facilities. In fact
though they 'seem' to be dot approved they are a ways from us seeing them
being offered with the option of financing and insurance.
I like my Bajaj Autorickshaw and so does my dog. BUT i am continually
looking for a reliable repair person in my area. The Bajaj trykes don't seem
that complicated to me but the mechanics seem too only want to work on what
they are selling. And I'm sure the Tuk Tuk will have this problem aswell.
But the price of fuel and our concern for planet will win out at some point
or we will either go broke or choke on the big guys fumes.
If you are interested in what is now available from Bajaj try:
Tuk Tuk Website RESPONSE
For starters....
Apparently they are shipping to California from the distributor in Georgia.
Their was no mention of a California franchise in this response so that
could be a down side or it could be it will cost more if their was one in
the state.
If you are handy you maybe buying direct from the dock. And i assume some
assembly would need to be expected at this end.
And I didn't bring it up in this initial correspondence but the estimated
mpg for this Tuk Tuk vehicle and which is the small model is dismal. I was
just fishing and not trying to find fault as this one may over all have a
allot going for it.
It also seems they have the capital invested if they are able to launch in
32 countries.
Also the small Honda or Toyota give excellent mileage but the initial cost
is twice plus that of the 3 wheelers other than the Bajaj. But going further
than that it gets into the apples and oranges comparison.
Anyone out their who is skilled in investigating the finacial structure of
companies such as Tuk Tuk we would appreciate hearing what you find. On
their site they list the 'parentage' of Tuk Tuk NA.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tuk Tuk North America
To: larry
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Tuk Tuk Website RESPONSE
Currently we have inquirys from all over the Western World covering our 35
Countries we supply. Since the inquirys are on a first come first serve
basis anyone desiring to have their town or area can make the formal request
for the district and we work from there. Let us know what you have in mind.
ALL Tuk Tuks come with our factory warrenty of 3000 miles or 6 months as per
National Regulations.
Prices of the Breeze start at $5500.oo, the L5-3 starts at $8850.oo, the
Breeze is close to the Bajaj but in our opinion much better unit based on
how they are built.
The trucking cost of a unit right now to CA is running $800 as per costs
requested to ship other tuk tuks to CA this week.
As required by DOT and NHTSA all our tuk tuks come with the owners manual,
and we also have a complete service manual. The tuk tuk is ahead of all
other vehicles in its class in this area. We also have nothing high tech on
the tuk tuk to stall you from doing your own work if you want. There are no
on board computers etc, just simple basic dependable machines.
Let me know if I can help you with anything else,
Roy Jordan
Larry wrote:
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Larry
on December 13th, 2007 at 01:24PM (MST).
FirstName: Larry
LastName: lewis
the warranty and whats the possibility of service?
And of course sticker price and shipping estimate.
Actually i now have a Bajaj Rickshaw but it appears you are offerinng an
improved version.
Though the down side of the 3 wheeler i now have is no local service and
as well no functional service manual.
With the option of automatic i believe you could sell as many as you could
ship. IF the price is also right.
The mkt is down for autos and up for trikes.
btnAction: Submit
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Financial Sense Online Market WrapUp with Chris Puplava 12.12.2007
During the last depression people (Christians) would send Christmas cards
and on other birthdays aswell to friends and family.
But rather than writing on the actual card they would insert a note. And
that way the recipient could use the card over or also do the little note
What's the point? Little tips like these again will soon be popular.
"Buddy, can you spare a stamp?"
It's unfortunate we can't do the same with the postage stamp. The letter
stamps no longer have a price just a class such as 'first class'. And the
little packet stamps are now featuring a cracked bell. Which I assume is
indicative of the Liberty Bell. I know most folks think it has something to
do with Taco Bell. And they are half right as that's next year when the
postal department starts selling advertisement space on the postage stamps.
Two of the first to sign up where Toyota and Preparation H.
They are both working with the postal department stamp design folks.
Whether it's planned that they be featured together on a stamp has not been
revealed though of course it has great possibilities.
But back to the present moment.
And then the stamp designer for the cracked bell stamp must also have a
cruel humor as s/he included the word "Forever" into the first class stamp
design. And since their is nolonger a price indication on the stamp that
must leave the Forever, reference to: Liberty.
And economic freedom is one of the basics for all forms of Liberty including
political. May i ask are you also confused while we are also getting
You can learn allot sending out the Christmas cards....with postage over
forty cents per stamp. You see... I'm not any longer even sure what they
So here is a big tip: Supporting reactionary and self serving politicians
because they tell us they are "conservative" and of course
not patriotic...... or even good for our health.
And how does that self stick with the subject of postage stamps.. I haven't
got a clue but i thought it was about time the neo Christian /neo
conservatives got some recognition for ruining the post office as well as
The Capital of Slumping Home Sales - New York Times
Also, check out the zip code graphic. Though Paramount maybe the leader in
the percentile fall the map colors indicate that all of the urban and
suburban area are in trouble.
What's the over all significance? This is not Las Vegas, Georgia or Florida.
This is where every thing is supposedly going to be OK. Mild weather
employment and just fun in the sun.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Voices - 'Treason on the High Seas'
This was not a miss-take and most people don't know much about Israelis
aggression on it's Arab neighbors and which is still going on under the
currently prevailing Zionist government.
This is the U.S. loyal ally in the middle east who has their own aggressive
So who is wagging the dog?
Housing downturn may hit California hardest, experts warn
Dear Friends..
It is frequently mentioned to me that i am a pessimist in regards to a few
issues and especially the nations economics. And that's primarily because i
have been mentioning a down turn of significance for a few years.
And i think i understand the difference in my opinion from some others who
also consider themselves realist. As most people at least at this point will
acknowledge that the economy is 'not doing well'. But they see it as a cycle
and not the possibility of collapse. Remember 1981 or 87, etc. And now look
at us! It doesnt reassure me.
Cycles are like the seasons and collapses are indicative of destruction of
the system. I seriously believe our economic system is being destroyed and
not by some conspiracy from outside rather by a national miss direction
fostered by corporate uncontrolled greed..... for the short explanation.
And usually when i ask a person what is going to reverse the economies
severe contractions i am told something like we have a managed economy and
the Feds checks and balances are their for these situations. (They should be
called the nudgers rather than the Fed governors in my opinion).
Now that sounds reassuring and definitely from a position of middle class
What concerns me is this oil based nation and continual bubble economy which
is feeding two wars may not know about this comfortable checks and balance
Monday, December 10, 2007
UPDATE 2-WaMu to cut dividend, jobs; sets capital infusion | Bonds News |
To put in perspective this is like saying they are going start closing jiffy
stops or 711's.
WM is one we all know and has touched our hearts deeply with it's well known
penalties and over due notices.
So that's 3150 good jobs following the last cut which i now can't remember
the number.
Fortunately WM is more diversified than some of the mortgage lenders.
And don't be to upset or concerned because if it really got bad we would be
expected to bail them out.
You may want to check out Country Wide as they have been a leader along with
Fanny and her brother of Mac dysfunction fame.
Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum
Go down to the article titled: Odds for u.s. economic recession is now 1 in
And for those folks needing to sell or buy a house it would seem coming back
in three or four years maybe their best option.
Inconvenient? so is bankruptcy.
MORTGAGE MELTDOWN / Interest rate 'freeze' - the real story is fraud / Bankers pay lip service to families while scurrying to avert suits, prison
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Bush May Still Bomb Iran, Despite NIE | The Progressive
Sometimes on Saturday a glimmer of reality pokes through the self imposed
censorship sponge of the media.
And i consider this article to be reality politics.
And what we should keep in mind when considering anything concerning the neo
cons and the middle east is: The neo cons do have a middle east plan.
And they had a middle east strategy before they 'took' the white house.
They have stated this plan which is: 'the strategic control' of the oil
producers in the middle east. Strategic is defined as by force and retained
by force.
This is not a secret swap as was negotiated with the KSA in 1945.
And that deal was we would protect the despot rulers from their own people
and their neighbors and they in turn would keep us up to our necks in oil
and which they have.
This control of the worlds oil and the middle east which produces the
majority of the oil in the world and which is about 60%. This plan is
straight and simple reality power politics employed by the western oil
powers through Cheney's office and with the cooperation and support of the
Zionist, the oil interests in Europe which is France and Germany and of
course England which nolonger has the 'North Sea' as a crude oil source.
In case you haven't heard the North Sea oil field is now quickly going dry
and the British Isles is now a net oil importer. This is also referred as
the "Peak Oil ...effect".
This soon will also happen with Mexico who is a major supplier for the U.S.
In ten years they will need to import oil for themselves. And from where and
at what price no one knows.
We are sometimes told their is no peak oil or effect? Try asking the British
about that. They are forced into going back to coal big time...and that's
while the coal lasts.
Our own oil production in the centennial USA is down from 10 to approx. 6
million billions per day. Our domestic demand continues to grow along with
the world and China and India by numbers.... is the world.
It seems for us it is really time to wake up and smell the oil and the neo
cons are already their and have been very well informed on peak oil since
the mid nineties.
The short lesson is: who controls world oil controls the world. The neo cons
understand this and that's including george the dunce.
And we the public are considered naive fools by the neo cons. We are
entertained and diverted with the usual fear issues such as anti gay, anti
abortion and how many angles can sit on a pin type of Sunday school
diversions. The neo cons right out.... though usually not to our face
consider us naive and stupid and must be controlled.
Amongst themselves they labeled the evangelical's Christians as the crazy's?
So their reality positions is: You like power.... support us or we will give
you the sharp end of raw power.
All the various reasons that we are told we are in the middle east never
mention oil. When all of us really know if we stop to think about it that
this country nor the other industrialized nations cannot function at our
preseant level of indulgent waste with out oil.. and living
in a world with peak oil on the front catalytic cracker say's... control the
crude oil sources at any cost.
So good bye national people issues of education, medical care,
infrastructure and care for our old people and children.
The money is going and now in the trillions for the neo cons wars.
They are stealing from the nations people to steal the world.
This recent intelligence report which say's we are the dupes of a grand con
job by the neo cons is hardly a deterrent to the neo cons. They STILL have
every intention to carpet the Iran's with bomb's and more bombs. The plan
states they will have complete control of the middle east if they eliminate
Iran as a independent country.
Try this...take a look at Bush hard some time and i think you will see it's
not difficult to see behind all the smirking make-believe. The man is
basically a coward with a second rate and silly mind functioning in a bantam
rooster body.
And what gives him this obsessive confidence to destroy the middle east for
the shallow reason that he professes?
It's because he knows he has the completely backing of the industrial
banking complex decision makers. They want this and they will protect this
mental runt as long as he delivers. He is a dry drunk who can take orders if
they are not too complicated. And if they are then Cheney is expected to
nudge him along.
Dude, that is power politics with out the veneer of bible thumping or good
ole boy. Though both are welcome or tolerated by the cons to cheer from the
Power politics will use them but has no intention of sharing with people who
have no power themselves and besides the neo cons have already written them
off. Though even the born again can sprout a brain if they loose the job and
the house and find themselves living in a shelter....with those people.
I would say that making and alliance with a fool we become a fool aswell.
And though the neo cons are short sighted in my opinion.... they are not
fools. They think and act for themselves...though not for our best interest
or even needs.
Hitler used Mussolini but he had no intention of sharing the world with the
egotistical dupe.
You can believe the author of the attached paper when he say's they will
attack Iran at the first opportunity. And they may not even wait until the
dust from the intelligence report settles on our short term memories.
The holiday's are coming up and spring if not yet in the air will soon
Anyone who knows zilch about launching wars prefers spring with the smell of
a firestorm drifting down from the sky.
Will this be disruptive to our lives here in the homeland? Yes, and we will
have our own additional domestic problems such as a serious recession and
the on going mortgage disasters which is not about to be patched by the
major banks to favor the people.
So for those who have not done their bit for the devouring war God who we
are told loves only us their is still time to worship at it's alter.
For verily every town and city has a Mall where all are welcome to perform
the spiritual ritual of buying more trinkets from Asia and then blessing the
purchase with the sacred plastic.
Bring the children for junk food and besides they always keep the temples
Friday, December 7, 2007
Fw: when insults had class
It isn't a issue of English usage but more that we now live in a wit-less
----- Original Message -----
From: John Law
To: John Law
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 2:16 PM
Subject: Fwd: when insults had class
I'm guessing that y'all will like these quips:
Subject: Real insults
When Insults Had Class
These glorious insults are from an era when cleverness with words was
still valued, before a great portion of the English language got boiled down
to 4-letter words, not to mention waving middle fingers:
The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor:
She said, "If you were my husband I'd give you poison,"
and he said, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."
A member of Parliament to Disraeli:
"Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of
some unspeakable disease."
"That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "on whether
I embrace your policies or your mistress."
"He had delusions of adequacy." - Walter Kerr
"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of
the vices I admire." - Winston Churchill
"A modest little person, with much to be
modest about." - Winston Churchill
"I have never killed a man, but I have read many
obituaries with great pleasure."- Clarence Darrow
"He has never been known to use a word that
might send a reader to the dictionary."
- William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).
"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions
come from big words?"
- Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)
"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book;
I'll waste no time reading it."
Moses Hadas
"He can compress the most words into the
smallest idea of any man I know." - Abraham Lincoln
"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice
letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked
by his friends." - Oscar Wilde
"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my
new play; bring a friend.... if you have one."
- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill
"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend
second... if there is one."
- Winston Churchill, in response.
"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost
like having you here." - Stephen Bishop
"He is a self-made man and worships his creator."
- John Bright
"I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope
it's nothing trivial." - Irvin S. Cobb
"He is not only dull himself, he is the cause
of dullness in others." - Samuel Johnson
"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to
run up." - Paul Keating
"There's nothing wrong with you that
reincarnation won't cure." - Jack E. Leonard
"He has the attention span of a lightning bolt."
- Robert Redford
"They never open their mouths without
subtracting from the sum of human knowledge."
- Thomas Brackett Reed
"In order to avoid being called a flirt, she
always yielded easily." - Charles, Count Talleyrand
"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him."
- Forrest Tucker
"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope
without any address on it?" - Mark Twain
"His mother should have thrown him away
and kept the stork." - Mae West
"Some cause happiness wherever they go;
others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde
"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses
lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination."
- Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." - Billy Wilder
"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening
But this wasn't it." - Groucho Marx
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Fwd: The Oil Drum | US Electricity Supply Vulnerabilities
This is the practical conformation of Richard Duncan's 100 year oil theory
(The Olduvaia theory) for the survival of a 'industrial nation' such as
ours. 1930 to 2030 is what the bell curve was based on.
The current conclusion that I have read is we peaked world wide in energy in
2005 and are now on the decline. The theory states the electrical grid in
this country will be the most crucial to be affected and it seems confirmed
here that is what actually is now happening.
This has excellent graphics and as well the author indicates water resources
are significant in this electrical crisis. Hydro electric is part of
renewable energy source. Unfortunately climate change is not cooperating to
keep renewable.
For anyone who would like to try and label who these people are who write
this information for the oil drum.
They have frequently define themselves as working engineers, geologist and
scientist in the energy industries.
Politically they would probably be considered economic conservatives and
indorse many of Ron Paul's conclusions.
Though they are also writing from Canada, the UK and Europe.
FSU Editorial: "The Mother of All Bad Ideas" by Peter Schiff 12/06/2007
A conservative financial analysis that the 'save the subs' plan is designed
to make the hole even deeper.
I'm surprised it got past the lenders who hold the mortgages. Though since
it is such a complete mess no one knows who supposedly holds what may have
been the reason.
And my other suspected reason is the investment banks at some point will
want to be bailed out themselves and for that we are talking real money. So
they will let this plan play out or flounder before they ask for their
share. Or said another way..."Look what the scum got where is ours?"
This is also the 'plan' which was given as a radio pitch by the president
who included the 800 number for people to call.
The number actually was for a Christian college in Texas.
The Swamp: Dial 800 for trouble
On Google news today the top choices of news reports for this: too little
too late and duh who me? story concerning our dear leader efforts to stir
the septic mortgage pot I believe is the best.
This number will hook you up with a Christian college in Texas. Maybe that's
what lil george plans on doing after his departure.
And since so many of the other rats have jumped ship why not the captain as
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Financial Sense "Government-Think" by Ed Steer, Casey Research 12/04/2007
What a coincidence Ed is also finding our national/international finances
are right out of Alice in the rat hole.
I will put another spin on his question to the "Banker" regarding the cost
of the war and which is now in the trillions and will eventually bankrupt
the nation.
The Banker stated their is no limit regarding the cost of the war that it
must be spent if that what it takes to win.
Of course it is bazaar as he is advocating financial suicide.
But considering what possibly could persuade him to this impossible position
I would say.. Peal Oil.... is a likely possibility.
The neo cons never mention it though Cheney described the consequences in
1999 or maybe 8.
They know that a industrialized nation such as the U.S. will immediately
collapse without abundant oil for all forms of energy. And with out the oil
from the middle east we all dead carps.
Are own oil production is now below half of the 1972 peak. Mexico's
production is way off. This last year it was off 12 to 15%. World 'peak oil'
which production was probably 2005 and we are now on the decline slope which
will soon turn in to a significant down grade.
Their will continue to be oil produced but the days of cheap oil are over.
And industrial/electrical grid societies need their energy plentiful and
Is their an answer that we could live with? Conservation... is what i have
read will be the only functional answer as the energy 'alternatives' are
just not their in quantity, flexibility or do we have the time.
What is picking up the slack at this time is coal which is plentiful for
maybe another forty years. But then of course using even more coal we will
choke and roast from the CO2 effects.
BBC NEWS | Business | Lenders 'must prepare for worst'
If this is spoon feeding the bad news i think it's an awful big spoon.
The reason it is more direct and explicit is the BBC is not directly
controlled by the corporation which is the case for our media 'news'
In our case they use the excuse of not wanting to frighten the horses or is
it children as they might all run and jump off a cliff.
Of course, what they really fear is if the public knew how deceitful the
financial institutions really where we would collectively push them all off
the cliff.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Fw: please sign
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larry
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 4:18 PM
Subject: please sign
will nap for food
Fannie Mae to Issue $7 Billion In Stock to Help Steady Itself -
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
GS: 215.22 -11.67 (-5.14%) - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Veterans writing group 12-1-07/Greg Ross
veterans writing group 12-1-07
a creation tale, told tellingly
before god created; what was it 7 or 8 thousand years ago
before yin and yang brought forth the 10,000 things
before vishnu and shiva created and destroyed
and created and destroyed and created
before the great spirit impregnated mother earth
with the first people
before watson and crick broke the code
before anansi first walked in africa
before mohammad beat christ at arm wrestling in spain
before christ visited revenge on the saracins
before yggdrasill, the tree of life, crucified odin
to bring rune magic wisdom
before zeus found mount olympus
before romulus killed remus on a roman hillside
before adam met eve at the first sock[less] hop and
they copulated their way to knowledge reserved for god
before the first mitochrondria symbioticly agreed
with the first dna to survive
before the big bang brought light and dark
heat and cold day and night
before the cosmic astronaughts seeded the universe
before the waste material of anaerobic matter
created atmospher, created green
before the ocean was primal soup animated by lightening
before e equaled mc squared
before any kingdom: animal, plant, mineral
before any thought of or by any being
before anything
before anyone
before anywhere
there was silence
the big bang shattered
the silence of the void, now
we sit, recollect
gregory ross, 2007
Minyanville - NEWS & VIEWS-Article
This is a good one to learn from and it sure does sound like 1991 rerun to
me. Only the numbers are larger and the names have been changed of those in
the sucker machines.
Take heed.