What a coincidence Ed is also finding our national/international finances
are right out of Alice in the rat hole.
I will put another spin on his question to the "Banker" regarding the cost
of the war and which is now in the trillions and will eventually bankrupt
the nation.
The Banker stated their is no limit regarding the cost of the war that it
must be spent if that what it takes to win.
Of course it is bazaar as he is advocating financial suicide.
But considering what possibly could persuade him to this impossible position
I would say.. Peal Oil.... is a likely possibility.
The neo cons never mention it though Cheney described the consequences in
1999 or maybe 8.
They know that a industrialized nation such as the U.S. will immediately
collapse without abundant oil for all forms of energy. And with out the oil
from the middle east we all dead carps.
Are own oil production is now below half of the 1972 peak. Mexico's
production is way off. This last year it was off 12 to 15%. World 'peak oil'
which production was probably 2005 and we are now on the decline slope which
will soon turn in to a significant down grade.
Their will continue to be oil produced but the days of cheap oil are over.
And industrial/electrical grid societies need their energy plentiful and
Is their an answer that we could live with? Conservation... is what i have
read will be the only functional answer as the energy 'alternatives' are
just not their in quantity, flexibility or do we have the time.
What is picking up the slack at this time is coal which is plentiful for
maybe another forty years. But then of course using even more coal we will
choke and roast from the CO2 effects.
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