Sometimes on Saturday a glimmer of reality pokes through the self imposed
censorship sponge of the media.
And i consider this article to be reality politics.
And what we should keep in mind when considering anything concerning the neo
cons and the middle east is: The neo cons do have a middle east plan.
And they had a middle east strategy before they 'took' the white house.
They have stated this plan which is: 'the strategic control' of the oil
producers in the middle east. Strategic is defined as by force and retained
by force.
This is not a secret swap as was negotiated with the KSA in 1945.
And that deal was we would protect the despot rulers from their own people
and their neighbors and they in turn would keep us up to our necks in oil
and which they have.
This control of the worlds oil and the middle east which produces the
majority of the oil in the world and which is about 60%. This plan is
straight and simple reality power politics employed by the western oil
powers through Cheney's office and with the cooperation and support of the
Zionist, the oil interests in Europe which is France and Germany and of
course England which nolonger has the 'North Sea' as a crude oil source.
In case you haven't heard the North Sea oil field is now quickly going dry
and the British Isles is now a net oil importer. This is also referred as
the "Peak Oil ...effect".
This soon will also happen with Mexico who is a major supplier for the U.S.
In ten years they will need to import oil for themselves. And from where and
at what price no one knows.
We are sometimes told their is no peak oil or effect? Try asking the British
about that. They are forced into going back to coal big time...and that's
while the coal lasts.
Our own oil production in the centennial USA is down from 10 to approx. 6
million billions per day. Our domestic demand continues to grow along with
the world and China and India by numbers.... is the world.
It seems for us it is really time to wake up and smell the oil and the neo
cons are already their and have been very well informed on peak oil since
the mid nineties.
The short lesson is: who controls world oil controls the world. The neo cons
understand this and that's including george the dunce.
And we the public are considered naive fools by the neo cons. We are
entertained and diverted with the usual fear issues such as anti gay, anti
abortion and how many angles can sit on a pin type of Sunday school
diversions. The neo cons right out.... though usually not to our face
consider us naive and stupid and must be controlled.
Amongst themselves they labeled the evangelical's Christians as the crazy's?
So their reality positions is: You like power.... support us or we will give
you the sharp end of raw power.
All the various reasons that we are told we are in the middle east never
mention oil. When all of us really know if we stop to think about it that
this country nor the other industrialized nations cannot function at our
preseant level of indulgent waste with out oil.. and living
in a world with peak oil on the front catalytic cracker say's... control the
crude oil sources at any cost.
So good bye national people issues of education, medical care,
infrastructure and care for our old people and children.
The money is going and now in the trillions for the neo cons wars.
They are stealing from the nations people to steal the world.
This recent intelligence report which say's we are the dupes of a grand con
job by the neo cons is hardly a deterrent to the neo cons. They STILL have
every intention to carpet the Iran's with bomb's and more bombs. The plan
states they will have complete control of the middle east if they eliminate
Iran as a independent country.
Try this...take a look at Bush hard some time and i think you will see it's
not difficult to see behind all the smirking make-believe. The man is
basically a coward with a second rate and silly mind functioning in a bantam
rooster body.
And what gives him this obsessive confidence to destroy the middle east for
the shallow reason that he professes?
It's because he knows he has the completely backing of the industrial
banking complex decision makers. They want this and they will protect this
mental runt as long as he delivers. He is a dry drunk who can take orders if
they are not too complicated. And if they are then Cheney is expected to
nudge him along.
Dude, that is power politics with out the veneer of bible thumping or good
ole boy. Though both are welcome or tolerated by the cons to cheer from the
Power politics will use them but has no intention of sharing with people who
have no power themselves and besides the neo cons have already written them
off. Though even the born again can sprout a brain if they loose the job and
the house and find themselves living in a shelter....with those people.
I would say that making and alliance with a fool we become a fool aswell.
And though the neo cons are short sighted in my opinion.... they are not
fools. They think and act for themselves...though not for our best interest
or even needs.
Hitler used Mussolini but he had no intention of sharing the world with the
egotistical dupe.
You can believe the author of the attached paper when he say's they will
attack Iran at the first opportunity. And they may not even wait until the
dust from the intelligence report settles on our short term memories.
The holiday's are coming up and spring if not yet in the air will soon
Anyone who knows zilch about launching wars prefers spring with the smell of
a firestorm drifting down from the sky.
Will this be disruptive to our lives here in the homeland? Yes, and we will
have our own additional domestic problems such as a serious recession and
the on going mortgage disasters which is not about to be patched by the
major banks to favor the people.
So for those who have not done their bit for the devouring war God who we
are told loves only us their is still time to worship at it's alter.
For verily every town and city has a Mall where all are welcome to perform
the spiritual ritual of buying more trinkets from Asia and then blessing the
purchase with the sacred plastic.
Bring the children for junk food and besides they always keep the temples
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