Wednesday, December 26, 2007

benzoin: Definition and Much More from

This is further info on the Friars balsam which i just obtained.
I got this reference from a lady who was in the nursing field for about
forty years and mostly in Asia though trained for five years in England..
Apparently, Friar's Balsam, is the marketed preparation and which is used as
a steam induced inhalant.
It's easily obtained on line or at some drug stores OTC.

The lady also compounded essential oils for about 15 years in Ceylon as she
had found the anti biotic where begging to react for too many of her
patients including herself. Or they where just not any longer effective in
treating many common complaints such as congestion or nasal infection
problems as and example.

'Friars Balsam' is sold in the U.S. in a liquid form and when used the oil
is floated on top of a pan of very hot water for inhaling. She advised using
a pan that was disposable as it will stain most surfaces.

This is not Chamfer oil or even similar to a few others which are inhaled in
the same manner.
It needs to be repeated three times a day to be effective but not over done.

I'm sending this again to some friends as the anti biotic are now saturating
the food chain as they are also a growth stimulant in poultry, hogs, cattle,
milk cows and laying chickens.
Their is an on going "food" induced epidemic which is presented as food
contamination by the media. And we can't blame the Chinese for this one.
If you think you are already aware of this problem you may not be aware the
'food producers' have multiplied the effect too such an extent the animals
are now in a ...."constant state of illness" aswell as induced pain until
they are slaughtered. The 'feed-lot' Veterinarians acknowledge this and
state they are hired to keep the animals alive while the are chemically
fatting before slaughter. It seems Cargill and ADM are now writing the
regulations for the industry. If you thought it was the FDA or the Ag Dept
well when it comes to the food industry they are also run and operated by
the food producers.

What people don't seem to understand is the food producers don't see
themselves as producing food to feed people, they see it as a way of
extracting money from us at the lowest possible cost. They are only
concerned with the sales quality of the product. It's content or negative
effects is not significant as long as the profit increases.
So all that 'Farm John' on the package is pure manure.
How can we know this? Follow the money and see what they spend the  money on
is for a every quicker return. And not on our health and safety.
If we are a physically sick society then the pharmaceutical and hospital
industry will benefit from that so it's something for everyone. Except the
people and the animals. They both get the knife.

Not a safe situation if you are a meat eater or milk and egg user.
And unfortunately this will be far more serious than just upset stomachs or
a few actually many extra hormone induced pounds on us aswell.
Cancer, heart problems and diabetes are all now part of the Great American

It is a complete myth that we need to eat these 'foods' for good health or
children's growth. We are told we do but most of the worlds population never
drinks cows milk and eat very little meat in their diets.
And for those mothers who may say: We'll that may be true but I'm not taking
any chances and am making sure my kids get the protein they need, etc. My
response is: American mother you are being had big time.

One of my neighbors a nice Christian lady recently (today) told me we all
need to eat meat especially if we are Christians as it is directed in the
bible that we eat animal flesh.
She is in her mid sixties and by the looks of her to me she will soon be
going to the meat eaters heaven. And which I think maybe a franchised fly in
Burger King in the sky. It seems heaven is what we make it.

e.coli is evident through out the animal fattening process.
e.coli is epidemic especially in cattle because it is induced into the
animals food chain from the manure they must lay in for the three months
before they are slaughtered.
The e.coli is fed into the poultry and swine food chain aswell.
And yes, e.coli does shut down the human kidneys if it doesn't just kill us
out right.

So looking for anti virus alternatives that will still work is where allot
of applied health specialist have gone. Including this former head nurse.

Another effective one is 'GSE'  grapefruit seed extract, both internally and
topically for infection of all types.
The advantage for us maybe that the virus and bacteria have not become
'familiar' with either of these treatment .

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