Monday, March 31, 2008

Mar 31, 2008 This week in 'The Room' Doug Casey 321gold
Current predictions concerning the real estate mkt.

That R-E prices could still go down 30-40 percent and then they describe why this might be a possibility.
But the one i really feel maybe the most valid of the multiple choice horror stories.
That the R-E mkt collapse may take a generations attention before it begins to return. Real estate maybe location, location but it is also based on trust and confidence in the future.
If we look at the eighties/nineties and the Japanese economy and actually their R-E cycle. It was better than a generation before the turn around began and they where not dead in the water and flat out broke such as our own big garbage scow seems to be.
Is the Fed's current plans going to help us.... or the big banks? We'll if the share holders of the Federal Reserve Bank and which is composed of foreign banks. i will have to conclude they will take care of their owners before they will serve the publics needs.

And if the BearStern deal is any indication... bear meat was served up raw for JPM/C.
Other bidders.... what other bidders? And after it's been ripped too pieces and swallowed it's a little late to put the pieces back together so they can find other potential buyers.
So putting the Fed in physical charge of the nations banks is just lighting the barbeque for the really big fest.

What i suspect they may be getting us ready for is another S & L type bargain sell off..Only that was real estate and S&L's and this will be the regional banks.
More crisis bank failing?..... Does a sea gull eat fish?

OK, look at it this way. What are most banks NOW holding as collateral? How about questionable paper on allot of over priced auto that people will not be able to fuel ($3.70 pump price locally for regular) and humongous plastic debt aswell as personal and business mortgages. And if those are now in question?
Sort of makes you understand why the foreign investors are stepping back and then......running.

It's national unemployment on the rise, consumer confidence falling and fast. Along with steep inflation around consumer necessities. So isn't this all going to land in the regional banks lap at some point and soon.

All banks are always over extend though they refer to it as the deposit/loan ratio but as long as loans are growing... no problem. And once they loose loan momentum the greatest scam ever invented is reveled.
And where we are today sure looks like dinner soon for the big guys .At least to me.

Capitalism goes through stages which eventually gets to extreme consolidation which is then followed by collapse.
And accepting the premise which we where all taught...too believe. That this nation is invincible and it's intentions are honorable... it's really asking allot to even consider that this shining vessel of economic freedom and democracy could develop cracks.

But the above may also be a very limited PR definition of Empire. And all empires before they fall to the invaders at the gates usually first fail from with in.
And the internal crisis is slow to be acknowledged especially while the party is going on. Also we are directed to be looking for the external terrorist rather than at our own soft under belly

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Can Starbucks Get a Fresh Jolt? - TIME

a very reveling article and actually one of the lead articles in the current issue of Time magazine.... the bus riders bible. It didn't make the cover story that was reserved for the corn/ethanol debacle which i believe they are very accurately defining as a tragic energy/grain scam. The biofuel bis. apparently is wiping out the South American rain forest and pronto! Check out the panoramic picture if you go to that story aswell. The Starbuck emotional induced image of.... your.....friendly upscale and exotic coffee spot which is offering you warmth and comfort has become somewhat tarnished. Especially when we lift the curtain and confront the 10,000 national outlets. Yes, that foamy beverage with whip cream and chocolate flakes on top is a high priced comfort food. That is dispensed by a national fast food and drink joint and that we are encouraged to feed at least five bucks on every visit. Do we need this to satisfy our ego's desire to be a coffee flavored milk shake gourmet? If kids learn nothing else in college they learn where the Starbuck's is located. Am I opposed in either practice or principle to coffee shops. Not abit as they serve a much need public service while dispensing caffeine. Samuel Johnson had nothing but good to say regarding coffee shops in his day or as i recall Boswell mentioning.
So after the Starbuck stock dropped about 40% they called back the heavies to find the yellow brick road to the bank.
And now Time has devoted a few pages to telling 'Uncle Howe's... Starbuck story. It's present as a: man meets bean love story. I have nothing against Starbucks as they do pay the employees health benefits. And that's if they are working a full week and a few other requirements to qualify. And i sure don't intend to confront my bad habits while sitting in a plastic booth at McDonald's.
But what is really revealing to me is the significant American national industry has become a chain of fast food and drink... drive through shops. Big money with a large profit margin. But still not producing a fundamental product. Coffee shops if we really take a close look are in the category of a luxury consumer personal convince and service. My point is..... they manufacture nothing and Time magazine is treating them as a national industry in crisis. If they where to go under and they won't ...10,000 mom and pops caffeine shops would soon take their place. We'll actually that would be my own best possible senerio.
When Chrysler motors was going under before the bail out or maybe World com more recently.... now those could be considered high finance industrial big news.
And now with Starbuck being portrayed as having that same significance; i believe it is again indicating our days as a major international producer and manufacturing nation are in the past.

Fw: climate change and the sierra's

OlCharlie, who dwells at 4000' and has a personal interest in climate on the
So he tries to keep us posted. Also he seems to think that the local paper
the Fresno Bee is one of the most reliable reporters on Sierra mountain
climate forecasts. see attached.
Here on the sea shore...i was recently talking with a professor of marine
biology and asked about the oceans ph going acid and was it really
happening? She acknowledged it was happening.
The implication is the oceans are dieing.
I then inquired could this be reversed...she didn't know how.... but maybe
it was possible.
We then talked or actually she did about how everything could return to a
balance for the oceans in hundreds of thousands of years..if not millions.
And I'm sure you also will find that a great comfort..
----- Original Message -----
From: olcharlie
To: larry lewis
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 10:23 AM
Subject: climate change and the sierra's

Moving to cooler ground
Beloved fixtures of the Sierra may be forced up, or out, as the climate
By Mark Grossi / The Fresno Bee
03/29/08 22:24:00
The 2,000-year-old giant sequoias east of Fresno have survived warm spells
lasting centuries, but in just 100 years, global warming could snuff them
out -- along with many Sierra Nevada species.

Why? The current episode of climate change is moving faster than any warm-up
detected in the past 500,000 years, many scientists say. Many say car
exhaust and other global-warming emissions from human activities may be the

The rising temperatures probably will shorten the Sierra's long, snowy
winters and force mass uphill migrations by sequoias, Sierra bighorn sheep,
dusky woodrats, rabbitlike pikas and mountain yellow-legged frogs,
scientists say.

The warming could mean oblivion for those that can't cope.

"I avoid being an alarmist," said Nathan Stephenson, a U.S. Geological
Survey research ecologist at the agency's Sequoia National Park field
station. "But there's a chance sequoias won't survive at all if they can't
find the right soil conditions at higher elevations."

The bighorn sheep, another mountain icon, might be forced to move uphill
away from predators, perhaps marooning themselves on alpine islands away
from their food sources, according to scientists.

No one knows what will become of the small, hearty shrubs and animals above
11,000 feet if the Sierra's small glaciers disappear. Glacial ice has
dripped precious water into an arid alpine landscape for thousands of
summers, but it may last only a few more decades, scientists say.

The warming also probably will force pines and firs to move uphill, along
with vast communities of shrubs, herbs and grasses that support wildlife and
help purify California's air.

The San Joaquin Valley's poor air quality would suffer further if a warm-up
weakens many millions of mature trees, which then would become prone to
wildfires and insect infestations. Smoke from fires would foul the air, and
decimated forests would not filter pollution.

Another way the Sierra changes would affect people: With less snow, there
would be more precipitation in the form of rain. State officials may have to
consider expanding reservoirs to store more water.

"These changes are tied to the life cycle of nature, something that affects
all of us," said Lara Kueppers, an ecosystems scientist at the University of
California at Merced. "There are a lot of reasons to care about what

International visitors probably would notice a difference. They flock to see
giant sequoias and Yosemite Falls, which probably would begin peaking
earlier each spring in Yosemite National Park.

In the central and southern Sierra, tourists pump millions of dollars into
local economies, particularly around Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon
national parks. Yosemite alone has 3.5 million visitors a year.

In Sequoia National Park, four of the five largest trees in the world -- all
sequoias -- live in Giant Forest.

The world's largest tree is the General Sherman, 103 feet in circumference
at its base and more than 2,300 years old. The Sherman and the other giants
live in the Earth's last 75 natural groves of giant sequoias, most of which
are in the southern Sierra, perched above the Valley.

With widespread root systems, the old giants can tap water sources in many
directions during dry times. Their thick, cinnamon-colored bark offers
protection from fire, allowing them to live up to 3,000 years.

Birds, mammals, insects and other creatures make these massive trees the
center of their lives. For instance, a Douglas squirrel eats sequoia cones,
and the weasel-like pine marten preys on squirrels.

But as warming increases, the natural community will be strained. Sequoias
would lose their damp, cool habitat between 5,000 and 8,000 feet. The big
trees prefer deep, sandy soil at the edge of damp meadows or near streams.

Young sequoias would be forced to grow at higher, cooler elevations. But
above 8,500 feet, the soils become more shallow, and there are fewer wet
meadows or stream bottoms to provide the water they need.

The species has hung on during past warm-ups, relying on the moisture that
remained during more gradual shifts in climate, tree-ring analysis and other
evidence show. A more radical change could drain them of resilience and dry
up their water sources.

Sierra trees, in general, already are suffering from rising temperatures and
less precipitation, according to a study done by USGS ecologist Phillip van
Mantgem and Stephenson.

Fir and pine trees are dying at almost double the rate they did 20 years
ago, Stephenson said.

"My big concern is that we'll get caught off-guard as this warm-up
continues, and a lot of trees will die very quickly," he said. "What kind of
surprises will we get?"

John Wehausen is asking the same question about the bighorn sheep on the
east side of the Sierra. He is a researcher based at the University of
California White Mountain Research Station in Bishop, where he has studied
bighorns for three decades.

Wehausen's work helped to bring the sheep back from the edge of extinction.
In 1995, predators and disease had left only 100 in the Sierra. By 2006, the
population had quadrupled. But Wehausen wonders whether global warming will
wipe them out anyway.

The agile animals detect hunters such as the mountain lion with keen
eyesight. The sheep need a clear view, usually at 10,000 to 13,000 feet in
elevation, which is above the tree line.

Though they can feed at higher elevations, the sheep prefer to eat more
nutritious grasses and shrubs several thousand feet lower. They must balance
the danger of moving downhill among predators with the desire for better

If trees and predators move higher, the sheep will lose some of their clear
views. Will the change also wipe out their high-elevation feeding areas?
Will they be forced downslope toward predators? Researchers don't know.

"The population is already vulnerable," Wehausen said. "We're very

Wehausen, Stephenson and other scientists say the complexity of climate
change and the Sierra ecosystem makes it hard to predict the effects.

Will human activities speed it up? That question can lead to angry debate.
But nobody doubts that people contribute warming gases, such as carbon
dioxide, from cars, power plants and factories.

Nature already provides plenty of factors to analyze, including the oceans,
the sun, the rotation of the Earth and subtle climate cycles often spanning
thousands of years.

Scientists have learned about past warm-ups by studying geologic sediments,
growth rings in trees, pollen in layers from lake bottoms and cores from the
ocean floor and massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.

They say the planet has warmed and cooled hundreds of times over the last
million years. Indeed, climate change is not at all unusual, though some
warm-ups are longer than others.

For example, there was a warming period that spanned 35 to 40 centuries
following the last Ice Age. It moved quickly at the start, but the warming
might have taken several hundred years to peak.

The change now is moving much faster. The 1980s and 1990s were the warmest
decades in four centuries, says the National Academies of Science. The
average temperature has climbed about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit worldwide in
the last 130 years, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- a U.N. network
of 2,000 scientists and more than 100 governments -- issued a report saying
that global warming already has begun changing life on Earth.

The panel said most of the warming since 1950 is "very likely" due to
human-related emissions from cars, power plants and other activities.

The panel's scientists estimate the temperature will climb 2.5 to 10 degrees
in the next century. That kind of warm-up would be more than 10 times faster
than any previously detected warm-up in the last 10,000 years, scientists

"The speed and the magnitude are off the map," said Leslie Chow, a USGS
research wildlife biologist in the Yosemite field station.

Yosemite is hallowed ground for biologists to observe changes due to
warming. The park and its natural inhabitants have been left undisturbed for
the last century, protected from mining, logging and many other commercial

Ninety years ago, biologist Joseph Grinnell thoroughly surveyed the park for
wildlife. Between 2003 and 2005, biologist James Patton of the University of
California at Berkeley repeated Grinnell's survey.

Patton's work showed the piñon mouse and the dusky-footed woodrat have moved
to higher elevations in Yosemite -- the mouse 3,000 feet higher and the
woodrat 1,500 feet higher. About 60% of the creatures in the survey had
moved upslope.

Patton said he has studied animals in California for 40 years, and he has
never seen similar changes.

"I was surprised," he said. "I had no reason to believe that I would find
this much movement."

Patton said the movement is not necessarily related to the warming climate.
But he said he could make a connection, especially in light of other
warming-related phenomenon -- such as the melting glaciers.

Yosemite's glaciers are melting, says Hassan Basagic, a Portland State
University research assistant. The park's Lyell Glacier at the Sierra crest
has dwindled dramatically, said Basagic, who has been studying several
hundred Sierra glaciers for a number of years.

Sierra glaciers are tiny compared to those in Alaska, which are remnants of
the Ice Age that ended 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. The California glaciers
have been around for about 3,200 years, according to studies by glacial
geologists Douglas H. Clark and Niki Bowerman of Western Washington

Basagic said the Sierra glaciers are tucked in granite bowls, called
cirques, protecting them from sunshine. He compares the glaciers with
photographs of the way they looked early in the 1900s.

To Basagic and others, the shrinking glaciers are strong evidence of
warming. If they go quickly, as experts expect, other changes won't be far

"On the whole, I would say glaciers already have lost about 50% of their
surface area," he said. "There won't be much of them left over the next few
decades if things keep going this way."

The reporter can be reached at or (559)441-6316

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wolves Are Back. Humans Are Howling. -
What they are saying regarding wolves ...that they are a menace is pretty
much what they also where saying about the 'Indians' not so long ago.
Or so i recall my father mentioning how our neighbors viewed the remnants of
the small tribe living down the road when i was a kid.

My Dad had a part time job helping the town undertaker when he would get to
many dead Indians to 'handle' himself. The highest count as i recall Dad
mentioning was about twenty five.
It was what we then called children's diseases that killed them.
And of course we had used germ war fare in the past against the 'Indians'.
But in this case it was just expected that measles and chicken pox would
keep there head count under control.

Of course now the 'Indians' that are left have casino's and new cars so they
are not generally considered the 'dirty Indians' in those shacks at the end
of the road.

So maybe what the wolves should consider doing is opening gambling dens to
save their lives.

And though we where a small town we did have four or five churches and all
Christian and nice people.

Friday, March 28, 2008

YouTube - Fully renewable: biogas + wind + solar
OK, I'm trying to be positive with regards to renewable energy sources... so
here is an experiment that is being tried in Germany.

At this time Germany receives most of it's NG needs from Russia by pipeline.
Some of the oil comes from the North Sea and as well the middle east.
So they have a real incentive to find alternatives and quickly.

But while all this looks good.... it's a pilot project with no cost
And then for the U.S. to apply this plan we would have to have the money to
build a grid hundreds of times larger.
And one thing we all must know by now is this country is broke. We don't
even have a functional infrastructure. Of course the other difference
between Germany and the U.S.... we have been constantly at war....
somewhere..... since December 7, 1941. We are the Empire and we are feared
like a seven headed serpent. But we are still piss pot broke.

A German would have to be over 64 to have been born when Germany was last
involved in a war. And of course we have also been furnishing them an Army
at no cost since 1945.
So maybe the German's love us! Don't count on it and it's not what i hear.

321energy :: Renewed Oil Exploration Coming Up Short :: Casey Energy Division
The story of oil resources and not reserves in the ground has been estimated to be diminishing world wide for years.
The oil companies know this and the attached chart illustrates it.

This is what 'peak oil' is all about!
The high energy consuming industrial societies are coming to and end and no one has offered a functional alternative solution.
Nuclear, solar, wind or hydro are all limited in various ways. And coal which will continue to be the power producer has never worked well as a transportation energy source. We'll not since the coal and coke vehicles of the forties and they got kinda...smoky!

With out cheap and plentiful 'petroleum' based energy supply's this national grand experiment in exploiting the worlds resources is soon ending.
It's the tooth paste tube analogy.... if you prefer a visual explanation.

What makes this report interesting is our dear leaders... handlers... are finally acknowledging what they have known since at least the mid nineties. And what's that? The games over for the international oil companies. Crude in the future will be controlled by the producing countries.

For a reference: Crude, by: Sonia Shaw, details this and again points out that the corporations understood their would be few new giant fields ever found again. Also this is why no refineries have been built in the U,S. for twenty years.

So the only option left was to steal it by any means necessary. And even that doesnt seem to working as planned

Fw: read past the headline

And some of the other 'news' on this area of serious concern is the western part of the nation is becoming hotter and of course drier. Demand for water resources is increasing as the population increases and as well as farm use. their is still the problems with the whole aqua duct system which furnishes the water for the twenty three to twenty five million people in southern California and as well to California agriculture. It's costly, inadequate and high energy absorbing. And their is not funds to enlarge it even if there was water to ship. And is the 'peripheral' canal going to answer this problem if the corporation can convince the citizens to buy the bond issue needed to build it?
and i know this is all and abstract until the faucets quit delivering or those folks (23 million) our sitting on our front lawns here in northern California. Will they be considered illegal aliens? you better believe it! But i suggest you consider setting aside extra food to share with them when they arrive. And when they knock on the door remember they probably are just wanting to use the toilet if they aren't already using the driveway.
----- Original Message -----
From: Charlie
To: Larry
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 9:36 AM
Subject: read past the headline

Snow news is mostly good news
Despite a dry March, the latest Sierra snowpack measurement finds water content is near normal.
By Mark Grossi / The Fresno Bee
03/27/08 23:35:22

WISHON RESERVOIR -- The snowpack east of Fresno is more than twice the size of last year's. That's good news -- but water experts had been hoping for a little more.

A snow survey crew Thursday provided evidence that a dry March has allowed February's spectacular snowpack to melt down to average levels for this time of year.

"Don't get me wrong, this is a heck of a lot better than last year," said hydrographer Henry French of Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which has several hydroelectric reservoirs in this part of the Sierra. "But there was a lot more snow up here a month ago."

State officials said they think most reservoirs in California will fill up and provide the usual flow of water for cities, many farms and hydroelectric projects.

Statewide, the Sierra snowpack is 96% of average. Last year, the Sierra snowpack was only 45% of average. So measurements this week were a welcome contrast, state officials said.

"After the dry March, I think it was better than I would have expected," said Frank Gehrke, chief of snowpack surveys for the state Department of Water Resources. "I think it's quite encouraging."

In late February, the snowpack was 130% of average in the southern Sierra. A series of storms had battered the state in January and February, but by March they had stopped.

Fresno, for instance, may finish with its fourth-lowest March rainfall total on record. The city's current total, 0.02 of an inch of rain, is the lowest March total in more than 40 years.

But Statum Meadow, at 8,300 feet, still looked like a postcard of winter Thursday. The meadow, about five miles east of Wishon Reservoir, has been used for many decades to measure the snowpack.

Hydrographers French and Chris Sanderson, who are flown several times each year to Statum in a helicopter, are careful to measure between two lodgepole pine trees that are about 100 yards apart. They say it is important to measure in the same place each year to reflect trends and correctly establish averages.

The measurement Thursday determined the meadow has 41 inches of water in its snowpack.

"If it all melted today, we would have that much water coming down to the Valley," French said.

The hydrographers used a century-old method for measuring the snowpack -- jamming a hollow, metal pole into the snow and pulling out a core from drifts 12 to 14 feet deep. They weigh the core to figure out how much water it contains.

The bottom of the pole came out of the snowpack dripping with freezing water.

"That means the snow is beginning to melt," French said. "It's going down to the rivers and streams."

PG&E will capture the water at Wishon and other reservoirs. Huge turbines will turn with the force of the flow, creating electricity.

There are big plans for the water downstream, too. After it passes through hydro projects, the water is captured again at lower reservoirs, such as Pine Flat and Millerton.

Much of it will be used on farm fields, but some will go to supply cities, such as Orange Cove.

But farmers on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley are facing cutbacks this year that have little to do with the snowpack. West siders buy Northern California snowmelt after it passes through pumps at the troubled Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

Authorities are cutting deliveries to 45%, which they say will help prevent tiny fish called the delta smelt from being sucked into the pumps and killed.

And there may not be many more wet storms through the rest of spring, said Rudy Cruz, a National Weather Service specialist in Reno, Nev.

He said no significant storms are on the horizon. While the region may see light rain or snow in the next few weeks, most of the heavy weather is passing to the north.

"This time of year, things are pretty much done in the Sierra," Cruz said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. The reporter can be reached at or (559) 441-6316.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative

This may seem too obscure to be of specific interest to some folks but i believe it offers useful responses as well as possible preventives to serious infections.

For sometime, i have been following the caMSRA developments in general science type journals and aswell the SF Chronicle which has had a long series of articles over the last six months.
The best advised usually offered is: wash your hands frequently and stay out of the hospital.
We'll they can't state that right out... but if you are health compromised and in the hospital...beware! is my conclusion. So treating your self and at home is looking like a real smart option at this time.... and again..that's to me!
I'm not saying we are... again at the point where people go to the hospital just to die.
This is just real scary stuff, and reading about is... close enough!

Recently, I sent info on...possible... preventatives for the antibiotic (drug resistant strains) bacteria and especially the topical and nasal forms.
MSRA is recurring in medical facilities, care centers and prisons. And some forms of TB are also just about immune to conventional treatment. South Africa has along with HIV/AIDS a serious drug resistant TB 'situation'.
So the netty pot for preventive nasal flushing and maybe Friar's Balsam as and actual treatment could be considered.
In Asia some physician are using the flushing method for the sinuses area. This info is from a senior nurse who worked in Asia for forty years.

But for me the Iodine solution and ..selected.. forms of magnesium and bicarbonate of soda as well as a couple forms of clay as possible treatment is 'news to me'. Though i am familiar with all of these for other problems. But directing their application to Rx drug resistant infection is more than interesting.

As i have mentioned before ...some... forms of magnesium have proven to be beneficial for everything from heart arrhythmia to serious depression.
And about as close as most folks get to magnesium is the oxide form which really is just a purgative with very little nutrient's or other medicinal effect.

the attached article maybe to long for some of us.. But unfortunately the entree seems to be served last.

As to the iodine, it is sometimes taken to support the thyroid though kelp tablets would seem to me to be a more acceptable approach.
But if you need to use iodine for infections determine first what the dosage might be and dilution is a must if it's going to be ingested.
We are talking how many drops in a large glass of water? For the thyroid as i recall, a person would take one drop.... once a day in a glass of water.

And yes, it is time to start putting a home medicinal packet together. As we are headed for a rough road ahead and maybe with out any handy rest stops along the way

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Forex - Dollar hits fresh daily lows after consumer confidence plummets

Gosh! What happened to yesterdays news of: "all better now?" We'll spring is here but even so it seems the economy has a mind of it's own. They are pumping the pump at the treasury and the Fed but i guess it just won't take a prime.
I still feel it is possible that one of the other major investment banks could splat like Bear Stern. And will the Fed or 'corporate government' also 'lend' them our money to save the predators?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fw: Psychopath Test

----- Original Message -----
From: L, Kate
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: Psychopath Test

Psychopath Test

Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the
bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads.
No one I know has gotten it right.

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a man who she did
not know. She thought he was 'amazing'. She believed him to be her dream
partner so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never
asked for his number and could not find him.

A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What was her motive for killing her sister?
[Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below]



Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again!

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a
test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same
mentality as a killer.

Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the
question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, good for you.

If you got the answer correct, please let me know so I can take you off
my email list.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Silver Stock Report: Silver Shortage: 19 dealers reported "Sold Out".
for anyone who doesnt understand the implication of this survey's
crunch time coming up. Spot silver is slightly over $17 per oz. And it has
dropped at least $5 on the spot mkt price in the last week.
And their is no supply available in the shops and smelters which where
questioned for this report.

The government has and is manipulating the price of silver to give the
dollar ...some...creditability.
Long term this will not work.... but they are going day by day.
I could add to this but the point is that dollar in our pocket is becoming
trash over night.

Are you safe? money in the bank! and on and on. We'll if no one will take it
for purchase out side the country and then in side the country it's
I have to conclude our money is quickly becoming worthless.

Will Goldman Sachs or Lehman Bros fold this coming week?
The blog rumors are saying one a week. I have no info other than the concern
being voiced on the contrarian blogs. But 'they' sure didn't tell us
BearSterns was being chopped and minced either.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Peak Oil - Oil and Gas * Energy * News * Story -

For anyone who heard the chairman of Shell oil state : Don't worry trust us. We got plenty of oil. Here is Matt Simon's response which was not shown on CNBC. So who cares? We'll the next time you are watching the funny numbers going faster and higher at your local Shell station. You just might wonder who's side is Shell on? This is simple minded but it works.... if we see it on CNBC. One of the problems with this empty theory of Shell's is the world population is ascending at about a 80 degree incline. And the oil geologist are stating most of the worlds major fields are falling off in production at a significant rate. And that happens to be why 85 million BBL's a day seems to be the ceiling for world production. A no problem.... do nothing energy policy is exactly what they want. Their is no problem, its a perfect world. It's just those malcontents and if they would just shut up we could go on robbing and pillaging the remaining natural resources of this plant. end silent quote.
The other theory i like is: As the oil fields empty out from our world wide pumping. Some miracle takes place in the entrails of the earth and the crude oil fields then begin to refill. Has it happen? We'll no! But what's that matter as it's what people would like to believe and if we say it often enough they will believe anything. Ask Gobbles if it didn't work for the Nazis.

Financial Sense Online Market WrapUp with Martin Goldberg 03/20/2008
Woke up to some local mkt action. A neighbor who i don't know was having his
car repo'd.
The repo man was quick and efficient and apparently it is now a growth

Lehman Bros and Goldman Sachs maybe be the next to experience being eaten
alive by another 'investment bank'.
First it's the Friday rumor then followed by the denials while the behind
the scene butcher shop gets to work.

And this is followed by the announcement that the Fed and the Treasury saved
the day. Big smile while the digestive juices flow.

And 'dear leader' is again stood up to announce it's just another little
bump in the road to freedom, democracy and victory blah, blah.
Or put another way....It's, here come look under this cabbage plant ...while
we rob the bank.
Speaking of banks.... the food banks are running very low on hand outs.
But old people should have known this could happen so it's their own fault.

Martin Goldberg who is consistently more right than wrong is offering charts
which indicate that 'bumpy road' may actually be a mine field.

So we still have collapsing home loans and balloon mortgages, auto repo's
and of course delinquent credit card debt.
And don't get sick!

Dear leader assures us that '$600 check in May' is going to make us all
well. Did you ever wonder where Dear leader found that $160 billon to send
to the citizens?
How about Printing Press..and helicopter drops from the sky.
So it's really just national inflation..Which is give it to us here and
then steal it back when we are not looking.

Friday, March 21, 2008

RIGZONE - Mexico Pemex CEO: Proven Hydrocarbon Reserves 14.7B BOE

this rpt is not developed but it is a significant news story concerning Mexico's crude in the ground reserves. And their is only indirect mention of production. Which is also off significantly and for about four years in a row. It's going to get allot worse in Mexico as a source for our own crude and finished product. Mexico has stated they intend to cut exports before they lower their domestic supply. This is the bomb that's on the front porch and could also roll under our door.
We gave them NAFTA and put the corn framers in Mexico out of business. This is the basic reason for the influx of illegal besides the u.s. corporations encouraging them. It's also a weak domestic economy with runaway unemployment. The U.S. oil corporations current plan is to take over Permaco and divert the production into their pipe line.
Of course this will only lead to more unrest from starving peasants. Who have a history of fighting back when they are starving. For those who have some doubt on that point 'a history of Mexico' makes for good reading. And our roll in Mexico has been very counter productive but extremely helpful to the u.s. corporations. When the U.S. goes for the oil in Mexico we will be told that the Mexicans are inefficient and can't anylonger run their oil production facilities so 'we' which is EXXON will have to step in and save them from themselves.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fw: How to Install Love

----- Original Message -----
From: John L
To: John L
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:57 PM
Subject: Fwd: How to Install Love wrote:
How to Install Love.

Tech Support: Yes, ... how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install
Love. Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes, I can help you! Are you ready to proceed?

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What
do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your

Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is
it okay to install Love while they are running?

Tech Support: What programs are running ?

Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and
Resentment running right now.

Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your
current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it
will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low
Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you
have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent
Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off ?

Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness.
Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been
completely erased.

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that

Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You
need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error -
Program not run on external components." What should I do?

Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run
on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart.. In
non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you
can Love others.

Customer: So, what should I do?

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following
Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Customer: Okay, done.

Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will
overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.
you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty
your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile
is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves
all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually
everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running.
more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its
various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with
and return some cool modules back to you.

Customer: Thank you, God.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fw: The Fed's Managed Deflation or| Second Great Depression?

Not too many folks will be interested in this dialogue i had with John L.
But I believe he is accurate as to how they will try and play it out. Any
thing and everything until after the election.
But i got my doubts and i think John may have his aswell that other
countries see the U.S as "too big to fail". We are right now in the early
throes of Empire change and aswell if it would free up fuel and energy for
China and Japan if the U.S. economy took a hit up side the head..I think
they could turn their head while it was a happin.
And as to withdrawing from Iraq! Not a chance as McCain said even if it
takes a hundred years to win... blah, blah.
Immigration and young skilled workers to save the retirement system for the
Boomers. Oh yeah! Actually it's more like: "over my dead body will i go
along with more gooks moving in" And though, it maybe unpopular... if the
U.S. Corporations want it the story on Fox media will change to: Gooks are
great. Why they are just six packers just like us.. it's just they talk
funny and on and on.

----- Original Message -----
From: John L.
To: larrylewis
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: The Fed's Managed Deflation or| Second Great Depression?

I don't know Larry - the fed obviously would like the best of all worlds and
Paulson, Bush's lapdog, is really the one who is behind "saving" the economy
at all costs including backing all of Bear Stearns' derivative paper,
reducing Fannie Mae's reserve requirements so that they can lend more out

I imagine that the Fed and the Treasury will try their darndest to keep up
the credit and stock markets at least until the election and they do have
most of the short-term levers to do so. No matter what George W. says, he
vividly remembers what happened to Bush Sr. and why he wasn't reelected and
I believe George W. will stop at almost nothing to try to prop up the
economy until the November election. Longer term is another story...

They can also slow the financial slide into a more manageable scenario by
possibly enlisting the help of other gevernments to prop up the U.S. dollar
if the U.S. "promises" not to reduce interest rates much more and to strike
a better balance between our deficit spending and inflating our way out of a
possible recession/depression. We may also be able to convince other central
banks to sell more gold in the future which would help give the appearance
of more economic order in the world.

There are so many variables including: Congress, the fed, the Treasury,
foreign governments, geopolitical events, world competion for resources, the
financial companies' health, ideological issues such as the distribution of
wealth and Universal healthcare etc., the new administration's policies; the
dollar etc.

Many may differ on this but I think that a large part of the intermediate
term economic answer for the U.S. is to focus on encouraging and increasing
overall immigration with emphasis placed on "recruiting" professional
(scientists, doctors, engineers, technicians etc.) familes from places such
as India, South Korea etc. which could go a long way in creating new demand
to sop up some of the houses in the deteriorating housing market; put
additional money into the Medicare and SS systems and overall tax coffers;
change the demographics to a slightly younger age population which would
help to support all the baby boomers going into retirement; and help
increase our nation's savings rates as most of them would already have $ and
better savings habits to boot.

I know that this policy would be controversial and it does smack a little of
reverse economic and ethnic profiling, but it also could be viewed as
necessary to our country's interest to do so as we are in deep doo doo and
will need to find increasingly creative and non-militaristic solutions to
deal with our longer term financial challenges.

Of course, what would also help in the shorter term would be to immediately
begin to pull out of Iraq and use a lot of the savings to create jobs by
starting the rebuilding of our nation's infrastrucure along the lines of
FDR's policies after WWII. I believe that a part of this money should also
go into encouraging the rapid investment and deployment of alternative
energy technologies and resources.

Today, my best guess is that we are currently experiencing a relatively
orderly economic decline and then should have slower growth for many years
to come. This view is based on the premise that the government has many more
tools at their disposal today than they had in the 30s and that foreign
governments will cooperate and conspire with us more as they will view us as
too big to allow to fail!!

Joe sixpack will probably "suffer" however as he will have to change his
lifestyle some - not all bad as runaway consumerism and its resulting debt
needs to slow dramatically over time. Jimmy Carter's notion of combining
voluntary and mandated energy and resource conservation and recycling
(self-sustainability) should also be given a serious second look!


larrylewis wrote:
John, I'm not convinced this is the way it's coming down..or maybe apart.
Mike is describing the Fed as really in-charge of this collapsing economy.
Too me, it still looks like greed and dog eat dog. and then a short repose
by JPM for digestion.
My take would be again settle into the day and profit taking was the way
to go.
I'm expecting the IMF will sell that 400 tons of gold soon and that will
buck up the fake and drive the PM mkt down.

I guess my take is if the Fed was sending subtle msgs it wasn't heard over
the scream of pain.
And having said all that i would be interested in your own opinion as to
where the hell we are or going.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Collapse of American Power
Reality check enclosed!
After a weekend on the roller coaster that i think was built by the American
war machine and managed by the Federal Reserve whose motto is: Lets play
Here is some reality..It's still coming apart and going down.
But we are being told:
Rate cut, Blah, Blah. Sell the bank to save the system, Blah, Blah.
The dollars coming back! Lets hear it for the dollar. Blah, Blah.
Oil down, hurrah, hurrah and blah!
Oh, i forgot, the markets now up...cheers, cheers, cheers.
Oops, markets now down. oh well. we tried.
It's the economy.... stupid!

If you read the enclosed which is gloom and doom keep in mind what some
people where saying while the real estate bubble was expanding... "this
isn't real and it won't last." Where they heard? Not that i can recall.

And now when some people point out the nations broke, the toy banks are
broke and we are going to be abandoned by our dearest foreign lender
friends. Again we are hearing.... "they can/will fix it!" ..."we have been
here it's going to be OK." And other significant forms of...
blah de blah!

Actually, It's even worse than what i just wrote. As an example...
It seems it takes the CEO of Star Bucks to announce the economy is now in
rescission for the news media to pick it up and feature this national
disaster story.
And our own dear leader continues to tell us it's just a bump in the road. I
think what he doesnt realize is that bump was a body called: the economy.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Stearnest Bear Market: Bloody Sunday | The Smirking Chimp
Another vista of the financial garbage dump and it seems all views have one
thing in common.... it still smells of methane.
But, i thought i would send this along for any of the "I'm OK, your OK."
hold outs.
And anyone singing variations on: I have faith in the safety of my 401 and
my investment advisers market wisdom.
Consider what Michael Fox is saying here: "Cash is king and that's anything
other than green" or words to that effect.

YouTube - Tent cities spring up in LA
I have also seen the equivalent to this tent city in Fresno. And I'm now
reading 1 in 25 people in New Orleans are on the street.
But what tent cities really are is designated refugee camps.

This is just the leading edge of deep problems coming to all urban areas
fostered by the...current... national economic melt down.
And please note: In this video that the people being shown are not 'those
people' which is a verbal description of the bottom of the barrel. Maybe
they where selective but they sure look like our average former neighbors
and now without the burden of any possessions.

As to the BearStearn.... 'Poof the magic dragon' disappearing act. We'll if
you haven't heard.... it finally went to JP Morgan for a 2 buck song. It had
been $170 a share last year and thirty or more on Friday.
Also remember they told us on Friday BearStearns was going to be saved which
didn't make sense as they had been working on the comatose still form all

Now one guess as to what that is telling us. Right! the other investment
banks still standing and though shell shocked they also just got down
What they are holding is allot of the same thing BS was clutching before it
took the fall.
So did the FED and JPM really save the day or line up the rest of the
"investment banks" for a mass execution.
Put another way...If you had money in one of those investment banks and it
is mostly trusts and retirement funds like Calipers... what would be coming
to mind? Right, where is the door and can I get their first?
Banking is ALL hocus pocus and always has been. It's all pretend and we can
all play. No pretend... no play, is how banking exist.

It might be prudent to consider having some cash on hand because if this
cascades the government is not going to tell us....melt down or..
holiday.... is straight ahead. This is a term we have not heard since the
early thirties in the U.S. and since banks at the basic level are a pure
scam and if it was explained to most folks they still wouldn't believe it.
Banks going to holiday status is the most frightening thing that can happen.

If you have money (CASH) in a safe deposit box you probably will be immune
(safe) to the instant problem this would create. They allowed people into
the boxes when it happened in the thirties or so i have heard.
Today if this happens the lock up would probably come on electronic
transactions and which 'might' include personal checks.
And I know..."Why they wouldn't do that, and besides i would write my

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bear Stearns Crisis - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times

It seems to be happening as fast as I thought I could predict it. Please note the sale price. That will not be encouraging to those holding stock in the other investment banks. This is just more consolidation of wealth and control by the extremely wealthy ruling families. And will this save the system and the dollar as that was what this was supposedly about. Hardly, BearStearns is just one of the terminal cases at the top of the muck pile. My point being this moves it off one set of books at a steep discount and aswell loss to the seller (B-S) but it doesn't offer any confidence to those other banks that what they are also holding as collateral on their books has any book (market) value. I think it will just make the foreign investors run home even faster.

Rescue Me: A Fed Bailout Crosses a Line - New York Times

The attached NYTimes article on the current investment bank melt down is the
most through and descriptive that we are being offered. It also describes
why the Fed is not letting Bear Stearns fail as it should.
They consider the consequences as worse than the price we will be expected
to pay.
Of course we are being spoon fed the bad news as this article points out and
even what acutely will happen to B-S in the next week or so is not
The whale carcass will be drug up on the rocks and the scavengers will go at
it with cleavers as theirs money to be made from a fresh kill.

Though they are stating they are intending to save the Bank and the system
the slaughter will actually go on while the Fed pretends to weep over the

Could this affect mom and pop America? You better believe it as the money
the Fed is printing is fiat 'play money' that will eventually end up in our
wallets as that is the way bank robbery from the top works. They move the
junk down to the suckers as fast as they can shovel it.

Also, though it is not mentioned in this piece their are a few other
problems besides bundled mortgages that have no market value and on ALL of
the banks books.
They have the same problem with car loans that they will never collect and
credit card debt that never will be paid. And the foreign central banks
dumping dollars is the one they NEVER mention even to each other. That's
musical chairs where all the chairs go missing at once.

But on the up side. Our own Dear Leader at a press conference last week
stated everything is OK with the countries economy... it's just that we have
hit a rough spot.
Do read the enclosed as it's much better than most analysis being but forth.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fwd: Just the end of your way of life.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: larry
Date: Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 9:51 PM
Subject: re:Just the end of your way of life.

This note is in reference to your recent essay @

and which i was glad to see was being featured on the 321gold site today.

Thank you for defining the real world versus the one we are being offered
and unfortunately which many people have been accepting as reality.

As you point out you have to first believe in the nations fiat money to play
the game. And now we are finding out the game maybe over. So maybe we can
make some assumptions as to what will be next for the economy.
At this moment we are on the leading edge of a national economic crisis and
people maybe slightly more receptive to considering their are deep problems
which are not being presented and addressed.
So what is ahead for us is completely knew to our collective memory. The
crash of 1929 is not repeating itself in 2008 as this current event will be
far deeper and different in scope aswell.
Keeping us distracted with fear of the 'man in the cave' will not be
effective if we loose our jobs, homes and hunger and cold become our

You mentioned your 'sequel' essay will discuss which state will succeed
first and i assume because of economic issues..
And I agree the fabricate of this false national unifying reality soon will
rip. And primarily in my opinion because an expanding empire continues to
need a 'food source' at its margins. All empires are continually hungry and
We are now experiencing the indications of a contracting industrial empire
and we will have to turn on ourselves... or maybe our close neighbors to
satisfy the nations corporate need to continue to consume.

Though, as to how this will play out i doubt it will be a 'state' that will
disengage. My conclusion is it MAYBE be a regional break up of the U.S.
The national government is loosing it's means of persuasion with the states.
It's also broke and a forceful response to state problems will be difficult
with the reduced military forces in the homeland.
Un-thinkable? Maybe by the people at this time but it is considered as a
'national security issue' by those who are designated to ponder such

It seems their are five regions in this 'nation' which are defined by
culture, economics or geography. So it will first be a self identity issue
for these regions and then an acknowledgment amongst those states to their
actual relationship to each other.
And the homogenous overlay of the national federation will begin to shred.
And then we will have another ...reality.

Of course it will not be pleasant and their are other factors at play such
as regional wealth in resources and strategic location as well as population
density issues. Though ethnic issues will be a consideration especially in
the 'new' Latino areas. Those being reclaimed by the people coming from the
central American states.
But generally it will be the rich areas verses the marginal inland economic
And the break up will be motivated by the expense burden for the 'haves' as
the poorer areas will not be seen as contributing to the more wealthy areas.

And just using a few word tags on horror stories that we also have coming
our way.
We have peak water, peak oil, peak grain, and why not peak climate! Though
the preferred term is climate change - effects.
And fortunately we may not experience this one directly but ...peak world
population which will also involve over-shoot and then die off. You referred
to the other 95% of the worlds population and that they are not happy with
our self indulgence at their expenses. So as they are experiencing die off
they will be looking for someone to share the blame with and "Dam Yankee
gringo godless barbarians" just may come to mind.
And that's even if we have split into regional clusters i don't think that
will absolve us or exclude us from world reaction.


Is their a U.S. 'corporate government' response to what is happening to this
nation at it's fundamental level? I believe the corporations and it's
servants in high places are already on that for their own gain.

If the U.S. corporate empire needs continual new sources of raw materials,
energy and a young manageable labor force then the plan which is now being
considered by the U.S. Canada and Mexico maybe their answer.
A 'all for one fiat currency' and complete access for the labor forces to be
located where the corporation may find it to their advantage.

Both Canada and Mexico now furnish us crude oil and natural gas as well as
other mineral resources. These will need to be assured as a continuous
source of supply. Mexico is indicating a demising crude oil supply. And they
intend to cut exports first.. We'll we can't have that as the empire must
come first.
And eventually a U.S. empire response to the industrial power of Europe as
well as Asia. We as a nation have fallen behind Europe and Asia in
....industrial momentum.
So the consolidation is imperative for the corporate survival of the U.S.
Empire as a regional quick fix.
Extracting the wealth of the nation by money manipulation and the export of
the industrial base to Asia has it's limitations. And they are now becoming
very evident.
Thank you again, Larry
And I am sending your important essay to others who i believe will also
appreciate it.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mar 14, 2008 Stagflation/Hyperinflation Or Just The End of Your Way of Life? Craig Harris 321gold s

Fw: Free sex

FW: free sexI don't know why some women have to think these 'jokes' up as it
does nothing to keep people from going into to these unrepeatable dens of

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: Free sex

A gasoline station owner in Mississippi was trying to increase his

sales. So he put up a sign that read, "Free Sex with Fill-Up."

Soon a local redneck pulled in, filled his tank and asked for his free

sex. The owner told him to pick a number from 1 to 10 and that if he

guessed correctly he would get his free sex. The redneck guessed 8, and

the proprietor said, "Sorry, you were close. The number was 7. No sex

this time."

A week later, the same redneck, along with a buddy, Bubba, pulled in

for another fill-up. Again he asked for his free sex. The proprietor

again gave him the same story, and asked him to guess the correct

number. The redneck guessed 2 this time. The proprietor said, "Sorry,

it was 3. You were close, but no free sex this time."

As they were driving away, the redneck said to his buddy, "I think that

game is rigged and he doesn't really give away free sex."

Bubba replied, "No it ain't, Billy Ray. It ain't rigged. My wife won

twice last week."

Steve Quayle News Alerts
It looks like the red states have it.

It's the "Oh Shit!" Moment on Iran
And what is not mentioned in this insightful article regarding the on going
plans to bomb Iran by the U.S. is we will also be doing the bidding of the
Zionists in the U.S. administration and of course Israel Zionist who are
really calling the moves in the middle east for the Bush administration.
So lets be real for a moment. Iran is not attacking us. Iran has no weapons
which might be a threat to us. What is driving this obsession on the part of
Cheney and Bush to start a third was?
I agree with what this article concludes but it is also Zionist motivated in
my opinion.

So the troops killed and wounded in this attack will be victims of war and
as well Zionism.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kitco - Commentaries - Jon Nadler

It's been a long climb from gold's low of $256 per oz. in September of 1999. And gold now reaching $1000 per oz. is a celebration for anyone who has been holding gold. But for most of us what it really indicates is the dollars is continuing to loose value. Today, it broke through 71 on the dollar index. For perspective it was at 84 a year ago and today it's 71.95. On a graph it just steps going down. And we are the ones who will going down those steps with the former dollar. And the attached article mentions that but it becomes significantly evident for all of us when we need to buy food, energy or other essentials. Investors looking for a 'safe haven' are buying commodities and energy sources. Oil production has 'peaked' world wide and world oil demand continues to climb. But speculators such as oil companies are also buying futures. So today's price is over $110 a barrel and that surely means $5 gas for U.S. drivers will soon be with us. What we are experiencing is the inflation of prices for necessities. While we simultaneously drop into a serious recession. Our supposed safe haven was the house...we couldn't loose as it would continue to go up and up. And while it was going up and up we could also pick the fruit from the tree and then more fruit would appear. And the sun would shine and it was evident that god loved us. And why shouldn't he as we where made in his image. And heaven on earth (for us) was just a step away. We'll so much for that malarkey and here we are deep in the stuff and quickly going deeper. And our favorite weapon ...denial.. seems to have become dull. So our best option maybe to open our eyes and question the reality they have been offering us in great scoops. Our own dear leader recently described what was happening to the national economy as a momentary slow down. And if he actually had a sense of humor i could admire that statement. Our economy is headed for the dumpster and the world seems to know it along with most people trying to put food in their kids mouths and have them stay warm at night. And as far as economics the biggest lie has been fiat money has intrinsic value. But the lesson is: It never has and it never will. And that is what the bankers are now finding out. The lie they told us and themselves is a delusion that is going to be painful and expensive. We are broke and i believe $1000 gold is the proof of that statement. My point is this is not the celebration we may be seeing on the 'tell-a-lie' screen. This is more likely the preparation for the dollars funeral.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Financial Sense Online Market WrapUp with Chris Puplava 03.12.2008

If you look at these easy to read charts please keep in mind that 40% of the national economy was considered to be R-E and home construction. Also, those famous words: "my home is my piggy bank!" And one of the charts furnished confirms that.... since it indicates the American public has no visible savings. Now this maybe farther than some folks may want to go at this time. But I believe that their are some world banking institutions for lack of a better name who are not going to end up as losers in this enormous loss and ...transfer of wealth. I am not coming from a conspiracy perspective but since i read this type of info and essay's i was concluding 3 to 4 yrs past that we would have a R-E crash followed by a national recession at the least. And many people at that time also though we would have a sector recession which of course would be much milder. I was forming this conclusion from the info being offered regarding the level of national debt and the imbalance with regards to derivatives. And also from reading some history i have learned that Empires usually fall on their sword... if i may. They build and buy weapons until war kills their own country. And then some other nation comes along at takes their places. And don't miss understand me what i am saying if i was finding this info and having it confirmed by people like Buffet and Soros doesn't it seem reasonable that some very smart people would have got on the other side of the table and waited for the chips to pile up and then called their bets at the nations expense?

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
I have been reading similar statements as quotes by Adm Fallon since last

IMF to world: Develop global rescue plan -
As i have read...the 1929 mkt crash was linked to an obscure bank failure in
So why is it so surprising that the current start of this economic melt down
may be caused by the U.S. real estate shredding?

Large avalanches are sometimes attributed to the first small rock disturbed
by the passing rodent.

Mar 12, 2008 The Fed's Swap Meet Mike "Mish" Shedlock 321gold
When you read this one...i know, that's if you do. please keep in mind Mish
has an excellent track record for accuracy and prediction.
And really... 200 bal here and another 200 there.
Now we don't have to be a Mish to conclude this is very serious and the
hemorrhaging is continuing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fw: Steve Quayle News Alerts

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 9:51 AM
Subject: Steve Quayle News Alerts

if the lead-in world map is indicating possible world drought areas i believe it is even much worse than what is being illustrated. The west coast of the united states on some current maps i have seen show two thirds of California in a drought zone. And even some parts of Oregon are hot and dry. The sub sites on this page maybe of interest and helpful though they also are not all current and some are for Australian's.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication |

Fw: Worldwide

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Worldwide

I saw Ralph Nader interviewed once. He told the story of when a boy his father asked if he understood why capitalism would always survive. The reason given was that socialism would always be there to bail it out. FDR and the WPA are a case in point. State bailouts of private companies that have ruined themselves through greed and mismanagement demonstrate the principle.
From when we were small tribes, it was understood that all industry was to benefit the group. Individual wealth would have been perceived as shameful and aberrant. But it speaks to either the goodness or stupidity of people that they're willing to bail out those who have striven to ruin the group for their own personal gain.
If you complain that the rich are picking your pocket, they tell you that you can't stop progress. Politicians say the bailouts are necessary to protect jobs. But when we bailed out Chrysler, those jobs went to robots. The need to be competitive is apparently more important than providing the community with jobs, goods and services. And when the market collapses, the idiots who collapsed it are given golden parachutes. But the ruling class has always taken care of its own, and never cared about the teeming masses. We tighten our belts and shoulder the burden. They toast the luck of their birth.

olcharlie will nap for food

On Mar 10, 2008, at 1:21 PM, larrylewis wrote:
This was rumored last week though without names. So it's a race to the bottom..And the fans are pressing against the fence. And the looser is! Though 'they' may have decided not to 'save' a couple of them and treat them now as culls. Save, of course means: 'too big to fail' and the tax payer foots the bill. But in a school of sharks they could be seen as chum for the other investment banks. They call this game free enterprise which means deregulation so everyone can make their own rules as they go. But if it gets tough going then they say they need government help. And it always ends up the same way..They wave the flag and we the tax payers bail them out of the hole they have dug because of greed. If anyone can tell me what is patriotic about a corporation i would be willing to listen. Worldwide

This was rumored last week though without names. So it's a race to the bottom..And the fans are pressing against the fence. And the looser is! Though 'they' may have decided not to 'save' a couple of them and treat them now as culls. Save, of course means: 'too big to fail' and the tax payer foots the bill. But in a school of sharks they could be seen as chum for the other investment banks. They call this game free enterprise which means deregulation so everyone can make their own rules as they go. But if it gets tough going then they say they need government help. And it always ends up the same way..They wave the flag and we the tax payers bail them out of the hole they have dug because of greed. If anyone can tell me what is patriotic about a corporation i would be willing to listen.

Fw: American Trivia History Exam /19

----- Original Message -----
From: John
To: John
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: American Trivia History Exam

I'm sending this to all my oldtimer friennds (ha ha) and trivia buffs.

koolkat <> wrote:
This is a History Exam for those who don't mind seeing how much they
really remember about what went on in their life.
*** Get paper & pencil & number from 1 to 20.
****Write the letter of each answer & score at the end.
Then before you pass this test on, put your score in the subject
line. Send to friends so everyone can HAVE FUN!!!! Also send it back to me.

1. In the 1940s, where were automobile headlight dimmer switches
a. On the floor shift knob.
b. On the floor board, to the left of the clutch.
c. Next to the horn.

2. The bottle top of a Royal Crown Cola bottle had holes in it. For
what was it used?
a. Capture lightning bugs.
b. To sprinkle clothes before ironing.
c. Large salt shaker.

3. Why was having milk delivered a problem in northern winters?
a. Cows got cold and wouldn't produce milk.
b. Ice on highways forced delivery by dog sled.
c. Milkmen left deliveries outside of front doors
and milk would freeze, expanding and pushing
up the cardboard bottle top.

4. What was the popular chewing gum named for
a game of chance?
a. Blackjack
b. Gin
c. Craps

5. What method did women use to look as if they were wearing
stockings when none were available due to rationing during WW II.
a. Suntan
b. Leg painting
c. Wearing slacks

6. What postwar car turned automotive design on its ear when you
couldn't tell whether it was coming or going?

a. Studebaker
b. Nash Metro
c. Tucker

7. Which was a popular candy when you were a kid?
a. Strips of dried peanut butter.
b. Chocolate licorice bars.
c. Wax coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside.

8. How was Butch wax used?
a. To stiffen a flat-top haircut so it stood up.
b. To ma ke floors shiny and prevent scuffing.
c. On the wheels of roller skates to prevent rust.

9. Before inline skates, how did you keep your roller skates
attached to your shoes?
a. With clamps, tightened by a skate key.
b. Woven straps that crossed the foot.
c. Long pieces of twine.

10. As a kid, what was considered the best way to reach a decision?
a. Consider all the facts.
b. Ask Mom.
c. Eeny-meeny-miney-mo.

11. What was the most dreaded disease in the 1940s and 1950s?
a. Smallpox
c. Polio

12. "I'll be down to get you in a ________, Honey"
a. SUV
b. Taxi
c. Streetcar

13. What was the name of Caroline Kennedy's pony?
a. Old Blue
b. Paint
c. Macaroni

14. What was a Duck-and-Cover Drill?
a. Part of the game of hide and seek
b. What you did when your Mom called you in to do chores.
c. Hiding under your desk and covering your head with your arms in
an A-bomb drill.

15. What was the name of the Indian Princess on
the Howdy Doody show?
a. Princess Summerfallwinterspring
b. Princess Sacajawea
c. Princess Moonshadow

16. What did all the really savvy students do when mimeographed
tests were handed out in school?
a. Immediately sniffed the purple ink, as this was believed to get
you high.
b. Made paper airplanes to see who could sail theirs out the
c. Wrote another pupil's name on the top, to avoid their failure.

17. Why did your Mom shop in stores that gave Green Stamps with
a. To keep you out of mischief by licking the backs, which tasted
like bubble gum.
b. They could be put in special books and redeemed for various
household items.
c. They were given to the kids to be used as stick-on tattoos.

18. Praise the Lord, and pass the _________?
a. Meatballs
b. Dames
c. Ammunition

19. What was the name of the singing group that made the song
"Cabdriver" a hit?
a. The Ink Spots
b. The Supremes
c. The Esquires

20. Who left his heart in San Francisco?
a. Tony Bennett
b. Xavier Cugat
c. George Gershwin

1. (b) On the floor, to the left of the clutch. Hand controls,
popular in Europe, took till the late '60's to catch on.
2. (b) To sprinkle clothes before ironing Who had a steam iron?
3. (c) Cold weather caused the milk to freeze and expand, popping
the bottle top.
4. (a) Blackjack Gum.
5. (b) Special makeup was applied, followed by drawing a seam down
the back of the leg with eyebrow pencil.
6. (a) 1946 Studebaker.
7. (c) Wax coke bottles containing super-sweet colored water.
8. (a) Wax for your flat top (butch) haircut.
9. (a) With clamps, tightened by a skate key, which you wore on a
shoestring around your neck.
10. (c) Een y-meeny-miney-mo.
11. (c) Polio. In beginning of August, swimming pools were closed,
movies and other public gather ing places were closed to try to prevent
spread of the disease.
12. (b) Taxi Better be ready by half-past eight!
13. (c) Macaroni.
14. (c) Hiding under your desk, and covering your head with your
arms in an A-bomb drill.
15. (a) Princess Summerfallwinterspring. She was another puppet.
16. (a) Immediately sniffed the purple ink to get a high.
17. (b) Put in a special stamp book, they could be traded for
household items at the Green Stamp store.
18. (c) Ammunition and we'll all be free.
19. (a) The widely famous 50's group: The Inkspots.
20. (a) Tony Bennett and he sounds just as good today.

17- 20 correct: You are older than dirt and obviously gifted with
mental abilities Now if you could only find your glasses. Definitely someone
who should share your wisdom!
12 -16 correct: Not quite dirt yet, but you're getting there.
0 -11 correct: You are not old enough to share the wisdom of your
Send this to your friends with your score in the subject line.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash
I know i never seem to give up.
And you get tired of hearing that allot of things in our daily lives may get
worse or scarce or both.
But the sunny side of my message is if you are informed you maybe able to
side step the falling bricks or the chuck hole in the road.

Matt Savior who's site this is offers this is exceptionally well informed on
this subject and is also one of the contributing editors to:

which is the often quoted oil info site in the U.S.
Canada and Europe.

You may want to skim this site the first time around as it is allot to
absorb but it is info you will need to know in the future.
It also has some interesting sub sites and one with merchandise you may find
of interest.

This may bring things somewhat into perspective. Recently when talking with
a neighbor i was told they had made preparations for power outages and a
possible food shortage. And i asked if she though other folks in the
neighborhood where doing that also.
she didn't name them but she assured me she knew of two other families that
had given the issue serious thought and then made 'preparation'. And this is
just on my block.
And I gathered none of these people where doing it at the direction of their
Also, they are not neighborhood organizing because they felt they would have
to know people better first and it was also and issue of perspective and
which might push some peoples fear buttons. People do not want to plan for
The implication here is we are making preparations and great if other are
aswell. But we don't plan to function as the food bank for those who are
seeing things a different way at this time.
I had to agree that today it is the unusual family who would consider
preparing for serious problems. People are expecting the authorities to step
in and distribute food or what might be essential.
Oh yes, I did ask the neighbor if people where concerned about a terrorist
attack. And she said she had not heard anyone who she had talked with
mention that as something they where preparing for.
So I'm concluding these people are not paranoid 'just taking care of
business' as practical folks are inclined to say.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Aubie B. is openly stating he is a Zionist. (Not sure what a Zionist is? Try
Wikipedia for a start) And everyone should now since they openly manipulate
our foreign policy for their own gain.
Aubie has sent me his mkt news letter on the equities market for years. And
every so often i get a message that is very reveling such as this one
enclosed below..

It seems the Zionist would prefer McCain but they will gladly take Hilary
since she
is also a proven supporter.
Aubie is further stating Obama is the true threat to the Zionist as he says
he will end the
middle east war adventures and which are not just about oil but defending
Zionist who are in control in Israel.
What may defeat the Zionist is the wars are now estimated to be costing the
U.S. over
a trillion and going toward 2 trillion and that's our money not Israelis as
they get their war funds from us the u.s. tax payer.
This is bankrupting the U.S. as it is us who are actually fighting the
expansionist wars. What the Zionist have achieved is getting the U.S. empire
to fight their wars and then get paid for letting us die for them.

As a patriot and registered Republican who supports Ron Paul I will support
Obama if
Paul unfortunately drops out.

Issues to consider: Is supporting the Zionist worth the cost of the lives we
are loosing in the middle east wars (4000) and the U.S. military who have
been wounded (30,000)?
And as too the number of civilians killed and wounded it's in the hundreds
of thousands.
Is the loss of our national social services and education funds which are
deferred to
the military worth defending the Zionist for?
Along with soon no retirement funds or health care. Forty some millions
Americans are now with out any health care and the quality of U.S. medical
care is not a world leader by a long way.
And the current gas pump prices which reflect the loss of the dollars value
to inflation worth it to you to finance the Zionists continuing wars with
their neighboring countries.

For me i sure don't support them on any issue as they are without
justification in any of their genocidal actions towards the people who 'had'
lived in Palestine for thousands of years and are now driven off their land
the European Zionist Jews.
So the next time you are filling the tank on the car that maybe owned by the
bank and you notice the price per gallon just keeps going up. Ask yourself
did we make a good deal by supporting the 2 wars and aswell the Zionist who
also came up with the 'weapons of mass destruction' hoax......for what we
where told would be cheap gas.
It looks tome like this nation is now following the on going real estate
bubble right in to a national disaster. Recession is going tobe a stepping
stone to economic depression.
And so far the only winner has been the Israel Zionist.

this is not the first time we made deals with repressive regimes to achieve
questionable goals.
We made a pact with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to defend the rulers from
their neighbors and their own people for their supplying us with cheap oil.
This was in 1946 and that was our source of cheap oil up until recently.
This was an open signed agreement but the deal with the Zionist is under the
table and we are paying for the right to die for their religious craziness.

Not all Jews are Zionist by a long ways. And some of the Jews who are not
Zionist are very vocal about what they consider will be a disaster for the
Jews now living in Israel aswell as the Palestine's in the concentration
camps. And of course our own national economic disasture from supporting the
Zionist. And yes, the Zionist do have 250 nucleare missles. But we must not
talk about that.
----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 9:19 PM
Subject: OBAMA

> Feb. 21, 2008
> Less than two weeks before the critical primary
> elections in Ohio and Texas, Democratic voters have
> made it very clear: Barack Hussein Obama is for real.
> Leading in the popular votes cast, delegates pledged
> and total delegates (meaning principally the back-room
> machers euphemistically referred to as
> "superdelegates"), Obama has a decent chance to become
> the 2008 Democratic candidate for President of the
> United States. Obama has become a rallying point for
> millions of disgruntled voters who yearn for a new
> style of politics in the world's greatest democracy.
> Since the Republican race is all but over and Senator
> John McCain will likely win the nomination of his
> party in Minneapolis in early September, it is not
> idle speculation to consider an Obama-McCain contest
> in the November general election. Such a contest has
> potentially enormous consequences for Israel and the
> Jews.
> It is no secret that Obama's candidacy has been
> supported financially and politically by many
> prominent members of the American Jewish community.
> Even previously outspoken Clinton-supporting
> spokespersons for Democrats Abroad here in Israel have
> been hedging their bets recently in articles and
> interviews, suggesting that an Obama Administration
> would augur well for Israel. Incredibly, citing
> unenthusiastic, canned pro-Israel campaign statements,
> these dyed-in-the-wool Democratic sycophants would
> urge Jewish voters to cast their fate and Israel's
> with Obama rather than with the Republican candidate,
> McCain.
> With all due deference to the Obama celebrity
> supporters like Steven Spielberg and George Soros, can
> Jews herein Israel and in America and other friends of
> Israel risk a vote for Obama in November? A quick look
> at the facts should switch on a big red light in most
> peoples' minds.
> First and foremost among the considerations that
> should trouble friends of Israel is the foreign policy
> team Obama has selected to advise him. The composition
> of a candidate's advisory panel is usually a very good
> indicator of where the candidate will come out on the
> issues if elected.
> This was the test this writer applied to George W.
> Bush in 2000 at a time when most pundits in Israel and
> in the Jewish community predicted that his Middle East
> policy would be a carbon copy of his father's, meaning
> trouble for Israel. But Bush, the son, had selected a
> blue-ribbon team of pragmatic and conservative
> advisors whose views on the Middle East were markedly
> pro-Israel and pro-democracy. Subsequently, the W.
> Bush Era became among the closest allies of Israel in
> her 60-year history.
> The opposite is the case with the Obama team. Headed
> up by Jimmy Carter's ("Israel is an apartheid state")
> national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski,
> Obama's team includes such problematic figures as
> Anthony Lake, Robert O. Malley and Susan Rice.
> One commentator, citing an article by the staunchly
> left-wing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has noted that
> an Obama presidency including a foreign policy team
> that included the foregoing and their ideological
> soul-mates, "would likely have an approach towards
> Israel radically at odds with those of previous
> Presidents (both Republican and Democrat)" and is the
> candidate apt to be "least supportive" of Israel.
> Brzezinski has been disseminating vitriol about Israel
> for three decades and recently publicly defended the
> Walt-Mearsheimer study which concluded that US policy
> towards Israel was the result of Jewish pressure and
> inconsistent with American interests. More recently
> Brzezinski called for the US to initiate dialogue with
> Hamas, described Israel's action in the Second Lebanon
> War as a killing campaign against civilian hostages
> and earlier this month made a trip to confer with
> Syria's President Assad, ostensibly unbeknownst to the
> Obama campaign.
> Robert O. Malley, another former Carter Administration
> diplomat and President Clinton's special advisor on
> Arab-Israeli affairs, is an unabashed advocate for the
> Palestinians, co-authoring a spate of anti-Israel
> propaganda with former Arafat advisor, Hussein Agha,
> including a tract that blames Israel for the failure
> of the 2000 Camp David talks and another piece which
> blames the Bush Administration for continuing
> Israeli-Palestinian strife.
> And then there is Susan Rice, foreign policy advisor
> to the ill-fated John Kerry presidential campaign in
> 2004, where she concocted the idea of solving the
> Middle East problem by appointing none other than
> Jimmy Carter and James Baker as negotiators, an idea
> which was later repudiated by her own boss as being
> unbalanced against Israel. Nor are these the only "bad
> apples" in Obama's foreign policy binââ,¬Â¦
> Another problematic indicator is candidate's close
> association with Jeremiah Wright, Jr., pastor of the
> Trinity United Community Church (a member of the
> United Church for Christ, which itself has been
> rebuked for anti-Israel bias), who is well known for
> his virulent anti-Israel remarks, including a call for
> a divestment campaign against Israel for the
> "injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians
> have lived because of Zionism."
> Nor should bring much solace to Jewish voters and
> friends of Israel that Reverend Wright counts among
> his closest friends, the nefarious anti-Semite, Louis
> Farrakhan for whom Judaism is a "gutter religion" and
> Jews are "bloodsuckers." Obama could have picked any
> one of hundreds of churches in Chicago's South Side;
> he picked Jeremiah Wright's parsonage, which awarded
> Farrakhan with the Jeremiah Wright Lifetime
> Achievement Trumpeteer Award in 2007. And Wright's
> church is the single largest beneficiary of Obama's
> charitable giving. Even Jewish columnist Richard Cohen
> of the Washington Post felt compelled to ask Obama to
> clarify his relationship with these anti-Jewish and
> anti-Israel community leaders, questioning why Obama
> has stayed steadfast in his allegiance to Pastor
> Wright over the years.
> Obama is only a first-term senator and has therefore
> only participated in a handful of votes that bear upon
> Israel and the Middle East. He also has a penchant for
> missing controversial votes where he would have to put
> his personal policies in the public record. However,
> his public statements on a variety of issues present a
> number of troubling issues for Jews and friends of
> Israel. Here are a few samples:
> 1)Obama openly advocates outreach toward and
> diplomatic engagement of Iran even though Iran has
> recently referred to Israel as a "filthy bacteria" and
> has repeatedly called for the annihilation of the
> Jewish State, including recent hints that this will be
> accomplished by a nuclear attack
> 2) "Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian
> people."
> 3)"[T]he creation of a wall [referring to Israel's
> security fence] dividing the two nations is yet
> another example of the neglect of this [the Bush]
> Administration in brokering peaceââ,¬Â¦ ."
> 4)"I am opposed to the cynical attempt by Richard
> Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend
> warriors in the administration to shove their
> ideological agenda down our throat." [note that only
> Jews are singled out despite the fact that the
> policies in question were promoted by the entire
> Administration]
> 5)"Reverend [Al] Sharpton is a voice for the
> voiceless, and a voice for the dispossessed. What
> [Reveren d Sharpton's] National Action Network has
> done is so important to change America, and it must be
> changed from the bottom up." [National Action lead a
> protest against the Jewish owner of Freddy's Fashion
> Mart in New York in which picketers, sometimes joined
> by Sharpton himself, repeatedly screamed epithets
> about "bloodsucking Jews" and "Jew bastards."]
> Obama was the only Democratic candidate who said the
> onus was on Israel to change its policies vis-Ãf -vis
> the Palestinians in order to achieve peace.
> Barack's problematic and unrecanted public statements
> and associations raise enough serious questions that
> should cause Jewish voters and friends of Israel to
> think twice about supporting him in November.
> But there is one other troublesome factor that voters
> in the Democratic primaries have thus far failed to
> credit seriously, viz.: Obama aspires to become
> president of the greatest democracy and still the only
> remaining superpower on the planet, having held a
> senate seat for less than five years and having had no
> previous administrative or national experience.
> While it may have suited Democratic voters to cast
> their votes for Obama during the primaries as a
> protest against the Democratic political establishment
> (much as they did in 2006 to deny (now Independent)
> Senator Joseph Lieberman the nomination of his party
> for the Senate seat from Connecticut), one would like
> to think that the American electorate will again
> demonstrate its maturity and seriousness during the
> General Elections in November 2008, when their votes
> really count.
> The Presidency in this day and age is no place for a
> neophyte, however charismatic. Those of us Americans
> who live in the Jewish State clearly understand what
> is at stake and what kind of risk Obama poses to the
> region and the world. There is every reason to hope
> that our compatriots in the United States and friends
> of Israel and freedom generally would agree