Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mary Jane

employees allot of people in drug enforcement.
Trying to take on the DEA is like trying to pull the needle out of the weapons manufactures arm. Not going to happen when they are corporations such as GE.

Their are 15000 counter terrorist agents in the US and as you may have noticed the people they catch are the ones they have set up themselves. In other words they have to manufacture their own terrorist for job security.
This is big money and big money needs a lucrative arm. So they need to keep the game and the prices UP.
If it was actually about the public safety then it would involve Rx drugs and which are the big killers in the US. 
Or so i continually read in the establishment papers and sites.
So hows that for a different toke?

The two whats! as in happening and tomorrow....

and we are talking about the boiling kettle called: Europe.
And who cares or why should we?
It seems the marsh-mellow roast meaning the folks stuck on sticks over the fire
will soon include Jane and Joe in a dwelling near you.
This tsunami is rolling our way, and the big banks are going to share the pain with
the US tax payer. 
And then extract even more flesh from retirement funds and  
any where else they see a dollar peeking from under the national mattress.

OK, so disregard the explanation of the complex economics and which he seems to simplify for us.
The down and dirty is and what 'nice people' describe as: austerity meaning: starve the populace until they conform or revolt.

Dorsch seems to actually understand both the situation and what we should expect next.
Our own dear DOW just shot through the roof and the message being: Come back little Sheba!  to the Rubes who feed
the.... bankster machine.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bee of A!

Have you seen this chart?
Though maybe you wont want to.

Your new American Dream

I believe Kunstler has sliced it and packaged it correctly in this Monday 
It really is a dismal landscape we are finding ourselves viewing and 
it seems we are running out of fuel even as we drift downhill.

But then you are also looking out the window on this bus to know where.
So i will let you decide if the views more encouraging from your seat.

Kunstler uses the Fuck word in the title of his site. And so for my dear Christian friends please,
just substitute with Duck! when ever you see Fuck! Yeah, you know like in Dang when you see Dam.
Thank you, we appreciate your evident.... purity.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Response to " Thre is alot of oil under our feet 'they' just wont let us turn the shovel".
Easy to understand explanations to most of the stories regarding oil and why
the production figures don't jive with the stories of:  Oil is plentiful and they just won't let us..... drill.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fukashima again and again (Westinghouse T 1000)
Really fun high school type lab demo. So just stand back...and enjoy!
And please, no texting during lab demo.

As Arnie with Fairewinds associates, has been pointing out since March, 2011 'they' do not have this nuclear disaster contained.
And as some of us might silently remark: Who cares! as it's over there. And besides they are gooks along with 
what ever else may come to the top of our reptilian minds. 
Then you know the one. Bigger is better! and that's if we go it!

So try this in your pipe for a puff.
We have the same designed Westinghouse reactors and right here in the land of 
God's chosen nice people.
And every one in the nuke energy generation business and that's including the NRC are aware of this 'problem'.

And know you are aware as well.

For those that still may be having a problem curling their minds around the implications.
I'm going to modify the Irish rule:
Time.... is the factor that proves Murphy's law right.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Heavy duty interview with perdictions for 2012
I would like to dispute Celent's predictions and from that find different conclusions, but i believe he is correct.
What he doesn't mention is the repression which we will also and soon experience.

I know some folks don't want to know and others think they have found a hidy hole.
Well, it doesn't happen that way with repression.
And why? We are all seen as the same by the rulers. Either passive and repressed or a continued threat.

ACV and more!

thought for today...and tomorrow

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

He was referring to the US Empire.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

So what's going to happen

in Europe?
How about more of the same if the PIIGS can get anyone to play.
Of course, it's getting to the place where their is only one player
on the other side of the net.
And it seems s/he has the ball and doesn't intend to any longer serve to PIIGS.

Will the US be invited to play in the game?
Dude, the US has been the towel boy for some time.
And when the players hold the purse strings, i believe they give orders
too the towel boys.

It's going to continue to go down... until they change the name of the game,
and as well declare the winner.

Side bet on Germany!

I hear that Spain is next to get what Greece and Italy just experienced. 
A bond rating crisis.
And if Frances is as deep into it as they are with Italyand Greece's banks. Then it will be France's turn next.
I guess that would be called: A French pig ah going to market.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Poof it's gone

A good response to: I have excellent advise and it's paying!
Though some of us... and this being a group mailing, may silently dialogue: "I'm out of the loop on this one, and besides they surely arn't going to take my food stamp allotment."

Denninger, though pushing the envelope while trying to read tomorrow's newspaper
also has today's reality within reach.

You may recall some of the gloom i was sending a few years ago and one was a quote from the guy who made the derivatives system or scam work for the super investors.
In about 2008 he had acknowledged derivatives would eventually bring it all down. 

We'll this current scenario is more about Europe taking the dive. But then those same European banks have a rope around all the US investment banks necks and 'those funds', you know the one we are assured: ' That always pay'.
Yes, this is going to roll right back on the US retirement funds as well as the orphans and widows... 

Bernard Connoly, was also recently getting some general exposure under these circumstances...What circumstances? Try impending gloom, and he has been more than predicting, as he also has furnished big print road maps and usually for a large fee.
He just happens to be one of the tech founders of the EURO system until he realised it
would not work and predicted it would hit the wall in a few years. 
So you can go to Google and then add his name for a peak under the 

As the historians of the Great Depression point out, in 1929 the significant economist 
of the day continued to assure the nation that what had just happened on the market
would soon be corrected.
'Everything will soon be alright.' And to some extent the DOW went back up.  But then within a year when 
everyone one had again been further assured by their brokers : Trust me and besides i have my money in the market and right by your own funds. It went down to 41 points by 1932.
It's called belief in some other circles. But i call it broke when we put our hand in our pocket to buy the beans and rice and out comes lint.

Some good video's furnished in the above article.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What is sport?
James Kunstler describes the Christian prayer display at the arena games and which where orchestrated for the most recent victims of the college gladiators.
Is the Corporate Empire 'sports' hero worship any different than either the Pedophile Church of Peter or the "Community Boy Scouts"
children's meat grinder?

Is this a reflection of a self defined merchandise culture... gone wrong? And it's conclusions which cannot be corrected with out 
a complete restructuring? Is a culture based on human spiritual values rather than our "Pepsi 
World" values even a possibility at this point? 

As it is, we accept this current society structured by this systems leaders as valid.
But then, if we consider that for hundred of thousands of years our specie social structure consisted of small groups
which where fluid and mobile while remaining supportive of the groups needs.
This tribe structure had no overriding dominating authority.
Each member would turn to their inner but collective voice for guidance and then some consensuses would be reached amongst the clan.
Yes, it served the small groups and is still found functioning amongst the worlds ancient wandering peoples.

It seems we can currently assume that we are being programed with these mass
arena events to displace our own inner message. Even so, we can conclude we have... one prevailing true
guidance.... and that is: We are of the earth and the earth is what continues to remain significant in all of our daily lives.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Coconut oil cures as described by Ted

Ted, maybe known on the web under the general subject heading of: Creative and credible alternative treatment, those who follow his blog.
He seems to be on the front lines of what we are experiencing with infections and epidemics as well.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dog alert

About 7:50 am on Sunday, Metta started shivering and then following me around.She doesn't seem to be able to settle and continues to shiver and take short breaths.
Definitely looking fearful.
I check for earthquakes but Oklahoma is a long way away.
Any one else seeing this response, too i don't know what?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is Felt in your future?

Their is something very fascinating about felt and the felting process. And for me the unknown reasons that it isn't more of a home craft is puzzling.

I do recall one woman who worked with felt and built her own equipment, dyed the wool and then sold the products. Of course, she was also an artists in other mediums so her work did have a creative signature as well.

It's something for people to consider and the wool is out their along with the craft knowledge for anyone interested.

Have a nice day

Friday, November 4, 2011

Break time or so it seems.

And then back to the game of playing kick the can with corpses.

Browne has made a very clear and subtle analysis and update of the the poor versus the rich game 
that's now being played in Europe.
These guys are smooth and quick and the stakes continue to pile up,  but i think the chips will eventually be found to be worthless.

They have tried to create a 'Euro Nation' on the false premise that changing the names and the faces of the fiat money will make them one.
And at best what they now have is the poor relatives and the rich relatives, so it's neither a family or a marriage. It's defined neighbors living in
proximity to each other who need to trade to survive.
This is neither a republic or a central democracy where at least in theory equality is a significant ingredient.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Somethings never seem to change and even for the super species.

"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage."
-J. K. Galbraith

The monkey with it's hand holding the fruit in the jar
never lets go. 

If you dont see it

you still must be feeling it.
We are being prepared for the 'next one'.

This is a background piece from a few days ago,
but i thought it was a good place to start. 
As the more descriptive action stories and which is
the next phase are now begging. 

Syria is not Israels significant enemy so that is not being pursued.
It's all about control of the middle east and Iran is the player that will
have to go.
Any war that involves Israel will involve the US and at all levels, as 
the apparent first choice... fighting Iran, will not be one of those sanitised air wars (missiles and drones) 
which are really just computer game wars as far as the Pentagon is concerned.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting fugly and also..... bring your own chair

 If you are having problems in understanding what is going on in Europe 
this article maybe a good short course... or catch up place.
Attempting to put human emotions into cyphers and then columns,
does have some obstacles.
It seems it's going the way of all London bridges. yes, wet, wild
and down.

How is this going to end?
We'll i will venture those that have it. Meaning Germany and France (G&F)
will end up still holding the purses.
And those that don't and never have (PIIGS) will end up where they started
still poor and getting poorer. I have not seen the comparison made but in a sense
what we have been seeing is the vandals or Huns at the gates and telling the Romans 
give us you wealth or where coming in with our pikes and short swords.

Their will remain some form of EU for crossing borders with commerce.  But G&F sure are not going to
continue to share the purse with the (street people or Roma's) and which is the way the PIIGS are viewed.
When that plays out (collapse) and soon, they will start to put things in order again.
China might even come in with a "Marshall Plan" for the PIIGS as it's a market. And they could use those bundles
 of trash dollars they are holding.

Ours.... will be deeper and dirtier, as we have no bad guys to blame other than the faceless 1%.
And when your national product is actually foreign wars to feed the rich, then who is their to blame?
You can't blame the designated enemy the 'rag heads', as they have already mentioned the great Satan would 
kill itself through internal debt.
Now if that isn't a story of the snake swallowing it's tail what is?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All better now

We'll maybe not.
They all sat down
someone blinked and
they all shook hands.
All better know.

What they actually agreed to was... lets pertend,
and maybe it will go away.
Kunstler is stating the CDS where a sham,
and now everyone knows this while saying: shush!

All of this is very difficult for those who conclude that
numbers can take the place of emotions, as currently expressed
by mass hysteria.

What does this bode for our collective future?
Their is a bottom. We can't see it, but we are falling in that direction.
And when we finally hit bottom we will.... all know it.