Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What fats?

I have been trying to find a site that is clear and simple and yet descriptive and accurate about oils. And maybe this is a good 
starting place. The more extensive info source is: Coconut Research Institute, and which is online. Their are a number of videos 
at this site which might be of interest.

If you are reluctant to take or use coconut oil "It's saturated", an alternative and which everyone will enjoy is fresh coconut milk which is
found in the cooler cases at markets.
An 8 oz glass contains 5 grams of mid chain fatty acids (MCFA) and which is what we seem to be lacking.
Fresh coconut milk has endless applications in cooking and i find is very good with the rice cereal which
i can eat because of my cellaic condition which limits my options.

Though i also take coconut oil as well and everyday, i appreciate the fresh coconut oil source.
The other lactose alternatives are also better than milk products and especially soy products.
If you read the serious criticism of soy and soy milk or oil you will have to consider if we where 'designed'
to ingest a bean oil which has such an effect on our hormone's for one significant area of concern.

Also, the Soy Association has an unlimited PR budget, and from which some of the funds are used to 
discredit coconut and palm oil. We once had a large amount of coconut oil in our diet and that's until the Soy
industry started a negative campaign to discredit it's health benefits, by labeling it as a "greasy oil".

You will not gain weight if you take coconut oil or milk as the MCFA are not stored in the body if they are not needed.
MCFA do not contribute to hypertension or LDL/HDL imbalance in fact they reverse those problems and also lower
blood pressure.

Friday, October 28, 2011

cancer research

'Ted talks' can be abit over choreographed, and sometimes to the extent the 
 content is lost in the inflections of the 'preformer'.
What am i saying? This was rehearsed until presto it is theater.
But then this one also has content.
In this video Bradner is describing a very significant discovery and application in 
reversing cancer in what is usually considered an incurable form: multiple melanoma, which is the bone form.

Definitely worth your time to watch.

Currently, some MM patients are relying on the positive intrusive effect of C3 complex curcumin
which seems to shrink the nutritive delivery source for the lymphoma.
And then for many life goes on, while it is assumed that eventually the barrier will fail.

Bradner is stating the cancer landing pad can be removed and replaced with a 'normal' welcome sign.
One smart guy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fwd: Brain study

Get with it.
I don't understand what the big deal is as my 'mind' ALWAYS translates what ever i'm reading into this pre-texting form of communication. And another advantage is it also easier when attempting to read msgs when presented upside down. You know like when the airliner goes into a tail spin.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <bob>
Date: Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Fwd: Brain study

  Pretty amazing how easy it is to read this after a quick study. 
Brain Study....
It took me a few seconds, but then I got the hang of it...
I've seen this with the letters out of order, but this is the first time I've seen it with numbers.
Good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this you have a strong mind:
7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15.
PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F U C4N R34D 7H15.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Going fast!

Fwd: Persian 'plot'.

Nice to have suspicions confirmed so quickly.(See referenced  enclosure).
Though no mention of Mossad involvement in this story.
But it can be assumed that to get from a drug bust to a significant assassination plan.
And involving the KSA, the Mossad was quickly made aware of the possibilities
We might conclude it doesn't involve us. Any time the possibility is conflict with Iran,
the Zionist would defiantly prefer the Empire to fight there enemies.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John

check this out:
this story smelled from the minute it was released - if the story was legitimate, there would have been a sustained uproar from Israel, the US, and Saudi Arabia

From: larry
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:53 PM
Subject: Persian 'plot'.

Fe,fi, fo fum, 
I smell the hand of a Zionist.

The one percent need a war.
The Zionist can make a war.
So it's a win, win for the giant above
And just in time to save the castle

And mean while back on the streets
Jack and Jane get their bones 
ground in blood 
to make the giants bread.

Excerpt from Margarets health blog

September 29 2007 postA blog reader recently wrote me a fascinating (private) message. With his permission, I am posting parts of it (it's a long message, so I had to edit it a bit). This is a brilliant presentation of the bioavailability of curcumin with a few interesting suggestions on how to increase it:Biocurcumax is giving us curcumin that is predissolved in 10-15% oil by weight. Isn't that what I am doing by mixing curcumin with full fat yogurt: predissolving it before ingesting it? Could it be that those of us who predissolve in oil are already getting the benefit of the improved bioavailability that Biocurcumax wants to offer us? And why does the dissolution of curcumin in oil help the bioavailability? I believe it is because the way the body digests fat is that it the chunks go through the stomach and then it becomes emulsified when bile is added to the initial end of the small intestine. Then those small droplets of oil, containing molecules of dissolved curcumin, are small enough to pass through the vilii of the small intestine into the network of lymph ducts that parallel all the network of blood veins, into which other molecules enter through the vein pores in the walls of the vessels (but the fat droplets don't). Fats are not digested much in the stomach or the small intestine, but enter the lymph system, along with the enzyme lipase, which breaks down the fat globules and converts the fats into glycerol and fatty acids, both of which are soluble in water. So when the lymph is dumped back into the blood vein system up near the thorax, the fat has been changed into water soluble components. Presumably, the curcumin that was dissolved in the fat globules (dissolved means that it then existed in molecular form, not crystalline form), now remains attached to the fatty acids molecules or exists as free curcumin molecules in the blood to be carried throughout the body to find their home on some ugly little cancer cell in the bone marrow, where it frightens that cancer cell into committing hara-kiri, or your favorite word APOPTOSIS. So my theory is the Biocurcumax improves bioavailability by dissolving part of the curcumin in the oil, making easier for part of it to get into the blood stream through the lymph system. But I want to dissolve ALL of the curcumin in oil so that All of it gets into the blood stream through the lymph system. Maybe we already are there and don't know it because no one ever measured.Finally, I have two more brainstorm ideas to push on you. First, you must realize that curcumin will dissolve in alkaline aqueous solutions, but not acid solutions. The stomach is very acidic but the small intestine is very alkaline. First idea is to ferry the curcumin through the stomach, where a lot of it gets turned into curcumin glucorinide and curcumin sulfate, neither of which are bioactive, and into the small intestine by encapsulating the fine curcumin powder in an enteric coated capsule that can resist the stomach acids, but will dissolve in the alkaline environment of the small intestine, releasing its contents, which promptly dissolve in that environment and enter the vein system in molecular form. Some may still get lost through conjugation into glucorinide and sulfate, but more will at least get dissolved and able to enter the blood stream because it wasn't conjugated while in the stomach.Second idea is to dissolve the curcumin into some kind of fat (how about cocoa butter?) that is hard at room temperature, like chocolate, and form it into a capsule form, which gets swallowed whole. As it makes it way through the stomach it slowly melts and the fat breaks into droplets with the curcumin still dissolved in them. These droplets are then emulsified in the small intestine and go on their way into the lymph system to be digested by the lipase, as in the above description. The main advantage of this approach is convenience. Just pop a few delicious chocolate-flavored lozenges into your mouth and swallow them WHOLE, and your curcumin is on its way to lymph heaven.
I particularly liked his second idea: chocolate, my favourite thing in the world, AND curcumin? I must do some experimenting. And why not mix curcumin with a ganache, i.e., warm cream with unsweetened dark chocolate? Ahhh, the possibilities are endless.
My own thoughts from reading this and  coconut oil sites. Coconut oil being a  MCTF is internally processed differently than our other fat sources. So as a very practical suggestion as to how to achive maximum blood level curcumin might be to add both curcumin and coconut oil to a hot cerial and cook them together.
This is a serious concern for Margaret and other melanoma people.
For me and most everyone i correspond with the issue is general prevention.
On Margaret's site and using the right reference search, their is a long discussion with references, if anyone is interested.
Again, the only caution that i am aware of with regards to Tumeric or curcumin. Caution when handling or cooking as it will stain.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Persian 'plot'.

Fe,fi, fo fum, 
I smell the hand of a Zionist.

The one percent need a war.
The Zionist can make a war.
So it's a win, win for the giant above
And just in time to save the castle

And mean while back on the streets
Jack and Jane get their bones 
ground in blood 
to make the giants bread.

Food crisis

Some of us are attempting to follow this developing crisis and this article confirms the issue of food shortages is converging.
It wasn't so long ago we where informed of the miracle of the Green Agriculture Revolution, which translates into petroleum energy
converted into grain production and especially rice in Asia.
And then this 'miracle' was combined with GMO grains and beans and world hunger was supposedly going to vanish.
At least that's what i recall of the pitch made by the Rockefeller Institute when it was offered to the world as a significant technical advance in 
food production.
And yes, Rockefeller does imply petroleum production and chemical manufacturing. And Chem plants frequently are adjacent to oil refineries.
What this article doesn't mention is petroleum is what makes it possible for billions of people to continue to eat.
A significant contraction in world oil production will open the door to famine, and we needn't even consider the other issues of concern which are being mentioned in the enclosed Lester Brown article. Brown is recently unusually accurate with regards to my opinion.

This current situation confronts a more basic human problem which i would say is: Reality verses chosen belief systems.
And the one aspect of that which i personally find very disturbing is: 'this "our world' will continue'.
Or it's just a cycle and we will soon bottom and return to 'human progress'. And  which is:  This will pass,  version when referring to hard times.
The alternative to that just to keep the imaging simple, maybe we are equivalent to yeast growing in a Petri dish, and when we reach the margins
having eaten everything in between... we die.

So just for speculation if it is a Petri dish situation, is it responsible to the next generation of yeast too encourage them to just keep munching.
Are we preparing and training those coming up to survive in a differently reality or our hopeful belief construct?

I recognise the rebuttal to what i am asking may go along the line of: Is it right to share our 'speculative' fears with children?
I'm not, nor am i preparing and alternative future for coming generations.
But i find it just too convent for people to make our situation today someway comparable to Jewish families in the forties in Europe, or even 
Native Americans in the eighteen and nineteen centuries who where well aware that their cultures, their futures where ending.
Tragic of course,  but small time and also selective, compared to what we are confronted with from the convergence of what's being described here.

In a sense this is a continuance from a different projection of what Lerrie Keith, describes in the Vegetarian Myth.
Which describes our recently adopted choice of eating grains and stepping out of natures chosen diet.
Mono crops kill! and that's what i was trying to avoid for over thirty years, while i ate only plants.
Also, i think i am seeing a concerted effort to discredit what Keith is proposing.
Keith's view not only pushes our personal purity buttons, but it is surely not what grain producers want us to.... even.... consider.
We are actually a corn and soy fed specie's if you haven't noticed, and neither is what our species ate until a few thousand years ago, when
it was decided feeding us in trough's so we could labor for the then current 1% would be efficient and ...rewarding.

Friday, October 14, 2011


A few words on directions with regards to demands by the protesters. 
Yes, we know understand we we are the 99%. But what will change the distribution of wealth
from the one percent?
If it is not stated by the OWS, the one percent will quickly fill the void, as that is what PR firms and 
the oligarchy's national media is designed for: To keep us entertained and miss informed.

Monday, October 10, 2011

video worth watching

Scroll down on this interesting site to also watch a significant video titled: A Farm for the Future.
The short film in itself is worth the visit. And the subject concerns the reality of diminishing oil
derived energy for food production. And yes, it's somewhat suitable for the children, as it is a very beautiful pastoral setting.

I have followed this energy issue for some time. It is complex but also basic to our survival.
And whether we choose amongst the various dietary options or just go with what is offered on the store shelves,
for all of us, food options will soon be ending.
What does 'soon' mean? Tell me if you find out. And just for the can kicking participation, and considering when the oil energy society commenced, and that meaning significant oil production. And the supposed Bell Curve which must be very distorted by recent exponential world population growth; how about a generation? And then that's followed by more stumbling on the decent.
Conclusion: Predictions difficult but pattern apparent.

This is hardly new information with regards to 'peak oil' or it's implications... world famine and die off.
What we are also experiencing is lack of acknowledgment of this world crisis in both oil and food 
production...and for the seven billion world population.

We are not being confronted with a cyclical phenomena where the population experiences "Hard Times"
followed by a slow return to the former "Good Times".
What apparently will be our future is not a bell curve decline implying a even leg but predictable decent to an early nineteen thirties 
starting point. That would be a nice fantasy of retracing our glorious ascent.
And as far as history goes it doesn't get any better than our recent belly stuffing, industrial world: Pig out!
The more recent projections (Demitri Orlov, 2011) are predicting a step down decline which is a sudden production/supply contraction followed by a plateau and which will then be followed by another sudden drop, and again the plateau scenario. This is not factoring in the economics or the worlds climate change implications.

Numerous authors have been describing what the peak oil projection implication will look like and for some time.
But it's projections based on research and information we are not inclined to seek out. As an example who is interested 
in how M. King Hubbert in 1956 determined US oil production would peak in 1971? And yes, it did peak and others then 
attempted to apply the equation to world production and which is briefly referred to in this video.

But we are collectively still assuming that the party will never end.
So are we of the mind set of the Lemming's who must say: Just shut up and keep swimming!
Well, it appears that way, but for those few willing to hear what's ahead, videos like this may be a 
possible warning.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

listen up!

This is what folks need to hear on Sunday Morning while sitting in the pews.
Unfortunatly, reality is never included in the thumpers sermons.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Looking for a solution?

Don't bother, as it is not productive.... in this present situation.

What it seems we are experiencing is the train to... nowhere, is on the tracks. The train is in motion.
The train has a descending direction. and it seems to be going faster but to what destination?
Also, It seems we are both passengers and observers.
But we are not the trains engineer and who will remain nameless.
Then when the train stops.... it will not be at a 'designated' destination.
As 'expansion' is not growth or a destination.

Some preparations are always possible even for the uneventful occurrence if
we still assume it is a.... possible.... event which could occur.

And what's that all saying.
Acceptance that history repeats, but time doesn't.

We may best be served if we now move on to the next phase.
And which i think again is acceptance that the above description is in the moment accurate, and that 
we don't have a parallel reality where we can choose to spend our near future.

So now we are 'ahead' of the other passengers, even if we also don't know our ultimate destination.

And what should an informed train passengers now do?
First: Accept their is no place on the train to hide.
And that does not imply their is nothing we can do.
But also don't bother to shout or pull the emergency cord.
Don't upset you fellow passengers with lurid stories of what's to come
That's just projection and speculation.
This might also alert the train conductor that the somnolence potions maybe wearing off
and the passengers need his personal attention, meaning you.
When flag and cross are no longer effective distractions, hunger and fear 
become paramount. And again, that's when the conductor offers personal solutions.

I will suggest you find the trains ATM machine and continue to make timely withdrawals
until the systems power fails.
Meaning: Go to cash.... while you can, as bank accounts for the termites will not last long
when the train stops. 
And Dude, I consider that taking control of the lounge car, if not the train.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"What this country needs now is hope"

It's been some time since i have heard that slogan.
It means people are acknowledging band aids will no longer work.

Their are somethings mentioned here that the system would prefer we not consider.
And for the most glaring i would choose the comparison of our debt to Greece.
Apparently, we are now about where Greece was just four years ago.

And then reminding us we no longer have a safety net for the retired 
is not something and aging populous wants to be reminded off.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

recap of 'current' economic perdictions

The last quoted prediction by P. Malgram adds the indication that Germany is saying one thing while preparing for 
another and even worse.
And that's if it's true they are now printing the former Deutsch mark in anticipation of a larger collapse of the EU than generally is
being considered.
That would defiantly be leaving 'all of Europe' standing and racing for the few chairs available while the music plays on. And which 
it seems maybe be a funeral dirge for the EURO as well as the EU.

Will this impinge on the 'God's Chosen Empire' where the nice people dwell? 
 We'll, if you can consider any of this having credibility
it would be prudent to ponder that the land of.... not think! is going to get it between the eyes.
And not to go into the details but maybe describing it as a second flush of the toilet may give you some indication of
where we will be when Europe goes down the tube, The discussion going on in Europe and the ER will not happen with the possible future shredding of the Empire.
We would go down ward... faster than Europe and for a number reason in my opinion. The first, this is financially one Nation.
Another is our feed the fire financiers have been China, Japan and middle east oil producers.
It is very doubtful they would want to hold the Empires hand while the sky falls. It seem if this happens and happens
meaning European financial collapse and that followed by serious damage to the US financial structure. The others still standing will back away
and wait for the settling of the debris before going into do salvage work. That is not rescue response more like load the sacks and the carts with the booty.
Yes, it is getting ugly and this may change from what we are told when watching the 6 O'clock or listening to the happy gibberish on the business channels.

The advise from the prudent is go to cash and definitely don't consider buying anything while going down.... as a bargain to buy. As it will only be the begging of the contraction fall. 
For most folks funds in the bank is as good as cash! Don't count on it when experiencing crisis as this will not be a orderly collapse. That is the nature of collapse. The fruit falls off the tree at varying rates so try and be prudent because we have no friends on Wall Street, The Treasury or
the Federal Reserve. This will not be a period of expanding credit meaning loans for the people.
The banks are not even lending to each other, so why would they lend to us the walking scum? 
And of course they will flood us with cheap money at some point but it will have even less value.
Food, fuel and cash will be necessities. Even your credit card may lock up at some point going into this.

Then some people are saying something to the effect: We soon will be coming back! We are not Europe! They won't let it happen!
I haven't actually heard or read this one... but I'm sure it's being said.
We have friends and they will help us! Or more locally: the Republicans will straighten this out when they get in the White house!

local news

on cocount oil and health

Coconut oil was a very popular oil.... in this country.... before the campaign by the soy bean industry to eliminate it from our diets or so this site indicates.

And i have had an interest in food oils since the early sixties when the 'new' cooking oils such as canola started to become popular.
And then it was margarine versus butter followed by all vegetable oils where better than animal products.
Oh yes, some of us where interested in Linseed oil as a nutrient oil and it's name was soon changed to Flax seed oil though being the same oil but costing us more.

And more recently i became interested in Coconut oil as it is part of the formulation used to both prevent some viruses or bacteria infections and as well treat these
forms of disease. And usually combined with BHT.
Though i had been aware of the positive properties of BHT for some time from reading Mann and Fawkes paper in the late eighties.

But now and within the last few months i have been investigating coconut oil for other health issues such as controlling cholesterol
and maybe to eliminate secondary disease for people with gluten intolerance or actually, Celaic Disease.

Recently i have been buying Coconut oil on line and giving it to my dog and myself and i have to conclude even though this has been just a couple of months
i believe i am feeling better and experiencing general improvement in my health.
My dogs conclusion seems to be: More! and since we are talking science in the bowl here, i have to conclude she finds coconut oil beneficial and 
satisfying as well..
I noticed some of the sub site recommendations where for treating or preventing Dementia,  diabetes and also many of the gut problems that can be very serious and as well Arthritis.

Coconut oil is usually available at health food stores and the dosage recommended here is up to three and half tablespoons x day.
Their is a red unrefined c. oil also available and which maybe more nutritious. Though i just settled for the organic expeller pressed from Tropical Traditions which is on line and ships from Nevada.

Oh yes, the down side is palm oil is now being distilled in to a biodiesel. So people who have been depending on this for cooking and that's probably billions of people are now paying allot more for coconut oil.