Saturday, August 27, 2011

World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over

Sent to you by larry via Google Reader:

via Daily Show Videos on 8/18/11

The government could raise $700 billion by either taking half of everything earned by the bottom 50% or by raising the marginal tax rate on the top two percent.

Things you can do from here:

thought of the day : it could very well be true.

and this illustrates that philosophy when applied becomes reality.

Sent to you by larry via Google Reader:

via design is mine : isn't it lovely? by Summer (designismine) on 8/22/11

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy," a positively brilliant quotation by the great Benjamin Franklin, displayed artfully on a 5x7" print from Felt & Wire Shop. ($8)

Things you can do from here:

Thursday, August 25, 2011


They are not mentioning the issue of where might the money come from in this article. But these people all know it was 
central banks or US Federal Reserve electronic bucks that saved their sorry asses in 2008.
The credit default swaps refereed to with regards to these banks are probably of US origin and if the banks go down then the coverage is from 
these banks right here in the Empire.

So they may just be telling the Fed that they expect QE3 to be the angel from hell which will save them.

I don't know how many examples and such as this we need before some folks recognise the masters save themselves
and then throw crumbs at the peasants. 
No ruling class has ever made an alliance with a under class. And some folks still may call themselves 'middle class' and which functionally and factually is both a myth and a joke.
And Good Ole Boys with beer guts will remain on the couch sucking up beer and (sorry) they have no value to the rulers.
All good ole boys are 'wanna be's' and that's not what it takes to join the $$$ club, and that's even for those GOB who may have Old Glory
tattooed on their ....chest.

But do continue to send me these corporate generated 'jokes' and narratives indicating it's the spics, niggers and the lesbians bitches who are 
gonna steal your social security check and trash the neighborhood. Meaning you are doing just what the rulers want..... not looking further than your beer belly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

update on Celiac! Join the party, grab a fork

The enclosed article can be viewed as conformation that the Celiac Disease (CD) issue is significantly larger than we usually see described and that includes even some CD national support group sites.
And as well CD does not always indicate by just digestive involvement symptoms. The neurological and auto immune symptom's 
can be significant and even for people without apparent digestive disorders. Though these people will have the HLA-B8 plus
gene markers.
Recently, i sent a msg indicating that people who are of.... Celtic origin..... maybe significantly more prone to CD related complaints than some one with another European ancestral background. And apparently that has been confirmed in recent studies.
The Celtic's and long past, where not eating Wheat Gluten and the two closely related grains until relatively recently. So the die off in the Celtic gene pool has..... not..... been as effective over time as for those cultures who have eaten wheat for a few additional thousands of years. And even for people in cultures who have been eating wheat gluten for 8 to 10 thousand years it is not enough elapsed time to make a real difference in humans ability to tolerated the grains gluten. Wheat is nutritionally considered a flat out toxic unless cooked, and even then that is not effective for those with the two CD marker genes.
 And this has not happened in a significant way for those populations in the Celtic gene pool. So, suffering and shrinking as the Irish poets have predicted is continuing to be confirmed.
We do know what Celtics ate in those cold lands along sea shores and it sure wasn't a cultivated crop until they had a method to cultivate the land for grain crops and then it was oats and barley which where more tolerant of the severe climate. Oats seem non toxic when cooked and barley is a wheat related gluten problem, but also was late coming into the diet and definitely not as significant as the wheat gluten issue for those with CD. 

And we must acknowledge the folks who are now taking the position: "This is not me!" or "And even if it's possible from a genetic perspective, I'm just not going their as i don't want to know anything about CD or the implications". 
My response is: Stand strong Dude! The problem is we will be the ones digging your pit. And will the kids be their to thank you for your strong evident streak of wrong head fear? Again, just trying to help!
Hey, don't expect wine and roses if you're being selfish and stubborn. (I was going to add: a jerk or a ass, but i decided to give you some slack).

But back to being nice about it!  These folks are also members of a gene pool and their siblings or other close relatives may not be able to ignore the serious symptoms.  
It's seems it's a percentage of people with CD and which is significant for those of Celtic ancestry.
So the Irish may claim that they saved civilisation during the 'Dark Ages" and why not? it doesn't cost anything and it sells books! But they sure didn't do much with their gene pool to clear CD's latent death trap.

Celiac disease (CD) is generally defined as incurable and also as a diet induced disease.  And which can be fatal though usually labeled something else in the end stages... if this happens. BUT which can also be controlled and prevented by wheat gluten dietary restrictions.
And yes, it's the auto immune implications which is where it gets both devious and murky when trying to determine how it needs to be treated.  
So this rumor that we seem to be afflicted in the west with Cancer and Crazy just may have more validity than we have not been acknowledging. I have seen mentioned in books concerning CD which where also describing various forms of mental illness which CD may have triggered as a auto immune reaction.
That's a cumbersome description for saying: If you are CD prone the gluten intolerance will affect the neurological as well as other body functions. 

And is this a new fad situation where we will all decide we maybe CD, if we have some strange symptoms or are not getting better using Tums?  Not likely, as CD is considered a silent epidemic and a few tests can determine who is CD prone or is not responding to dietary changes.
The latent problem the researchers are now finding is the auto immune implications of CD are even more serious for people than the classic digestive issues have been for those acknowledged and afflicted.
And the numbers vary with the population gene base, but in the US it is now and at the least a few million with CD.
And I have not seen estimates for those with auto immune or cancer or diabetes induced by CD. 

The bone loss diseases amongst the population is an enormous problem and which is hardly or just not controlled. Disregarding how much middle age Americans take of calcium they are not assimilating the mineral if they have latent or untreated CD. This is the one that older women find they have little control with or even less possibilities of reversing.

What i have seen amongst the very elderly in some assisted living or care centers makes me realise CD for the elderly is an enormous issue and which is NOT being addressed. And these are also people with way too many digestive issues. Way too many broken bones and of course experiencing Dementia as well as diabetes and kidney failure to name but a few that are evident to even the visitor. If we name a auto immune disease we will be able to find people suffering with it in elder care situations was my conclusion.
Is this national health issue being addressed? Not that i am aware of at this time.

Should we consider the implications of mono grain crops in this CD issue? And anyone interested please let me know, and i can give you references to where to start looking. It's big and it's bad and on allot of levels was my own conclusion.

diving with the former 'middle class'. A lost mind is such a sad thing, so lets keep dumpster diving!

Some of my 'corresponding e.mail friends' have an explanation as to why things are falling off the shelves...and that's everywhere! Even the EURO or why sovereign Europe seems to going into economic collapse
And in so many words and which i will condense the answer and the problem which can be stated as:
It's the nigger in the White House followed by: Heh, Heh! And if we lynch that guy all will return to same ole, same ole.
Meaning:  Beers cheap and Old white guys rule!
You might consider their remarks and concept a bit limited, but it seems to work for them even if
it does not address issues such as: All the chips $$$ are now on one side of the table.
But one thing that's also evident is these folks feel they are powerless and that's sure not likely to change, So
finding some one else who they think is vulnerable to blame is a good place to throw the rock they are carrying.
As i have mentioned in the past another characteristic of the powerless is they profess that shit wouldn't melt in their 
mouth. And then frequently offer: Gosh Dang! when frustrated. Which supposedly is the profound proof.
They then of course interlace this with how the Zionist are the Christians friends, and if things really, really get badder than worse.
We'll, Dang, Gosh, their is always Apocalypse, and that's if you have bought a trip ticket.
And right on schedule they will inform us that they just happen to be selling discount tickets. So get on board and come to church on Sunday, and we also will give a lobotomy. No extra charge, and besides see how happy, happy i am since i had mine? Look I'll show you! It's a big hole up there now. And that's where I'm told i can now carry my Thumper book! 
So problem's solved. Neat huh?
It would be OK if we where just visiting these folks on Sunday at the loony bin, but no, they are out here amongst us and just Gosh Danging away.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Who us?

Agreeing to stupid is not a ticket to anywhere and never mind how often we have it punched.
But this really isn't something you can persuade folks to consider as the kernel....being stupid,
is hard to let go of since we are continually told to just dumb down. And let the masters 
of the Empire do the heavy work such as thinking.

And here are the choices we are left with to follow... to get punched.

snap the whip, teach the dog to sit.

Cleanliness is godliness

Even when i go into senior care centers i see these anti bacterial soaps on the lav next to the water faucet.
My conclusion is it's on TV, it's available at a big box and its cheap so we think we are doing the right thing by killing bacteria.
Then it goes down the drain and it continues to work,
 But best of all it eventually comes right back at us.
And since we are really just a transport service for bacteria, as we have a pound or so of bacteria in our digestive track
this seems to be a classic example of the small seemingly health insuring high tech and harmless ritual of washing our hands as mommy said,
but it then ends up being harmful. 

And really why worry or fuss as i was assured by one of my christian friend that their are no germs in heaven. I didn't ask if we will be expected to 
cook meals and do any laundry though I'm sure they have that locked in as well.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


We'll at least I voted for him! 
Some of my friends still don't know what side of the horse you get on from even from a instruction book from the tea party.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

dogs and celiac disease,

Addressed to some of other dog keepers besides... myself.

Just a thought....which came upon me.
And what if... i thought, as canniness have an extremely short digestive track and hardly designed to eat ...anything...besides meat. We'll, i guess offal is in the same family.
I have noticed in the past and with previous dogs i have lived with or around that some would have typical digestive crisis's and which i would think was a form of irritable bowel or some such.
Of course, the vets would ALWAYS say: That dogs got worms!  So of course you would worm the suckers and Dammed if they just didn't keep up chucking or... what ever.
Then so they could keep on charging and get the last word. "This dog has garbage gut". And of course the implication being ....GUILTY! and they would charge you for that aswell.

Now when you are living with any number of dogs and only one in the pack of:  "I will eat anything and that's if it's smells really bad" category then s/he gets up-chuck sick or maybe worse and especially in-doors.
And you get to wondering....when you are feeding them all out of the sack! .....Sack food, just isn't cutting it for Ole Frisky.

As far as i can recall from way back with the dogs on the ranch and in the thirties, they never saw a sack of grain based food. We fed them as best we could or they went hunting.
And in town it was meat scraps from the butcher and the table scraps with sour milk included and then sometimes with oats added, was what they got--- period!
Oats don't seem to induce a gluten reaction in animals like us... and they also cook quicker than anything else in the morning.

Now the down side for the dog maybe the same as for the keepers who experience Celaic Disease.
A very long list of possible health issues that are not really explainable and then you may say to yourself; This all can't be the vets other catch all: 'bad' genes.
And the question for us and which you can share with the wags: How would dogs be making it!  If all they past along to the next generation was 'bad' genes and the ability to frequently vomit on the bed or the rug?
Hey this is deep and it's something to ponder the next time you find yourself manning the broom and a dust pan for Ole Frisky.
And NO, he is not hurt and upset watching you as he is hoping you are planning on sharing and not keeping it all for yourself.
So see you can learn allot from your dog about sharing. Sit, Sit, Barf! good boy!
We are in this together.

Peak oil is history!

For anyone who reads this clear analysis of peak oil and as well 
the implications for the future.
I can assure you that it will clarify the issue and give you some sense of direction.

I am concluding it maybe the most concise and actually helpful analysis i have read on
the subject of Peak oil, or more accurately.... in application: Peak energy!
I think i have 'read some' of all the significant authors who write on this subject as they tend to be featured on a few sites
 or their significant books are easily available.
And Orlov is not within the 'Transition movement" which is.... very popular and uplifting.... and i consider naive,
 as well as factually misleading.

I am aware that the people i forward articles on 'peak' subjects fall into obvious categories such as:
The Oh well! But lets be frank the: Oh Well's, gave it up long ago.
or maybe the: Too much to consider, and besides what can i do about profound issues with implications
of a complete energy paradigm shift within the near future?
Then a few folks will express:  Dang! And as well offer a joke and look for a place to point too.
Some are going to rely on someone or something to take care of them. This includes the truly dippy, 
who will tell us about the second coming or Apocalypse and maybe that will be dressed in fantasy Mayan costume.

But for those and their are those who may want to consider what we may be able to do
as this happens. This maybe the best advise i have read so far.

And yes, I'm sure Orlov is well aware that the issues of: social collapse, peak food and water are not being mentioned 
Also, the issue of Climate Change, and it's implications.
But even so, this may open a few minds to the issues of: Collapse, and which Orlov is the comparative expert.
Though as you will notice he is not shabby when it comes to presenting possibilities within the energy issues.

This article on this site is being offered in a few languages, but fortunately for most of us English is one of those offered..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

shopping cart science

 It seems when people can't afford food
they no longer will go along to get along.
As an example the Egyptian governments where straight up repressive after they assassinated Nasser
and they all had one modifying tactic and which worked and actually right up until recently.

Hand out flat bread in the streets.

Will that happen here? Of course, and it already has as 43 million people are getting food supplements
as chits or brown bags.
Seniors as and example live on brown bags and food stamp type supplements.
Even the old "i was a soldier" types pick up the bags at the distribution centers.

You can usually tell who they are as they always have stick on flags draped on the car bumper
and of course the other given: Support the troops! And they don't mean Boy Scouts!

And yes, if it was actual support they would be saying: I'm a veteran and i support bring the troops home!
And finding them work!
And that's just as long as they don't get ahead me in the brown bag line.

But as we all know it's more about belonging, and go along to get along for these ole guys.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fwd: Yahoo! News Story - Saks, Wal-Mart show widening U.S. consumer split - Yahoo! News

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:17 PM
Subject: Yahoo! News Story - Saks, Wal-Mart show widening U.S. consumer split - Yahoo! News
To: larry

John has sent you a news article.
Personal message:

The difference between Saks and Walmart results unfortunately says it all - almost too late to even change the tax structure to save this country in time - really need to do a one-time transfer of wealth from the rich to the middle class :) radical dude!!!

Saks, Wal-Mart show widening U.S. consumer split - Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Unfond memory

i can clearly remember when this happened and even where i was when i heard the news that we had just gone off the gold standard. 

We'll, i didn't know diddly about gold, dollars or trade for that matter. But my friend at the time happened to have a PHD in statistics and she understood the implication. Karen R. remarked that i should remember this day as it will prove to be a turning point for people in general.
And as well accelerate the transfer of wealth in the nation to the very wealthy.
Seems she was right about all of that and hands down.

could learn something, if you got the time.
No formulas, but might open paths in how we think.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The evident tears of the masters!

" ...This is a very tough economy and I think for a lot of people it's going to be, it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in a lifetime... "
-Tim Geithner
July 2011

One of the really special guys that got us here and up to our ears in it.
Makes a profound insightful and compassionate observation.
And I bet this will also make allot folks feel... We'll, warm and cosy
tonight ,when they finally close their eyes in there new dwellings under a bridge.

In the sky! is it a flock of birds? No, it's raining shoes!

Waiting for the other shoe to drop! is a favorite homely when we are describing a situation
which has already hit us up side the head....once.
And what we seem to have here is a centipede who is acting as a bomber, and loosing countless shoes.

The interview quotes are assuring us it's all: OK. We'll, lets see what they are saying the next time they are interviewed from under there sheltering rocks.
And if you don't get it! Bonds are what retirement, widow and orphaned funds for an example invest in for their own fund contributors. They don't 'grow' but they know 'it' will be coming the first of the month.
And, as I think the fund managers will be saying soon: Nothings for sure! Though i doubt they will add: Including my investment judgment.

update! 8/5/11
Please see small video in center of site page for latest update.
The US has numerous reactors which are similar to the Fukushima's... one through four.

They are of a GE design and most have been modified as 'some' of the problems became apparent.
And this was the response in Japan who's nuclear history is very similar to our own.
The best solution for a serious problem is seems was to cover it up..and just look good.
Would we do something like that as well? We'll, allot of you folks must have some opinion about
that, though i have not heard anyone mention it.
Unfortunately, their is no solution to the danger of radiation as
this is built in to the design and which actually was developed in the sixties here in
our very

It is mentioned to me that these are really not things we can be concerned about
as their is little an individual can do to change the situation.

We'll, i sure hope the kids and the kids, kids will accept that explanation as this is going to be and on
going...problem...and apparently for thousands of years.

A what?

Actually, this will not be a double dip...though they never seem to tell us what they are dipping into.
The agency whose main job is to inform us officially when we are leaving the gloom or going into it has already stated the 2009 recession is not related to the hella storm now coming to a community near you. I guess it's Dang! time again.

At 2:30 pm EST, the DJ is taking water with a depth of 540.
Usually, it comes back or at least slightly due to some bottom fishing, but
this time they may have to go through too much mud to find the gems.

kinda hurts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conformation, again, or at least for me

that it's going down.
And even a row boat is going to look good when it happens.
Put another way, the Tea Party folks tell us government is our enemy,
and they are all free spirits, who just want to cut it loose.
Well, lets see about that when they start to loose those benefits and
which keep them breathing.
I know a number of these supposedly self made rugged Christian values, types.
And not one of these guys owns anything which will keep them from going under
once THE CHECK stops arriving and monthly.
Nothing they have will directly generate a monthly income...period!
You say: How about my (actually bank owned) property rents and the IRA?
Don't mislead yourself even further than you already have.
When 'it' shuts down, only the wealthy will be to able to sustain,
and actually the wealthy don't give a shit what happens to the brain dead Dangs who are now sucking it up on life support.
That happens to be why they also... and always... have controlled the nations military.
You say: We'll, I'm going to the woods if that happens! So their!
Don't forget to bring TP, and we'll see you when you get hungry.
You might also tell us: "I'm a loyal flag waver and they would not crunch me!"
We'll, maybe.... they will then see you as a expense, and besides the flag just makes you easier for the sniper to spot.
This maybe a good place to pause so all the good little boys can say: Dang!
Yes, of course mommy is proud that her good little boy say es: Dang!

Dude, give it up, we are not headed into a cotton candy Dang world!
It's gonna be a world without mommies.

Distribution of resources is considered the enemy of the oligarchy.
and even at this current meager level of wealth sharing, most folks
have it really good.
I don't think that our Joe of the Fox Media and born again brain... realises that without life support (yes, the fucking check!) and that's for most of the brain dead,
they will die.
So going down.... means and for us slobs....going under.
Time to say: Dang! again.

And of course you can tell mommy where it hurts.
Down there? Don't you worry your balls will be the first to go!
So much for: Dang!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The book of.... Who?

It seems the Joseph Smith's of recent times had quite a few predecessors.
Why it's enough to make a good boy say.....Dang!

Friday, August 5, 2011

They never give up!
It's again follow the money, and after awhile you will notice it never leads to us.

Gee we are supposed to be suprise?

As i recall the US Air Force lost a plane to the Chinese off the coast of China and which was .....especially equipped to spy on Chinese electronic main land sites. Many of 'our' electronic listening techies even spoke the lingo of the land.

Also, their have been a number of detailed Internet articles which described this type of electronic spying and now supposedly by the Chinese.
In fact the NIS has been very open in quotes about the extent of the spying that they have been aware of .....and for some time.

Now considering all of this..... could this NEW and grand exposure of the apparently NEW and grand suspicions that the Chinese have been spying on us, and for five years have some other purposes?

We'll, i will speculate (and pls join in) this is being choreographed to point a finger at the soon to be # 1 enemy of God's Chosen Empire, and that's where us chosen ants also do dwell.
Of course, the Israel's want.... us.... to go to war with Iran and which I read would be down right ....messy
like in body bags and flags for families.
Of course, one of the Empire's favorite choices during a economic down turn is to go blow someone up.
And that of course is usually proceeded by a false flag attack inflicted on the Empire.
Hey, those guy's go to the movies too, so they know what to do to get it going.

And we sure as shit owe the Chink's allot of worthless $$$ paper, so their is a definite motivation at this time to 'strain' trade relations on our part.
Especially, since the US consumer market is going to continue to take a deep mud bath and not come out smelling sweet.
Oh, you don't follow? How about you don't pay what you owe to someone you are trying to seriously fuck up!
Right, end of debt until they figure out how to fuck us in: Right back at you!

Would our trusted leaders of commerces do this.... to us?
We'll, it was just a few years ago that we where very quickly programed to see Iraq as our most hated enemy and when just a few years prior
we had been told Saddam was one of our dearest smiley face friends and of course a fellow enemy of Iran.
And then didn't Sad and Benny of the cave, take out the Towers and a couple others? Some are now saying: We'll maybe not?
Oh well, a million people have been flushed since then and most of us.... still don't know where Iraq is with out a large labeled map.
And as a clue it is not situated anywhere that the TV remote takes us as that's termed: Reality Drama or maybe, lead the sheep.

Those people dieing in Iraq and that other funny named place actually had lives and which included families which apparently doesn't
really matter as we only count our own dead. Collateral, refers to outside the Empire. Or like in road happens!
And of course i am reminded they also had not taken Jesus or Yahweh as their savior and so they deserved to die.
Hey, not my thoughts, but part of my learning curve since talking with bible thumpers. I am finding Thumpers will openly express all of their fears and pious racial and sexist concepts... And that's if they can cloak them in more funny talk pious quotations and from the most 'edited' book in written history.
Hey Dude, just remember when you are speaking for God, anything goes, because you have been chosen. You say: twisted! Not really, more like braided, is my conclusion. But then rote learning needs neither thought or contemplation. And so the braiding can only get tighter.

But maybe that incident in 2001, where the US was caught regularly spying on the chinks had an upside.
See the second click site above for a refresher peek.
Man, didn't we have fun being righteous with that one.
And then didn't the whole US plane crew get (BIG) medals to celebrate their brave spying actions?
And actually, it was mostly business related they where gathering from the Chinks.
And wasn't that our very own nitwit pinning those metals on these hero's of the electronic state?

So a thought for this day: Is dumbing down the result of mass brain chip implant or is it like.... catchy or some of both?
It seems we are a nation that should know the answer to that one, as it's become our greatest achievement and a
collective national pastime.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Perdictions for us!

This chart is from a couple days ago and i didn't send it along since few folks are that interested in the 'market'.
But then today i thought that over and decided this might be an excellent illustration of how we are actually

What we have going on now is termed a 'market sell off'. And what is really happening is 'redistribution' as for every sale their is a buyer.
So investment brokers are telling their customers and that's if they even bother, that this is also a buying opportunity.
The pension funds as an example, are both selling and buying (yum, yum) and that is a commission for someone.
The point being if the enclosed articled is a prediction of what is happening you can be sure the investment banks
knew it ....and long before this writer had a chance to put it together.

And for those who haven't figured it out the budget or raising the debt ceiling was not really about SS or medicare and entitlements as that money.... eventually ends back in corporate pockets. Though us boobs are supposedly dumb enough to believe what we are being told that we are being robbed by those welfare (think: spic nigger godless) cheats.
What it really has been about is trying to cut the corporate pork, and which is contracts and funding involving the military industrial contractors, and of course our most sacred god: The Empires War God, the Pentagon, and it's snakeish web of out posts.

And those.... supposedly conservative.... Congress persons and the Senators as well, are told how to vote by the money machine, and that's exactly just what they do.
They are not defending the supposed small businesses from government spending and meaning taxes. The big corporations actually WANT the small business to pay the federal and state taxes along with the 'remaining' wage earners who never see it as it's taken off the top. The small guys get audited as you may have noticed and the monster's just don't need to even be concerned, as the blanket exemption's have been built in to the tax structure.

So you folks who may think those "oh so Conservative Representatives" give a shit about the people or the deficit or God and Country and that's (cross and flag) for the thumpers. Forget it!
They do... what they are TEXT'd to do and then they get $$$ so they get reelected and can continue to serve their masters.
It is always follow the money. Did you really think big money is standing aside and hoping the fat will just come their way?
Their is a jig and a show for us folks and of course it makes everyone look earnest and conscientious and flaggish and of course if needed,
that they too are just another.... Good Ole dumbed down Christian, and meaning just like some of the sheep who vote them in to the world greatest pig slop trough.


Healing spices

For our health anything that Margaret recommends is worth considering.
She is an excellent researcher and also the living proof of what she advocates.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

banking system bail out.

And that's beyond a EU member country banks needing a full system blood transfusion.
It is mention here that Spain and Italy's banking system failure is too big to
bail or be allowed to fail.
What i think that implies is everyone will just stand by if the depositors of these banking systems
pull the plug in the tub by moving their money.
That is what this article is explaining has actually been happening.
And of course only the mother of the banking gods might have a clue as to where.

A couple of issues not mentioned is GB which can't stand alone or probably even stand up, if the
Europeans and that being the banking system melts.

The other non mentionable, we'll actually they only had so much room to list the gore. is the loans or significant numbers in Europe have been hedged,
meaning if you give me so much on every euro of your outstanding loans i will give you insurance in exchange.
And that's real simplistic as those hedges are then sold to others who sell to others and on through the stratosphere.

And if you haven't figured it out who are the most brilliant of the hedging scamers which are involved. Right, your very own
American investment banks. Does that make your chest swell with pride?
And of course they are using endowment or group employee retirement funds or someones since they never use their own.
We'll they wouldn't be bankers if they used money which they might not want to loose.
Did you think of the S word when you read that? And did it then help that you are now considering you
may be broker than you even thought?

So what's this all mean? We'll, i think we can safely say those people we worship.... the very rich
have moved on and who might they have unloaded all this worthless shit on?
We'll you can be sure it wasn't there relatives.

what could be more simple and direct than a straight line?

Stay with it, and if your Russians rusty, English is just a click away.
Initially, you may find this article.... we'll, abstract though linear.
And if you continue past the mid point, it all becomes a undefinable curve!

And besides, it's always so confirming when we know it's evident that
we don't know... even...what we don't know.