Monday, August 22, 2011

Cleanliness is godliness

Even when i go into senior care centers i see these anti bacterial soaps on the lav next to the water faucet.
My conclusion is it's on TV, it's available at a big box and its cheap so we think we are doing the right thing by killing bacteria.
Then it goes down the drain and it continues to work,
 But best of all it eventually comes right back at us.
And since we are really just a transport service for bacteria, as we have a pound or so of bacteria in our digestive track
this seems to be a classic example of the small seemingly health insuring high tech and harmless ritual of washing our hands as mommy said,
but it then ends up being harmful. 

And really why worry or fuss as i was assured by one of my christian friend that their are no germs in heaven. I didn't ask if we will be expected to 
cook meals and do any laundry though I'm sure they have that locked in as well.

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