Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Money Supply is Soaring ... Right?

this is from May and it surly hasten improved.
If you are having a problem finding 'what's the point?' just look for those
little red circles that indicate recession.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Secret World of Central Banks | Bear Market News Blog - Bull! Not bull - The Second Great Depression Will Not be Televised

I sent a msg earlier concerning the Fed and inflation. We'll i wasn't
expecting conformation of my perspective would soon be delivered to my mail
box. But here it is. Read the quote of the Grand old man of market letter
writing. Richard Russell who is quoted in this article. Worldwide/ Fed prime rate

No rate cut! It seems the Fed is telling us it is fighting inflation!
Though as i recall their are two ways to create inflation.
One is the Fed prints more money and makes it available to the regional
banks. That's the big one.
And the second is an adjustment in product shelf price.
And also it is my understanding the Fed prefers inflation as it diminishes
the national debt. And the international balance of payment.

I'm sure no economist but i can recognize a 'clouding of the facts and the
issues' when they also give us the Bronx salute at the same time.

Also, the market in it self is now tightening lending standards which will
work to lessen any housing mkt inflation.

So what is the FED actually doing?
It is keeping interest rates the same because they would have had a sell off
of treasury bonds if they had dropped interest rates. Foreign buyers would
have gone somewhere else to invest and which they actually are already
But they can't say that because some folk just might say to themselves
"Exactly, what are they borrowing that money for?"
And who will have to pay it back through wage taxes?
And then not everyone but a few here and there will conclude it's to buy
even more weapons to fight more wars. And then someone might even ponder the
question: Gee, i wonder who gets this money in the end that comes from these
foreigners and that i will have to pay back.?

Why golly gee! It's the corporate weapons manufactures who have a wicker (or
wicked if you prefer) basket at the end of this horn of plenty.

If you find some fault or error in my choo choo train of thought and i seem
to have the train pulling in to the wrong reality yard. We'll point it out
and i will gladly share it with this string of concerned thinkers.

So it is more than we are being misled by the money rulers. We are also
expected to pay for every lie they tell us.
This whole mess is far larger than March 2000 when the NASDAQ went splat.
And the FED then eventually took the prime rate down to 1%. That money in
the mkt was paper Mache money and was lost in a few months as the NASDAQ
Not this time as this is where we live. House is home.... and raising the
mortgage rates which is happening and without the help of the Fed is going
to absorb 1.5 trillion in home dollars this year. And then the street...
will be home for many of us.
Another million or more ARM mortgages kick in next year for about a three
hundred to four hundred dollar monthly payment increase per mortgage.

Oh, if they are forced to raise the Fed prime rate to attract foreign
lenders and it completely kills the home construction and R.E. industry.
They will do that too as selling FED bonds to support the wars and the
weapons contractors comes first.

and you can write your congress person about any issues you like as they are
each furnished commercial paper shredders to deal with pesky problems like
people complaining they are being robbed.
And for the real pesky they have the Patriot act and you may laugh. But i
understand any of us could now be a guest of the government for complaining
just about just anything.


Their is something crawly about Cramer. I have never found him convincing
actually more erratic as some of his quotes demonstrate.

What is not being said here is... if... the Fed cuts the interest rate to
"save" the real estate mkt/industry their goes the foreign and i guess
domestic fed. bond buyers.

And we can't finance wars against the Arab world or the world period....with
out foreigners paying for it. In fact we can't finance anything..... if the
world decides not to buy the fake Fed bonds.

So tell me what will be the choice? Domestic R.E. and the Boomers nest egg
or bring Democracy and Freedom to the unwashed masses of the middle east?
And of course you are right sacrifice the only jobs left here in the
Homeland and trash the R.E. industry support system aswell..

And Mom and Pop with their suburban McMansion will surely want to lose their
underwear to bring "Freedom and Democracy" to the rag heads of the world.
That's why Pop has been mowing that silly patch out front for 25 years. So
the rag-a-dees can have it. And you thought it was so they would not have to
work until they fall over.
Oh, Moms not well? Who needs health care when they are bring the Christian
juices to the heathens in the middle east. Infrastructure of the nation all
falling down like bridges over the Thames. Forget it Bro...we got a
Christian mission to cut the poppies for the Afghani's.
Bottom line is the corporations who run this country for the very wealthy
could care less about residential R.E. as they have already dumped the
mortgages on to the foreigners in bundles. That's the way it works, Dude!
And when everyone has been foreclosed on the wealthy will come in and buy
the houses at pennies on the worthless buck. You can't be so young that you
never heard of what happened when the Savings and Loans ALL closed.
Ever notice.......
the guy steering the ship always seems to know more about where we are going
than the guys below decks.

The corporate money is now being made furnishing the weapons and supplies to
fight these contrived wars around the world.

And also i don't mean to ruin your day. But wining wars is not what it is
about. It's fighting wars and selling weapons and supplies. Have you ever
heard of a 'defense' contractor going broke? Or supporting a peace
initiative or one to bring the troops home?

So if you think Cramer is hokum and smokum. You should have heard lil george
at the Camp David news conference yesterday. He could have made a crocodile
cry. It seems he just loves rag heads and especially the little one coming
up. Their was the implication from the President of the Afghani's that it
would fine with them if we went some where else.
And actually the guy in Iraq said pretty much the same thing a few days

Monday, August 6, 2007

Real Age and Life Expectancy

I'm going to do everything i can to not disappoint these nice people at

Peak Oil is Here : By James West : Wealth Daily Market Commentary

Dry as burnt toast. But...this article is putting the seal of conformation on the peak oil theory.
We'll maybe that is indirectly since the Hubbert curve was used to predict the top of the worlds peak oil.
And this is not just that pump prices could soon be $5 gal.
Or we all will be driving less and biking more.

What this means is the actual crude resources are diminishing and the oil fields will not replenish nor is their significant new fields to be found.
This means industrial, A/C energy, the electrical grid, the agriculture energy and fertilizer supplies will all just shrink. I recall petroleum is used in 500,000 products or application in industrial nations. Societies though can fall back on trains and buses as transportation. for awhile..

And if we consider under developed countries and which is where most of the worlds population dwell.
This really translates as starvation and then die off.

The peek oil chart (enclosed) is confusing as it looks like a fourth of July rocket display. I think the reason they are not smoothing the line is a couple of those predictions like the cera (Cambridge energy research associates) are probably bogus. they are predicting some drop off in 30 yrs and most of their customers are oil companies.
so if they used them to come up with one strong line they would be very misleading and which is the role cera plays on this issue.

So go with the 2005 to 10 time range and it should be accurate.
And i believe you can ask just about anyone..including your hair dresser. What does Peak Oil mean? And you will get the expressive response: Duh!
So PO is about where CC (climate change) was a few years ago. "Don't know." "Their is lot of oil in Alaska and in the oceans." "The oil companies are a conspiracy and just aren't developing new fields until the price goes up."
"And science is not convinced their is an actual problem." "so I'm waiting until i hear it on fox!" Which of course means from the lips of God.

We'll it worked for awhile with CC and it won't work as long with PO because the hurricane blowing the house down is: "an act of god!" or "climate is just cyclical." "We'll sure those glaciers are melting but so what i live in California." Try that with a empty gas tank. Now that's serious.
"And those MF's better fix it quick like if they want my vote."

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Jonathan Cook: Israel's Jewish Problem in Tehran

This is a story that should get out. We here in the U.S. are afflicted with induced mind twist.
Which comes down to all Jews are Zionists and all Arabs are suspect if not actually Taliban. This is the standard misinformation that the well financed Zionist machine disseminates.
So every time we hear that and then roll it along ourselves we are contributing to a U.S. and Israel joint air attack on Iran.
The neo cons need a new war and they need it bad as too much is falling apart for them in the middle east and here at home.

And if you doubt that the Zionist movement is well informed as to the status of the neo cons weaknesses you better think again. Because the neo cons get money and tactical and as well political support from the Zionist.