Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Their is something crawly about Cramer. I have never found him convincing
actually more erratic as some of his quotes demonstrate.

What is not being said here is... if... the Fed cuts the interest rate to
"save" the real estate mkt/industry their goes the foreign and i guess
domestic fed. bond buyers.

And we can't finance wars against the Arab world or the world period....with
out foreigners paying for it. In fact we can't finance anything..... if the
world decides not to buy the fake Fed bonds.

So tell me what will be the choice? Domestic R.E. and the Boomers nest egg
or bring Democracy and Freedom to the unwashed masses of the middle east?
And of course you are right sacrifice the only jobs left here in the
Homeland and trash the R.E. industry support system aswell..

And Mom and Pop with their suburban McMansion will surely want to lose their
underwear to bring "Freedom and Democracy" to the rag heads of the world.
That's why Pop has been mowing that silly patch out front for 25 years. So
the rag-a-dees can have it. And you thought it was so they would not have to
work until they fall over.
Oh, Moms not well? Who needs health care when they are bring the Christian
juices to the heathens in the middle east. Infrastructure of the nation all
falling down like bridges over the Thames. Forget it Bro...we got a
Christian mission to cut the poppies for the Afghani's.
Bottom line is the corporations who run this country for the very wealthy
could care less about residential R.E. as they have already dumped the
mortgages on to the foreigners in bundles. That's the way it works, Dude!
And when everyone has been foreclosed on the wealthy will come in and buy
the houses at pennies on the worthless buck. You can't be so young that you
never heard of what happened when the Savings and Loans ALL closed.
Ever notice.......
the guy steering the ship always seems to know more about where we are going
than the guys below decks.

The corporate money is now being made furnishing the weapons and supplies to
fight these contrived wars around the world.

And also i don't mean to ruin your day. But wining wars is not what it is
about. It's fighting wars and selling weapons and supplies. Have you ever
heard of a 'defense' contractor going broke? Or supporting a peace
initiative or one to bring the troops home?

So if you think Cramer is hokum and smokum. You should have heard lil george
at the Camp David news conference yesterday. He could have made a crocodile
cry. It seems he just loves rag heads and especially the little one coming
up. Their was the implication from the President of the Afghani's that it
would fine with them if we went some where else.
And actually the guy in Iraq said pretty much the same thing a few days

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