Monday, August 8, 2011

update! 8/5/11
Please see small video in center of site page for latest update.
The US has numerous reactors which are similar to the Fukushima's... one through four.

They are of a GE design and most have been modified as 'some' of the problems became apparent.
And this was the response in Japan who's nuclear history is very similar to our own.
The best solution for a serious problem is seems was to cover it up..and just look good.
Would we do something like that as well? We'll, allot of you folks must have some opinion about
that, though i have not heard anyone mention it.
Unfortunately, their is no solution to the danger of radiation as
this is built in to the design and which actually was developed in the sixties here in
our very

It is mentioned to me that these are really not things we can be concerned about
as their is little an individual can do to change the situation.

We'll, i sure hope the kids and the kids, kids will accept that explanation as this is going to be and on
going...problem...and apparently for thousands of years.

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