Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pondering Mass Migration

We are usually presented with stories of mass migrations happening on a
distant continent and involving "those people". Which maybe translated as
they are too dumb and primitive to deal with an impending crisis before it
happens and it then destroys their environment.
"But they probably got kids as they breed like rats so i will send them ten

For most of us our environment is not a picture perfect national park. It's
our tech-know urban home turf.
So is it possible that we could soon experience our lives as a chapter out
of Jarred Diamonds..recent book: Collapse?
Diamond presented it in a historical and Empire grand view. That's other
than his references to the rural setting now experienced in Montana. Though
even that it seems is not for long. Since between mining, oil and grab what
you can any way you can. Land, water and sky are not what they used to be.
And of course this is all taking place while waving the flag and shooting
the Indians.

And as to environmental collapse in our high tech, highly educated and
affluent culture where we ALL view the environmental channels when not
watching 'animals in the wild' programs.

We most certainly are experiencing some of what he describes with regards to
environmental disaster leading to empires collapsing.
And we don't have to travel to.. burn baby burn Phoenix... to experience
part of the action.

Please consider that we living in California which it is rumored is what god
used as a mock up model when s/he later did heaven and stuck it behind the
Plaides. And it's primarily populated by all those dead animals that had
converted to cloths.
You may recall the scriptural quotation: Blessed be the dressed.
Which has brought many a wayward naked soul in to the fold and especially in
the depths of winter.

And as to the question: Is god really the devil? We'll if you are going to
go all theosophical on me. I can say it's also rumored s/he created pain of
course as a teaching tool and you wouldn't think their would be much left
for us to learn and especially since we also went all high tech like.

In California we experience enlightenment everyday anew and in the kitchen
when we brew our organic (fair trade) coffee. And of course we need cool
clear ...tap water. And so turning on the faucet which is equipped with an
electronic sensor and triple micro filtering... and then... Dam, if i
may..... nothing comes out.

Following the coffee brewers 24 hr on line problem solving instructions. We
then us a remote... to flush test toilet 'A'.
We have three to choose between toilets (A thru C) which are each equipped
with indicating lights as to the state of each flush. And A thru C is NOW
indicating ....FLUSH FAILURE.
We are left on our own to translate this test as indicative of no water is
available at this time and a couple of other options which of course we
would leave for Maria to technically clarify.
But we ..of course... respond to this indicated system failure by using our
Iphone to contact the web and then Googling: Flush failure. no water for
California coffee.

Parents sometimes try and teach their kids that food really doesnt come
packaged on the shelves at Safeway. Of course kids are usually too smart to
be taken in by adult fabricated stories like that as their experience tells
them if you want to eat you go to the frig. End discussion.
But it seems no one has taught the parents that water has a purpose and
source in nature and it has nothing to do with our human contrived needs.
Web search hint...When Googling: water.source or god...don't include any
reference to: Alhambra.

The up side of human is we get to wear clothes but the down side is we need
to drink water just like the other animals. And the expression "God!... Dam
You!", won't put the water back in the plastic bottles. Yes folks, we seem
to have created a problem even bigger than what God created when s/he put
clothes on animals.
Of course, it is again rumored clothes where really a kindness on god's
part. As s/he didn't want anyone embarrassed if they happen to look down.

The weather maps shows the nation on fire when we see it illustrated on TV.
But do we realize those brown dry mountains are the former water sheds...
and now the sheds are empty.

Will California from Monterey south have a mass ..human..migration and
exactly where too and how soon? The other animals (the naked ones) we are
told have been moving north for some time.

These issues are definitely being discussed over government kitchen tables.
And of course that's after us children are tucked in at night. And i suspect
the conclusions maybe grim.
We chose a Governor who can bend steel bars with his bare hands but we
forgot to check if he could fetch a glass of water.

And since we are children and want to continue to be children we won't be
told anything upsetting until we see mom and dad packing the station wagon
for our jaunt to our new home way up North.
(No, not the North pole as that's now under water). Even kids know that. But
u could Google/wikapedia it for conformation. Also check: Santa. change of

And definitely don't head for Utah as they have a new spiritually charged
electric fence. They are checking for the LDS eye dee's going in. Another
rumor (just born... again) they the lds's recently turned the holy family
away as they where dressed funny and neither Christ nor s/he where wearing a
tie which of course is the sign of godly-less.
Apparently the lds's mistook them for the Simpson family playing dress up.

So set your 'dash-board directional finder's' destination as Cleveland. Yes,
for us the destination is tomorrows.... New America. And of course you can
take along a golf course.... as the children have to learn real American
cultural values and especially now since deer hunting involves walking.

SiFi? can't say!... But some questions to pose while talking it UP. Where
did the water for the California Delta aqueduct come from and where did it
go and how many 'make believe' oasis does the water splash on down in
southern California. And also how many clothed bodies are needed in S.
California to wash twenty five million cars? It seems even hybrids need
All the above may not follow the rules of grammar. But discussing our not
filling the glass with water makes for new rules.

The quest of the 'scientist of old' was Alchemy (lead in-to gold) But maybe
now with our computers and advanced degrees we will be able to turn the
oceans into fresh water and use the salt to make tofu.
Oops and darn that would take energy and that's something we no longer have
in any state of cheap and plentiful.

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