Friday, October 5, 2007

Librarians under new management - Yahoo! News
Reading the full story you will find it doesnt really seem to be working.
So it is cost cutting and union busting which is the real accomplishment.
A library is not a book store where the incentive is to sell a product and
make a profit.
With a library we are serving ourselves with out the need to all buy
individual copies of books. So this for the contractor becomes an issue of
cutting services and wages to increase their corporate profit.

The library becomes the prison system where corporation run the systems and
cut corners to fill their pockets. Of course we turn our heads on that one.
But here it is difficult to turn our heads on our selves.
So we have to say. "Unions are no good they cost me money" A little saying
the wealthy have taught us to repeat after them.
And since our jobs have gone to China or maybe Blackwater we have plenty to
be resentful about.
And it is always safer to kick down while kissing the bosses foot.
We end up exploiting ourselves and blaming the wage earner next to us who is
also getting exploited.
This has worked for the rulers so why expect change now? Though we could
hope once taken some folks would say hay that's gone to hurt if we let them
do it again.

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