Thursday, May 15, 2008

Vitamin D deficiency linked to breast cancer, study finds - Los Angeles Times

Please note their is references to colon and prostrate cancer also having a
relationship to vitamin "D" levels.
Milk has been fortified with D for generations and this was in response to
children having rickets as i recall.
I have never heard any... controversy regarding whether D is effective as a
supplement for Rickets prevention. The government settled on the RDA for D
of 400 mg in regards to rickets and no knowledge was available regarding a
relationship to cancer at that time..

A 1000 mg D capsule per day is considered safe for any adult and it is
inexpensive. And why not if it might possibly prevent one or more of the big
'C' three?,0,5708641.story
Also, if you plan on getting a good life time dose of 'D' by sun exposure
and your DNA is European based well you are increasing your odds for skin
cancer. We of the puny semi pink skinned have moved to hotter brighter
climes and we are living longer and hence have additional time to scorch our
soon wrinkled pink hides.

So wear a hat and take some D every day and your breast, prostrate and colon
will thank you.

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