Wednesday, September 19, 2007

321energy :: Corn Ethanol & its Unintended Consequences for California :: Juliette Anthony

New products but same old energy scams.
The originating site for this article is also very informative.
This article gives some details as to water requirements for these wonder fuels they are telling us will change the transportation energy sources.
Water sources and water demand is what it will eventually get down too regarding crops for fuel or food.
And who actually calls the shots on all water issues is and area to be closely scrutinized.
If you have seen the movie: Who killed the electric car, it is evident as to how state resource boards can actually be controlled.
Also it was again recently pointed out hydrogen is not an energy source for transportation.
And eliminating imported oil/fuel for personal transportation would be possible if all the current vehicles getting the 25 to 30 mpg where trashed and we all drove vehicles getting twice that mileage.
And they are out their but we are being trained to look at alternative fuels and glamorous break through in technology and keep our fleet of gas hogs.
I believe i saw that also stated in 'A Crude Awakening' a 2 part video on the Google site.
Does that mean the troops could come home? We'll as far as that aspect for transportation fuel for private vehicles i believe the answer would be: yes.
As to shutting down the profiting from our national war machine. No
As to controlling the middle east politically or supporting Israel in their long term plans. i believe the answer would still be. NO

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