Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bush: Kids' Health Care Will Get Vetoed -

you gotta love Saturday morning news stories.
It's like blowing the boilers as the real dregs comes out on Saturday.
This the story of how our glories noble and dear leader is saving these
children from wretched lives.
Because he knows these gutter snips, feeder fish and ghetto trash(read:
niggers*) could only grow up to be drug crazed alkies before they we on to
became criminals and terrorist.

* As Cheney was over heard saying on one of his 'buttered rum' hunting trips
to another good ole boy.
"They can call themselves what ever they want but niggers they are and
niggers they be."

Cheney had a perfect voting record while he was in Congress as he voted
against all health programs for the general public as well as any increases
for veterans. And why not he was never in the military himself.

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