Saturday, December 15, 2007


This gets more interesting or is it confusing with every response from Roy
at Tuk Tuk NA.
I have to conclude Tuk Tuk NA has no marketing plan or sales division in the
converted phone booth that Roy must be operating from.
But somewhere back their is a small vehicle company with a plan and quite a
few models of vehicles they hope to sell. And yes someone is spending money
or start up.
I notice their site was stating they are selling in 32 countries and this
e.mail now states 35. Someone told me he saw them all over Italy when he
recently visited Europe.

And if the mkt for their vehicles in the U.S. would be strongest in the
milder climates disregarding what Roy is telling me why not just find a
functional franchise in California that could sell them and drop ship a half
dozen floor samples and get some orders going?

Am i giving up on my Bajaj?... not likely. But the sales reality is few
folks are going to go through the service hoops and loops that i am
experiencing to keep it going. On mine the drive train has never been a
problem for me, it's mostly some form of cable control problem. Also I
notice the Tuk Tuk is a direct stick linkage. It seems all models must be FE
motors which the driver straddles. And that sure sale item the automatic
transmission is their for those that need it.
I believe the problems for most of Rick owners i correspond with are also
external to the drive line. Fortunately the S.F. franchise back up including
parts is excellent. And not intending to flatter them but they do seem very
competent in an up hill situation.

I think the Bajaj 3 wheeler will probably be phased out by Argo if the Tuk
Tuk  is actually mkted in California as this couldn't be a successful
endeavor for them either.
And also since the 'BAJAJ family' here in the USA has few secrets ...or for
very long...i will send this msg along to the President of Argo aswell. I am
not posting my comments on this subject on the Bajaj owner sites as i doubt
that would be appropriate or to our advantage at this time.
But anyone who wants to discuss it with me please reply as i would be very
interested in your perspective and opinion.

Also, don't be misled by the recent dip in the pump price i believe it is
just a blip in the bigger picture.

----- Original Message -----
From: Tuk Tuk North America
To: larrylewis
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: Tuk Tuk INFORMATION

I think it will be much more easy to address your questions using red type
in your letter.

larrylewis <larry; wrote:
  A couple of additional questions regarding the L5-3... what is the
estimated mpg with a std trans and or the automatic? Thus far testing with
the 2 transmissions has not relfected a noticable differance in mog.
  That mileage mentioned (25-35 mpg) on your site seems very low for a three
wheeler. Is this for all of the vehicles or the larger vehicles? All the L5
models have this variation due to driving habits, mine gets 33. EPA will be
issuing the test results of the tuk tuk and that is what will be used when
they are complete.
  Initial price and operating cost for 3 wheelers is what we first look at
when considering an optional type vehicle.
  3whlrs have always been appreciated by the nitch market and they are NOT
competitive with motor scooters, motorcycles or ATV's for that matter as it
is just a different buyer and market. The Tuk Tuk has been viewed by
evryone, there is no nitch market for them. The Tuk Tuk is an extreme
vehicle to serve in the market in so many ways that it has not been noted as
only a recreational use vehicle for example. The tuk tuk is equal to a 1/2
ton truck in load capacity, and pulling power. With this in mond the Tuk Tuk
fits into every practical use there is. Just let your imagination go wild.

  Which Tuk Tuk vehicle is street legal and in California? Other wise they
are just the old 3 whl ATV which was soon replaced with the 4 wheeler. The
Tuk Tuk is in our opinion WAY above any 3 wheel or 4 wheel ATV, you cannot
use a 4 wheel ATV to leave home, go to work, or use as work vehicle, drive
from work to the golf course catch a round, stop by the Feed Store for feed,
go home, take out to the barn, feed the animals, and repat the next day. Or
in another example: Hook up your camper and leave central California, and
end up in Texas for a vacation. The Tuk Tuk is not a toy, or moped, or atv.

  Also when you ship a unit how much set up is involved by the buyer? I can
send a unit to where the buyer can if he elects to do the final build which
takes about 3 hours first time. Or can send as completre built al you have
to do is Drive it.
  And is this shipping of the unit something that the individual buyer could
receive at a residence or is a forklift need to be involved. If the Tuk Tuk
is recieved Built no need for anything, if sent as kit form, yes a forklift
is needed, unless picked up at the terminal, they will put on trailer, drag
it off your trailer into the garage, and do the build. It is in a steel

  And this is just a comment not really needing an answer but isn't your
potential market in locations with a milder climate such as California or
maybe Florida if it doesnt get blown out to sea? THe Tuk Tuk is a vehicle
captivated by all everywhere. Cold climates are having as much interest in
the tuk tuk as warm. It is water cooled so heat is optional.
  The California importer for bajaj has dealers up and down
the state and i would think you guys might want to do biz as you have a
product to sell and he has the outlets. Actually he has national franchised
outlets since he also imports the Bajaj scooters. We have been contacted by
many Bajaj dealers to carry the Tuk Tuk, some will come on line with the tuk

  And I do share your msgs with other 3 whlers in the mid state area so
their is interest but what i am hearing back is they are not $$$ interested
until they can see a few models on the ground here in Central California. It
sorta the issue of the pig in the poke my wallet stays in my pocket. Word
yesterday in the testing lab stated what else is needed for CA approval. We
are adding everything for them to be approved in the Country of California.
LOL. In light of the added requred materials a CA model will have a higher
price than the Tuk Tuk for United States. Which is normal for vehicles
requiring additional materials to meet CA.

  Well Larry, how was this for help on issues. Also we do have several in CA
allready, in the southern areas, Oakland, SanFran, and Seattle are and have
strong interest, as well as Canada. Remember we distribute to 35 countries,
adding CA we could say 36.
  The Tuk Tuk is a vehicle that will replace the golf cart in some areas,
replace the Bajaj, replace the Cushman. The Tuk Tuk is made for 24/7 use
with NO noted breakdowns. There is NOT any American or other import vehicle
that can boast this. The Tuk Tuk is a dependable multi use vehicle for USA
that will find its place in every use and way.
  Take a look at our newest model, (pic attached) You will see the Tuk Tuk
is and will be a VERY SERIOUS use vehicle, included in new designs are also
cement mixer trucks. We allready do the Garbage Truck.  This shop is our
Thailand testing shop & build shop.
  We are serious about the tuk tuk, what it can do and what it will do.
America will soon find this to be the NEWEST VEHICLE to enter into the arena
of multi use, multi task use vehicles to arrive here in several decades. We
know this and we are allready making preperations for the future, more than
likely when you ask we will allready have a special model tested for your
  Thanks, and YES TTNA is very excited to bring the Tuk Tuk to the Western



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This guy Roy with the Tuk Tuk is full of the brown stuff.
