Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fwd: The Oil Drum | US Electricity Supply Vulnerabilities
This is the practical conformation of Richard Duncan's 100 year oil theory
(The Olduvaia theory) for the survival of a 'industrial nation' such as
ours. 1930 to 2030 is what the bell curve was based on.

The current conclusion that I have read is we peaked world wide in energy in
2005 and are now on the decline. The theory states the electrical grid in
this country will be the most crucial to be affected and it seems confirmed
here that is what actually is now happening.

This has excellent graphics and as well the author indicates water resources
are significant in this electrical crisis. Hydro electric is part of
renewable energy source. Unfortunately climate change is not cooperating to
keep renewable.

For anyone who would like to try and label who these people are who write
this information for the oil drum.
They have frequently define themselves as working engineers, geologist and
scientist in the energy industries.

Politically they would probably be considered economic conservatives and
indorse many of Ron Paul's conclusions.
Though they are also writing from Canada, the UK and Europe.

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