I believe this is the clearest description being offered (NYTimes) of the
two recent Fed rate reductions along with the sweets from Uncle Sam's
pocket. The 140 billion " And Uncle Slippery Sam said unto the children:
"Now you be good and go spend it all at the Mall."
"And no this is not to buy your vote! I plan on stealing that so why would i
buy it?"
Of course the rate cuts are not going to put the R-E industry back together.
Liquidity is not the MAJOR issues at this time it's credibility and trust
and you can't buy those. So who is going to put their foot in the cesspool
first is more where it is at.
Home prices will probably continue to fall.
This dog and pony show may do some pocket stuffing for the investment banks
and aswell the personal credit (plastic) corporation as they will get allot
of that 140 billon since Mr. and Mrs. What Hit Us? Owe the plastic Gods big
But that one liner in Bernanke's statement that employment is softening is
the kicker and in the shins. Or in more technical terms 'No work no buyer's
and this current crop of funny money is NOT going to create jobs. Jobs are
actually not even mentioned as a priority.
Though some of the major corporation see infrastructure as the only untapped
market out their nationally.
Remember, this is a consumer society not anylonger a nation of producers.
This is money to cover the buttocks and maybe delay the visit to the auction
And especially for those at the bottom of what was referred to as the middle
class which really means both working. Isn't it interesting how the
descriptive term 'working class' was replaced by 'middle class' and entirely
based on gross income per year? Though some might define it by the number of
trinkets parked in the drive way.
But back to the issue. What is not acknowledged here with the effort to
manage this monster (as in.. ugly). Without producing something that is
actually needed and within the nations borders the economy becomes ...hocus
It seems the only actual means of production we now have left is the
printing press at the U.S. Treasury and even that has the start button in
the hands of the Federal Reserve which is a private corporation owned by the
banks it supposedly "lends" too.
If you doubt that check out who the share holders of the Federal Reserve
actually are. And most of these are foreign investment banks that you and I
have never heard of. Am I suggesting they are actually Bernanke boss? We'll
it sure isn't the U.S. government in any form.
The founding fathers totally opposed the creation of central banks. They
felt the people through congress should control the nations money and of
course that it also be sound money which means backed by silver and gold.
But please also consider that everything in our lives on this earth sphere
has a cycle and some are short and some are longer but everything cycles.
And that's including all aspects of a nations economy. So for these guys to
not acknowledge that and adapt to market cycles is trying to push the stuff
back in the tube. It won't work as it never has.
Do our great leaders know this? Of course they know it's a scam but the way
they see it is... we don't know it. And it's their scam and the government
for these guys has one function in a crisis. To take the fall and arrange
for the likes of us to pick up the bill for the damages.
After a brief up blip because of today's Fed rate cut the equities mkt
closed..... down. The market is not buying this funny money smoke and
mirrors. And of course the dollar continued to self destruct. Gold and
silver went up. But who has gold? We are told it's only terrorist and mad
men ....The implication being reality is dangerous to our health and well
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