Thursday, January 17, 2008

Merrill posts worst quarter in its history | Reuters

Now this is begging to sound like real money at least in numbers. Though my understanding is the 'Citizens of the Empire' are experiencing somewhere between a 6.8 to 11.7% inflation effect.   And dear citizens it is seriously predicted to get much worse as anything of any value is being vacuumed up by the SWF (Sovereign Wealth Funds) which are fronts for the worlds wealthy countries such as China, Japan and the middle east Freedom and Democracy nations. Oh, you didn't know about those we'll KSA and Kuwait are two of the leaders. And you know all those stick on American flags which we seem to affix to everything including the toilet seat lid. We'll get ready for the great flag of the New Empire which will soon be announced. These new flags will not be imports from child slave shops in China. Our kids will be making them for both export and domestic consumption. We are going to be born again just like the bible thumpers have been telling us. We will become the trinket makers for the world. Our day of glory is again coming.    But anyway, how did we get here? Try... out sourcing.... by the American corporations and of all manufacturing and now services. They made a bundle doing it but now they are being eaten aswell as fast food. Do you think those major investment banks which are being bought by princes in the middle east or SWF in Asia will some day again be controlled by our very own benevolent ruling class? If the answer is: Yes, you may want to try drugs for the problem before you begin to hear voices as well.    The Real Estate industry is not just taking a little nap it is dead in the water and sinking to the bottom so it can have it's rotting corpse picked clean. How about 50% on the dollar? Too high we'll maybe you are right.   And will the government and the Fed intervene? Of course...But not for us fellow citizen.   We are told it's safe to talk about our concern about 'border issues' and they will even build fences for the six o'clock news. And why not? Halliburton has to have something to do between wars. And for some reason that fence is very reassuring to allot of folks. It's like they are going to get their job back. You know the one that got out-sourced to Mexico or China. And no it wasn't the job the illegal was doing. But we can see the wet back cleaning the motel but we can't see the Asians who now hold the purse strings and could care less about the six o'clock news or "wet backs". And yes, truckers can now drive from Canada to and through Mexico. And their is a new form of paper money also being proposed as they soon will consolidate the new Empire for the new rulers. Do we hear any warning from the left or right politicians? We'll not many though Ron Paul has a fondness for quoting the Constitution and reality. I don't think they will tolerate him for long unless he tones it way down.   So school prayer and the drug fiends along with the right to bear arms (until the government confiscates them and which they will.) are all safe subjects since they don't challenge the rulers and it keeps us busy chasing our tails. And that is definitely not a reference to the rulers seeing us as dogs. We are viewed from the top of the cage as in lab rats.    Cash was the advice from the past for situations like this but not even cash is a safe haven with these current inflation numbers.Try municipal bonds! Have you seen a municipality recently you would like to make a loan too. Buying into a tobacco company was always good in hard times but even the smokies are now going up in smoke. Brewery stock has still got a head on it. You are getting... it. this is not going to be a recession this will be depression and people on the street are far more malleable when they have lost it all. They may grumble but they will continue to want to eat.   So what are the possible real options? If it's paying for it's self ...hang on to it. It will continue to depreciate but if it generates any money it's better than upside down and walk away or funds that are loosing value because of inflation.   Also going to the Mall to worship and pray is very acceptable and comforting. Especially if the car was not broken into while we are having that spiritual experience. Also check the fountain at the Mall as sometimes the children find it rewarding wading out in the holy waters for the pennies. Get pictures on the cell for Grandma she also wants the best for the children.   Precious metal will continue to appreciate. But since we have not been told this on the business channel most folks will not be going there until gold goes up another $500 oz. And which it will because the dollar is dieing and blood transfusion will not save it. 

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